Everything posted by Remelad
help with my sr 125
Just did a very quick look on ebay mate and theres sr engines going for £150-£350...seen a couple of cylinder heads on there as well...plenty of them knocking about joe...so hopefully will be alot cheaper than getting all that work done.
Newbie member & newbie biker!
Just down the rd from me matey...ima caterham bod :-)
Changing the headlamps on an xvs125
Depending on how you want thwm to be seen (ie minimal fixings...bulky whathaveya) depends on how hard its gonna be...if ut handy with a welder (migg not spot) then u can do a bracket that bolts on...if you wanna go the quick route you can bend some steel...matt black it and drill and bolt it in place...if ya wanna chrome any fixing...most places charge a minimum so find something u wanna chrome on top...ie pannier bars...whatever
help with my sr 125
1...hello would be nice....2...why would you need to...3...and most importantly if you would like some response on this forum a littlle etiquette would be nice...introduce urself on the new members forum..tll us a lil about urself and ur bikes and u MAY get a little helpful tips...trust me from a forum newbie
Rookie Says Hello!
Hi CB...welcome...as long as u aint got birdflu ur gonna be ok...plenty of help, tips and recipes on her to cure most things
Greetings from Alaska
Welcome to the crew SF...complain about the weather and you will fit right in wiv us brits
Hi from Australia.
Not much dampness ta rust the chrome... welcome aboard
new member - small offroad bikes - switzerland
Your only as old as the bike ya ride on brother...welcome
Hi all
Welcome to the crew mate
Newbie member & newbie biker!
Welcome xvs brother...where abouts in south london are ya???? And ditto noise
Bit of trouble in the road! Any idea's?
Neversaydie is right there...hard to diagnose without seeing it...but from bitter experience at 0500 on a Saturday morning something very similar happened to me...round a corner...hit a drain...chang chang chunk..chain off and buggered sprocket...unfortunately it was a slack chain coupled with worn sprockets...1st.twas my first bike and a very steep learning curve...other than oil at right levels the chain must be looked after like a bimbo on a pub crawl
bike stripped...well mostly :-)
Hehehehe...love ur thinking dt...eeeerrrm...thats a new piece of furniture dear...no dear thats not oil...its rhe new airfreshener Thank u for ur iind words brother...I must admit, think me and noise (and most of the guys and gals on here) are of the same mind...if it needs fixing its a puzzle...I love puzzles and would rather figure it out and fix it myself and learn from it than pay through the teeth for someone else ta do it and not learn a thing. Plus its more my bike if I know her inside and out Thx DT
bike stripped...well mostly :-)
Cough...cough...hehehheehe Learning exactly how you are mate...plus have a mate who knows all u need ta know about maintaining a bike...his has done 180000 and still going strong...prob is I aint got a shed...or garage...am borrowing another mates at the mo...gonna have ta sort it out...maybe get one of those roadworks strippy tent thing and do it on the street...council seem ta love doing it...I might as well :-D
bike stripped...well mostly :-)
DUUUUUUUUDE...that is a cracking bike...wanna swap??? :-) just looked at the pics but what youve done so far is the nuts mate...makes me feel like a right novice (even more than I am) wiv my issues Then again if I didnt have the mrs and kids then I would be doing the same thing...come ta think of it...if you take the family and mortgage I will take the bike on for ya...just as a favor to u
bike stripped...well mostly :-)
Thanks for the advise mate...defo will do...gonna check out ur pics in a mo...just elbow deep in decorating...this is qhy blokes should never have days off that the mrs knows about...they coller you to do 'stuff'...and never anyof the good stuff
bike stripped...well mostly :-)
Thats what I gotta look into buddy...apparently they made the dragstar 125 to originally house the 250...so hopefully wont be too much needed to do to it to convert it... Lots of pics of ur bike transformation please matey...what shape is the tank? Good luck bro
bike stripped...well mostly :-)
Aaah mate...wish I had the time and money to do what ur doing but need the bike back on the road asap as need it for work...dont wanna be using public transport 3hrs a day...got a mate looking into finding me a 250 engine...just for when I pass my test...easy enough ta pull out the old and in wiv the new...then mod it...but that will be next year for me too :-) Good luck buddy...u going matt black or whole new colour?
- YOC patch
- YOC patch
- YOC patch
Get 'em while they're hot!
Wild foamy, could you message me when you do find out please...having issues with my phone not notifying me properly
- YOC patch
bike stripped...well mostly :-)
Well only bought the bike feom a neighbour for 60 quid..came with the knocking...turned out he was the kind of rider who although is a big guy still tried to get the bike to 80mph whilst riding 100 miles every weekend...never changed the oil until it had its yearly service...so its pretty messed up. Have to change 3 thrust washers, 2 conrods and 1 crank pin...time and money is the issue....know a guy who can assemble the whole lot for 25 quid (as has to be done under pressure)...if I get the parts... So its a race matey How far along are you then dude...what happened wiv urs? Been working my butt off ao havent had chance to look on here for a while (16hr days wipe u out) Speak soon bro
bike stripped...well mostly :-)
Well mate there was a knocking from the feont end (I thought) stripped down the end and found......big end gone...more feee play than a facebook app :-( got ta get some parts and get me crankshaft sorted....will keep u guys posted