Everything posted by SwissDTR125
My free DTR125 import
Nice 1 Alan
My free DTR125 import
Cheers As it was a sunny day today I thought I would strip down my bike and give it a good clean. Everything was going fine, but a couple of seized bolts/hex heads wouldn't budge, and after using my impact driver, the weld tacks that holds the square nut/thread on broke and came loose, so now only have half of my exhaust off, but no problem, will drill the head off the troubled bold, and replace. I have bunged up the one end of my exhaust, and did what you guys recommended in my ohjter thread, and filled them up with Causdt soda, and will flush out tomorrow with the hose. It was really carboned up because when i tried to start the bikes engine with no exhaust on, it fired up right away, as with the blocked exhaust on, it was struggling to tick over. Im still getting petrol coming out of one of the overflow pipes when in reserve. Possibly the float in the carb.? Heres a quick pic as I left my bike tonight. Excuse the picture quality, I took it with my phone. Micky
My free DTR125 import
Never thought of that. The seat on there at the moment, is now like new as I have cleaned it already. I think black would look great. Micky
My free DTR125 import
Here is the first of many photos of my bike. I have just fitted a new battery and filter to it, and my next job is to give it a good service as I beleive the float to be sticking in the carb. I will also be giving the bike a treat to a full cosmetic clean as its been standing for almost 4 years in a garage. :roll: Many thanks to everyoine that helped and advised me in my other thread. Micky
Bike covers.?
Thanks guys. R1JAN, love your avatar
Bike covers.?
Blimey, I never realised there was so many to choose from. Yes, your right, I want a decent cover as the bike will be stored in the garden until I make room in the garage for it. Thanks again Micky
Hi Everyone, thought I would say hello, and have a question
Hi Everyone, thought I would say hello, and have a question
Nice 1 Alan, I will give that a go. Incidently, you don't know if theres a parts CD avaliable for the DTR125.? I have just bought a Haynes manual off eBay, but would like to know what all the part numbers are etc on my bike, and be able to search etc on my PC etc. Would be very handy. Micky
Bike covers.?
Hi All, Im looking for a good quality bike cover for my DTR125. Anyone point me in the right direction for one that will fit well, and thats weatherproof please.? Thanks in advance, Mike
Hi Everyone, thought I would say hello, and have a question
Thanks for that, I will look into it. Im going to collect the new battery, and filter this afternoon Will try cleaning the exhaust first to see if it makes any difference. Any advise on what i should use to clean the carbon out with.? Thanks in advance. Mike
Hi Everyone, thought I would say hello, and have a question
yes, it has a leccy start button, and my mate is already green with envy too. the exhaust does smoke some what. i will remove it and try and clean it out, or just buy a new one.? Micky:D:D:D:D
Hi Everyone, thought I would say hello, and have a question
Hi Everyone, thought I would say hello, and have a question
Cheers guys. 8) Can anyone shed some light on my questions please.? How much should I expect to pay for a replacement battery, and filter, and which part numbers do i need if anyone can help.? Many thanks Mike
Hi Everyone, thought I would say hello, and have a question
Cheers Unmutual for those links. Mike
Hi Everyone, thought I would say hello, and have a question
I couldn't find the edit option on my thread, so I'll post what I was going to add to my original post here. I forgot to mention that my bike has done 23495 kilomiters. Is that a good, low mileage for this type of bike.? Thanks in advance Mike
Hi Everyone, thought I would say hello, and have a question
Hi All, I have currently, just been given a 1990 DTR125, its originally from Switzerland, it was purchased by a friend of mine when we were working out there back in 1998, and since bringing it back on a trailer in 1999, its never been used. Its been stored in a garage for the last 5 years due to work commitments overseas. Anyway, back to the bike. I have a friend who has got the bike up and running, and tells me I have been given a great bike. I have ordered a new air filter for it, and need to get a new battery. What is the going price for a new battery.? The bike has the push start. (sorry if all 125's have this, im not too up on bikes at the minute). I have been quoted £35 for a battery, and think thats a little steep. I have been quoted £17.50 for the air filter too. Is that about right.? Heres a picture of my bike as it stands at the moment. I firstly need to get it registered here in the UK, and get plates for it. I have been told that I should expect to pay around £100 for this.? Many thanks for reading my first post here on Yamaha Club, and hope I will enjoy my stay here, and get the help and guidance Im looking for regarding my new toy/bike. Mike