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  1. mungsta replied to mungsta's post in a topic in Yamaha Workshop
    Okay I'll start with the Carbi. I'll have to wait for the weekend as my young bloke has his bike up at his Grandparents place for a few days while on school holidays. Thanks for the help. I need to find a good place for parts as I need some side plastics as well. The forks are shagged too. It's 11 pm here I better hit the hay.
  2. mungsta replied to mungsta's post in a topic in Yamaha Workshop
    Thanks DirtyDT, I will check asap. Just wondering is it a big job to do cranks seals?
  3. mungsta posted a post in a topic in Yamaha Workshop
    Hi guys, I have a DT 175 99 model. It runs well, I have cleadned the exhaust, and air filter. Sometimes it idles high then give the throttle a flick and it drops in revs then will stall. I have squirted some fuel around where the carbi mounts to the cylinder and no change as I thought it may be sucking air. And while riding if you go through a dip at speed it will bog down as though it is flooding itself. I'm leaning towards a carbi kit and float adjustment (not a mechanic but more than capable) or just try and source a new carbi. any advice or thoughts? Cheers Mungsta
  4. Hi

    mungsta replied to mungsta's post in a topic in New Members Welcome Area
    It's a 1999 model. I have a pic, I just need to work out how to upload it. Try this link, it is the same. http://www.google.com.au/imgres?imgurl=http://digiads.com.au/motorbikes/used-motorbikes/bike_ad_photos/digiads_motorbike_ads_156337_1.jpg&imgrefurl=http://digiads.com.au/motorbikes/used-motorbikes/USED-1999-YAMAHA-DT175-BIKE-DIRT%2520BIKES-FORSALE-BEROWRA-NSW-2081.htm&h=375&w=500&sz=78&tbnid=JRZaGPf_qpcjZM:&tbnh=90&tbnw=120&zoom=1&usg=__6qUJcE01qcm25dKu6jjMvKthQhE=&docid=Sc1UFfIMOcvXHM&sa=X&ei=DLfjUbC7LomziAeZuYCwBw&ved=0CDAQ9QEwAA&dur=2348
  5. Hi

    mungsta posted a post in a topic in New Members Welcome Area
    Hi Guys, I have just purchased a DT 175 99 model for my eldest son, needs a bit of a tune up and I found this site whilst googling.