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Everything posted by rjw99

  1. cheers mate will check them out
  2. Bike died, just got it back from Padgetts after they said it was the ignition pickup and said the part would cost £500. Poor student, was hoping to use the bike for Uni but cant afford that price. Any ideas where i can get this part? Ive looked on ebay and there doesnt seem to be anything available. Looks like I may have to sell the bike as is. Any help appreciated.
  3. Wow :-O yeah now I know I guess
  4. Lol ok cheers all
  5. Ahh ok mate
  6. Oh, how can you change up and down a gear without using the clutch? If I revved really high would I be able to change gear? If I had stalled it I wouldnt have been able to start it again cos in 3rd? Errm yeh got breakdown but I was stuck in the middle of town on busy roads, on reflection maybe it was a little unsafe.
  7. Thanks airhead :-) erm I have a dtre and pretty sure its air cooled as it has air vents, could be wrong.
  8. As title. Please could someone tell me the difference. Thanks in advance.
  9. Thanks and dont think any cameras, apparently dt125's are hard to pick up on cameras so not going to worry lol Maybe, just seems strange that it snaps after been tightened. Only £20 tho so could be worse.
  10. Out today clutch cable snapped in third gear, I was like WTF. I couldnt slow down as would stall, I couldnt stop to push the bike because I was in gear. So I had to keep the bike running to the garage, went through 5 sets of red lights, 1 set right outside the police station lol What would you have done? Also the garage tightened it 3 days ago, was he the cause? Did he do it too tight? Is this a common thing? Do clutch cables need replacing regularly? Not best pleased.
  11. recently purchased a DT125 RE 2006 for £1300, which i thought wasn't bad with 12000 and only unrestricted since 10000, reliable etc etc etc Anyway spoke to a mate of mine who rides bikes, he said, never sell it, even if you dont ride it, keep it as they are only going to go up in price because they dont make 2 stroke's anymore. That true?? And why have they stopped making 2 strokes?? Did a bit of reading up, and people were saying emissions, surely that cant be true??? all the shite that China and India pump out and they stopped making 2 strokes because of their emissions??? We could literally turn EVERYTHING off in this country and it wouldnt make any negligable difference to the emmission output of the WORLD. Hm im going off on a tangent lol
  12. Noo I havent put any oil in the gearbox, ive put 2 stroke oil in the engine oil
  13. Oh and it was 2 stroke asda motorbike oil. Not the best but was all I could afford at the time and the oil light was on.
  14. Brilliant thanks alot!!! Will give it a go :-))
  15. Cheers if ive overfilled it can I just cyphen it out? And thanks T that would be appreciated, agree its like an oven! Another night of lying in a pool of sweat lol And Dewsbury, West Yorkshire
  16. Really? I didnt know :-/ will have to just wait till it runs down then. Found this: http://www.r6-forum.com/forums/archive/index.php/t-155491.html Seems to be similar to my problem, this guy tried everuthing to sort it :-/ Ive no money to spend so guess ill just have to live with it. Still dont know why it wont flick into neutral tho :-/ Thanks again
  17. Hi, yes the high revving just started today, and the gears do tend to stick more when hot for some reason. Havent adjusted anything or lubricated anything (only sprayed a bit of lube on the cahain) as I am unfamiliar with bikes. I recently put some asda motorcycle oil in so its pretty full. Havent done any of the latter things you mention, is that what ypu wpuld recommend? Thanks alot for the reply :-)
  18. Strange thing was happening today, when I came to a stop I would put the clutch on and change down to 1st, but the bike kept trying to move forward even though I had the clutch pressed down? Also as I changed down gears it would rev really high even though I was not applying the throttle? And finally the gear change is becoming increasingly difficult, especially around first and neutral. So much so that when parking up I have to get off the bike and use my hand to put it into neutral. Could these problems be linked at all? Thanks for any ideas
  19. Awesome!!! Cheers!!
  20. Just a quick follow up to the trouble i was having with my DTR 125, seems it was me starting it incorrectly !! strangely it starts as you RELEASE the start button. DO NOT keep it pressed down and keep revving to try start it, thats where i was going wrong. Press the start button for a few seconds and release, NO NEED to rev at all! Also just to finish, the choke is on when it is UP, the choke is off when it is DOWN. Hope this helps someone who is having the same trouble!
  21. rjw99 replied to anley111's post in a topic in Dual Sport, Offroad Bikes
    is there a rough time scale for how long to leave the choke on for? i think thats why mine isnt running right :-/ also what does it mean if the bike cuts out when you put it in first gear?? im still learning / struggling
  22. Cheers all! Ill be on leeds uni campus so should be okay, will have to mount the pavement to pass the barrier tho. But dont think traffic wardens go there as its not council. Maybe ill have a word with security. Thanks again
  23. I'm wondering where are you allowed to park your bike in say a city centre? Can you just chain it anywhere where there are no double yellow lines? what about pedestrian areas? what about in the photo below could you chain it to the metal fence? is it ok on pavements? is it ok to chain it to a lamp post at the side of the road, but leave the bkie on the pavement side, so its not on the yellow lines? Do you have to pay for parking in car parks? where have you been fined for parking without realising? thanks in advance for any info!!
  24. rjw99 replied to iandouglas's post in a topic in Insurance
    took out my first bike policy with CN, it was £310 3rd party, fire , theft. dont think its that bad but was expecting it to be alot cheaper as im 33 and have 10 years no claims on my car policy, but apparently that doesnt matter. one thing i will say is CN included AA cover which has been a godsend !! took the policy out 3 days ago, ive called the AA out 3 times since i joined, askied if there was a limit, she said she didnt know, so im assuming they dont care that much how many times you call them, which is a good thing lol just pleased they honored the AA recovery service on such a short on policy period, pretty pleased!
  25. Seriously, THANKS all!!! got it going this morning with help from the AA, trying to start it had killed the battery. gave it a GOOD LONG run today, so fingers crossed for the morning!!! if it doesnt start i will use the posts above to try get it sorted, relieved to hear i wont have damaged the bike!!! AA guy says the piston rings may need replacing if it continues not to start. Thanks again all!!! oh and apologies for seeming rude, didnt mean to be, now introduced myself in the new members area :-)