ya6 125
perfect mate thanks a million for all your help so far, must look into the other bits now first then ill concentrate on electrics if i get that far
ya6 125
the armature is still on it, coil is there also, i am missing the stator and regulator though, i have the ignition and wiring loom, just unsure how good it is, i am missing headlight switches and stuff but im not too worried about that at the moment either
ya6 125
i am missing engine parts though, the points setup is gone off it and reg thng is missing, (not sure of correct name for these) im not too worried about electric start at the moment though anyway
ya6 125
ok so i took off this cover, and was able to free up the engine with a ratchet and spcket, it is turning freely by hand now, next thing is, what is the most basic thing i can get now for to get it sparking with kicking it maybe?
ya6 125
yea i havent a clue what reg plate is or anything, engine number does begin with A7 but none of the rest, il try get some pics up for ya soon man, the barrel is still not coming free from piston it is well caught on it, if iremove the right hand casing will it be a big mess of stuff falling out or will it be not too bad?
ya6 125
yes, as you say it stands me nothing at the moment except my time, i have tried a bit of wd-40 down the barrel its all i have, but have no source to heat it, i have taken the pins out of the barrel as well and it still wont budge, so it definitely is caught up at the piston, i would like to try find something else to work on altogether alright, but will be hard to flog this as is, with the engine siezed and a lot of gasket sealer, on crank cases so someone has opened her up before, plus i have no log book at present, is there anything i can find out about bikes age or anything from just engine number?
ya6 125
way to scare me man!! i dont see myself putting that much into it at all, or even close to it! it was more just curiosity as to whether i could get her going again is all, would parts make much money at all, depending on condition of course? frame loom etc
ya6 125
i have no clutch cable on bike do you have any tips for doing this manually?
ya6 125
ihave the engine out at the moment, but the sprocket moves, free enough but there is a small bit of pressure on it,and tried this already and still not engaging.......
ya6 125
cheers for that reply, problem is i am finding it hard to get the bike to go in any gear at the minute, could be a bit caught up from siting up maybe? what do you reckon?
ya6 125
sorry lad is just a term we use is all, cheers for that advice anyway, i have had the head off but the rest of the barrell wouldnt come free, so im guessing this is where it is caught up, hopefully that is just the worst of it, itsa paon with all the bolts in engine being philips head, and there is nowhere to get a socket on to try turn over engine by hand at the minute......
ya6 125
cheers for that lad, any chance you know where i could download a manual free at all? or at least haveany tips on trying to free up the engine? its seized but dont know exactly what from, its been lying up for at least about ten years......
ya6 125
well best/ cheapest place to source parts, im missing electrics as i say so i reckon that would be a start......
ya6 125
ive been given one of these by a mate, dont know anything about its history at the moment, but she is in a fairly sorry state, i was jus6t gointo sell it on in parts, but now i am kind of tempted to try get her running at least, and looking someway decent, anybody anyfirst hand experience with these?would know where to point me in the right direction, from what i can see, wiring loom is there, im missing glass part of headlight, and missing what im assuming is some kind of reg/rec and pick up fpr elec start?? might not be naming thse correctly now so im open to correction thanks guys!
dt 125 help
this is what i had thought my self actually thanks
maxim trike
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