Ok, she is now at home in my garage. 1992 with 34k miles on the clock and needs some tidying - but that's the fun of a project, isn't it? Oil and fuel were all clean and I wanted to at least find out if there were any pistons in there. Anyway, engine turned over OK but didn't fire up. First thing, take a plug out and see if it sparks. Could only see a very weak orange spark so took them all out and they looked normal, perhaps a wee bit sooty but certainly not fouled. No matter, a new set of plugs and air filter would do no harm. The new plugs produced a nice fat blue spark and the engine fired up instantly with the choke out. Great, at least there were moving bits inside her. However, the engine revved quite fast but, when I pushed back the choke, the engine stopped. I tried again, with exactly the same results so am now planning an eyeball check on throttle cables, settings and carbs. No hurry but at least I know what I'm working with and I do intend to tidy up the frame with the engine out.
So, any ideas what to check for this choke/stopping problem?