Everything posted by beemer328
wide back wheel on a 650 dragstar
Thanks for the replies guys, yes I did wonder about the driveshaft, nothing is mentioned in the link from Noise, cheers for that mate. It looks awesome but as you said, it is bloody expensive, I think I may have to got the route of biggest tyre that will fit on a stock rim and see how that looks. Thanks again gents
wide back wheel on a 650 dragstar
I am sort of getting ideas for a new project, I have decided it has to be the 650 dragstar and one of the mods I would like is a wide rear end, I know the guy who started the 125 slagging off thread will tell me it should not be done, but has anyone on here done it or seen one done. Cheers, Gary
Attention Dragstar XVS 125 Owners/Fans/Potential Buyers
Last time I did the Island we didnt actually see any racing, too much going on in the pubs
Attention Dragstar XVS 125 Owners/Fans/Potential Buyers
When I first looked at buying a Dragstar I did my home work and read every review I could find, read forum posts and asked questions, not one person said it was an unreliable death trap waiting to kill you, as his ramblings are the first I have heard of it and considering how happy I am with my bike then I would urge any potential new owner to take what the op has said as the words of a madman, Also noticed he says his bike is a bobber, so it has obviously has been moddified and done by a halfwit.
Attention Dragstar XVS 125 Owners/Fans/Potential Buyers
Ttaskmaster, I like you fella . I have been riding all sorts of bikes for around 40 years now and I can honestly say the little Dragstar is a great little machine, maybe if I had bought a pile of shit, abused one then I would maybe think different. I assume the OP has owned many 125 Dragstars to be such an expert as I cant imagine he would have such expertise having owned just one
Attention Dragstar XVS 125 Owners/Fans/Potential Buyers
I have seen quite a few dropped bikes during rideouts and while at work, I also know many bikers that have come off, the only cruiser being a Harley being ridden by a mate, which he was knocked off of by a twat in a cage coming out of her drive backwards, I dont give damn what anyone says, what size tyres he had on the bike aint going to stop that.
stainless brake hose, yes or no?
Hi toutsuite, have done them yet ?
Attention Dragstar XVS 125 Owners/Fans/Potential Buyers
Hi all, my xvs 125 is now 11 years old, it has no rust and is almost "as new", the engine is as sweet as a nut and never fails to start. The reason ,I believe, is that the bike is washed down after any rain and is always garaged, everything is polished on a regular basis including the chrome and frame. it is serviced on time, every time using only genuine parts and top quality fluids.OK so its only done 9000 miles and has not had the hard daily rider life most 125s get and has been owned by the more mature riders (old farts), but If you see rust on your bike get something done about it before it gets drastic, regular cleaning and inspection will show up any issues, as with any vehicle, if you dont look after it it will let you down. As for the tyre and steering issues, remember, this is a cruiser, and should be ridden accordingly, if you want to go fast round corners buy a crotch rocket and a leather onesey. If you look at any "custom" style bike you will notice skinny front, fat rear. I followed a Victory vegas on a ride out a cople of months ago and the rider had to wobble the bike round a roundabout and through the bends, bicycle front tyre car sized rear, and I will say he paid a hell of a lot more for his bike than I did mine but they both came out of the factory that way. If you want a cruiser for its handling you are missing the point, form over function. A unicycle is dangerous but when you learn to ride it correctly its no problem. So the moral of the story is, dont blame a company for making a bad product, choose the correct product for the job you want it to do and then look after it. Just my opinion.
stainless brake hose, yes or no?
I would be interested to see what they look like on a dragstar, anyone got any pics please?
What do you use as a bike stand?
many thanks for the links and info guys, clarkegray, how simple is that and for no money
ugly number plate
If I got pulled for having my rear pegs down I think I would get I hate pigs on my number plate
vintage plate?
my wife has a 1972 Mercedes and that had black and silver plates from new, it still has them and nothing has ever been said at the mot
What do you use as a bike stand?
Thanks guys, can you really get them for as little as £60, would that lift a 650 for that sort of price?
ugly number plate
Hmmm Lucky? me? Not with my looks
What do you use as a bike stand?
Ok guys, another silly question but as the drag star has only a side stand, what do you use to stand it on when working on it, ie removing rear wheel and the likes. I even find that cleaning the chrome on the left side is a pain when its on its side stand. I was thinking beer crate,
ugly number plate
I suppose you could always keep the original plate for the mot. I might get a one size smaller and keep my fingers crossed, Due to cutbacks we very rarely see the Ol Bill round hear but I am trying to get away without any points until I pass my test at the very least
ugly number plate
Thanks slice, that sounds like a plan, time to get the jigsaw out I think
ugly number plate
Cheers Campaman, There must be something legal that looks better than what I have got
ugly number plate
Hi All, I have the original dealers number plate on my bike, its like a bloody great billboard and I think it spoils the look at the back, any suggestions of what toreplace it with. I used to use the postage stamp types many years ago but I could not go out without being pulled so looking for something at least almost leagal.
2 Toning My XVS?
Hi Steph, have you thought about ghosted flames in a light gunmetal, I think that would look well cool
screen and footboards?
Hi Steph, you have a PM mate.
checking oil on an xvs 125
thanks for the replies chaps, the torch tip worked a treat, all topped up and ready to go. Cheers, Gary
checking oil on an xvs 125
Ok so it all sounds so simple, just look in the little window, except Yamaha have decided to put a bloody exhaust pipe in front of it, other than removing said exhaust pipe how do you check the level, I have tried moving about under it but I still cant see. Any Ideas please?
XVS 125 advice?
Thanks for the info guys, Well I went ahead and bought it, Genuine 8000 miles, 2 mature owners (both over 45) and it is absolutely immaculate, full Yam service history, rides and looks like a new bike. I have only seen 65mph from it but was expecting less after reading posts on here so am happy with that. I plan to do my test in a few months and then may look at a 650 but for now the little 125 is fine,
screen and footboards?
Hi Steph, Yes I do still have them but not sure what they are worth, I also have a pair of genuine Yamaha leather paniers and frames that I may also sell.