Everything posted by beemer328
looking for a custom
Hi All, thanks for your thoughts, I use the diversion for work but finding it a bit tall and heavy for town work, I am a bit of a short**se and have problems reaching the floor, hence going for a cruiser for work. I have a Harley as a weekend bike and would love to use it every day but trying to keep the miles off of it.
looking for a custom
Hi All, I am thinking of part exing my Diversion for a custom, although I love the Diversion I prefer the low seat hight of custom bikes. The thing is I need to have a top box on my bike for work but have never seen a custom with one on, has anyone on here got one on there bike? and secondly, I have seen a 250 virago for sale, is the 250 any good or should I hold out for a 535 or 650 dragstar? I think my diversion must be worth around £1500 due to low miles, condition etc and I have around £500 to add to that, would I get something decent for that? appreciate anyones thoughts on this.
xj 600 parts
Thanks guys, I will look into it and post up what I find.
xj 600 parts
Thanks slice, any idea if the original chain is O ring ?
xj 600 parts
Hi drewpy, I wouldnt know what a good company would be so hope someone can give me a clue, I suppose all else failing it will have to be off to Yamaha.
xj 600 parts
Hi guys, I am looking at changing my fork seals and chain and sprockets, I want decent parts but without the expense of going to a Yam dealer, so, can any recomend somewhere that has good products at sensible prices please. Thanks, Gary
600 diversion pads
Cheers Slice, I have used EBC on bikes before so I suppose I better get them then, there are some cheaper but never heard of the make so they could well be the bedroom fluff you mention. Thanks mate. Gary
600 diversion pads
Me again, what brake pads would you recomend for the diversion, i hve seen EBC and ferrodo for £35 a set are these the ones to have or do you guys in the know use something else. I only use the bike for commuting and rarely go that fast so dont need racing jobbies. Thanks, Gary
XJ600 Diversion taller screen, Any good?
Nice one, thanks mate, I dont mind a bit of adjustment at that price. Many thanks, Gary
XJ600 Diversion taller screen, Any good?
Thanks slice, I have had a look and seems around £70 mark, but as there is so many dont want to buy a crap one, suppose its pay the money and take a gamble. Cheers for the info mate
XJ600 Diversion taller screen, Any good?
Hi All, I am thinking of getting a taller screen for the XJ or double bubble I believe they call them (not had anything with a fairing before) I want to keep a bit more of the weather off for winter riding. Are they any good and can ayone recomend a place to buy one withouth spending shedloads of cash. Many thanks, Gary
XJ 600 diversion help
sounds like I have no worries then, thanks guys. I must say the more miles I put on the better it is feeling.
XJ 600 diversion help
Doh, Too late. Mind you at 12000 miles I wouldnt think they would be that worn
XJ 600 diversion help
I have been using the redex and all seems ok apart from a bit lumpy on tickover, I have done around 600 miles since I started using redex. One thing I have noticed is that she is very clunky in the first 3 gears, is this natural on these bikes? the last service was about 130 miles ago but that was 2 years ago so I am going to do an oil and filter change this weekend and see if that improves it.
XJ 600 diversion help
Thanks for the info guys I will give em both a go.
XJ 600 diversion help
Hi all, I have just bought a 1997 XJ 600 s diversion, its immaculate with 12000 miles on it. In the last year it has done 30 miles and the year before about 100. when the owner started it before I went to look at it it would not tick over under 2500 revs he drained the carbs and then gave it a run and it now ticks over fine but is a little bit lumpy in the lower (up to about 3500 rpm) rev range. I am assuming the carbs need cleaning but I dont want to take them apart. Is there any petrol additive anyone can recomend that I could try to see if that would cure the problem before having to get the carbs cleaned. Thanks in advance, Gary
xvs 125 mirror
Nice one thanks guys
xvs 125 mirror
Hi All, I need a left hand mirror for my 52 reg xvs 125. I have seen a few right sides for sale but no lefts. Does anyone know if any other models have the same mirrors as my bike. I assume a new one from Yamaha will cost an arm and a leg. Cheers, Gary
riding through the winter
A winter bike would be great but its just finding the dosh to buy one.
riding through the winter
Thanks mate, Im going to give it a go over the weekend
riding through the winter
yeah nice one guys, I will give the ACF50 a go
wide back wheel on a 650 dragstar
I have always been a lover of chops and customs even with cars, I have had quite a few streetrods and old classic yanks (not the shyte the kids call customs these days) I am also a big Harley fan but cant justifie the extra cost over a jap bike.
riding through the winter
this ACF 50 stuff, do you put it on the tank and engine as well as frame?
Luggage options for XVS 125
I got some genuine Yam leather panniers if you want to go secondhand route
wide back wheel on a 650 dragstar
Bloody hell Noise, that is one odd machine. Yeah RatBob, I get your meaning on the handling issues having followed a Victory round country lanes and a couple of roundabouts but it would be for mainly riding to and from shows and sunny days out. I have done with my days of trying to remove my kneecaps on the twisty bits.