Everything posted by greasemonkey62
A pub near Matlock for camping ??
There is a pub in a village called Two Dales just north of the bikers Mecca of Matlock (packed every weekend with bikers) the pub is on Wheatley Road which is just off the B5057 Chesterfield Road. DE4. Its a cracking country pub with a field they own behind it ideal for a short camping weekend as its ten minutes at most away from Matlock. No showers though just an outside toilet/washroom. tel- 01629732260. Cheers Ray.
Classic car and bike show in Sheffield 2nd of August
This is the annual classic car and bike show held in the centre of Sheffield on The Moor, the public are told from noon until 4 or 5pm, but anyone wanting to display has to be there before this time arrive anytime from 10.30am to noon at the very latest, there is also the police display stall with loads of freebies as well as other stalls and several shops open including Greggs, lol. Weather is forecast dry and fine so see you there maybe?? Cheers Ray.
Our annual free to enter motorcycle show is on monday the 10th of august starting at 6.30pm at the Civil Service Club, Green Lane, Ecclesfield,Sheffield S359WY. Several prizes are to be awarded which have been donated by SMC motorcycles of Sheffield, there will be hot food and drinks available, plus the very reasonably priced bar too, a professional DJ will be playing the music. We usually get around 200 bikes turn up, our best is 260 !!! Parking inside the venue is for motorcycles only, cars have to park in the plentiful surrounding areas. We do have collection points for the three disabled children homes we support in these trying times, namely Chancet Wood, Rygate and Rushey Meadows so if you can donate a pound or two it would be very much appreciated. Cheers all see you there, Ray.
Classic Car and Motorcycle show sunday 12th july at 1pm
The show is north of Sheffield in the village of Harley and starts at 1pm, from Chapeltown travel north on the A6135, this road crosses the M1 motorway then look for the village of harley on the right after half a mile.There will be numerous Classic Cars and Motorcycles, plus a band and a marching band, a beer tent, a sandwich shop also selling tea/coffee and soft drinks, there is the usual burger and hot dog stall, along with other stalls selling items from children toys, bricabrac to motor spares. Its only a quid to get in and its well worth it just for the eagle and owl bird show alone. See you there hopefully. Cheers Ray.
A616 to Newark on Trent.
The A616 from Clowne to Neward is a cracking road for bikers, then when you cross the bridge into Newark there is a free car park on the left to solo motorcycles, moored alongside this car park is a bar/restaurant pub ship, great fun and very different, its a short walk into Newark where there are plenty of bars and old type shops to browse around, and a Wetherspoons bar too, as you get to the outskirts of Newark on the A616 there is a biker friendly cafe called The Forest Corner with plenty of seating and great grub. Cheers all, keep it rubber side down, Ray.
SUNDAY THE 30TH of november.
It is the Panther motorcycle clubs meet at the above date in East Butterwick which is on the east bank of the Trent River and south west of Scunthorpe, held at the Dog and Duck pub from noon, all types of bikes and bikers are very welcome on the last sunday of each month.
Fozzies Bikes
Here are some of the bikes I have owned and played on up to now, my first bike was a 98cc Excelsior Consort that I got for nine pounds fifty pence, he wanted 12 pound fifty pence but it wouldn't start so I knocked him down 3 quid, shame but I don't have a photo of that bike.
2013 TDM 9OOcc twin
From the album: Fozzies Bikes
My 900cc twin, which handles very well and quick too, not a racer boy type but plenty fast enough for most at 140mph as tested by MCN. Very easy to ride, not for shorties though as I have longish legs and it can be a stretch at times. -
Manchester classic bike clubs charity meeting 19TH October.
This is a charity meeting, free entry but please buy a raffle ticket or just chuck a quid in the box as all proceeds go to charity, the meeting is on the 19th october from 11am to 4pm at the Sycamore Inn which is on the A635 alongside Stamford Park, Stamford Square, OL66QX. Cheers Ray
Harley classic car and motorcycle Gala sunday the 13th july.
The Harley Gala will have loads of classic cars and motorcycles plus the sidecar club will be there too, there will be a beer tent and burger and sandwich bar, tea,coffee and soft drinks also on sale, a brass band and gymnastics plus other attractions will be there too, it is on the A6135 going north out of Sheffield. Going north out of Chapeltown on the A6135 after you pass over the M1 motorway take the third turn on the right towards Harley village then right again at the Horseshoe pub and park up, entry is only a pound and this goes to Harley village society and charities. It starts at 1pm.
FREE MOTORCYCLE SHOW 11th august in Sheffield
I have posted a pic under the heading "various pics" as I have not got the hang of adding photos on here as yet. It is a photo showing just the lower half of the display area, to be honest I don't have many show pics as I am usually marshalling.
Various pics
several pics of various bikes and just a part pic of our bike show held each august
1962 650CC TWIN AJS, MODEL 31.
From the album: Various pics
My old AJS 650cc twin, its really very easy to ride as the centre of gravity is so low, easy to get onto too, they did 95 to 100 mph in their day, but I just venture up to 60mph on the old girl, rarely go up to 70mph so I avoid motorways wherever possible. -
TDM 900 2013
From the album: Various pics
My TDM900 bought new in 2013, a nice easy bike to ride. -
From the album: Various pics
This is a photo of the front section of our bike show, held on the 11th august from 6pm this year 2014, look on the calendar for details. -
FREE MOTORCYCLE SHOW 11th august in Sheffield
yes if I can find them, lol, I will post asap.
FREE MOTORCYCLE SHOW 11th august in Sheffield
This is the BMPS free bike show, starting around 6.30pm until after 10pm, entry is free to all but if you could buy a raffle ticket or two the proceeds of which go towards disabled children's charities we support please. There are Classic and new bikes on show, the show is held on the Civil Service Club grounds on Green Lane, Ecclesfield, Sheffield S359WY, if you arrive from the Ecclesfield Common end of Green Lane you will see marshals on the right side of the road after the slight right hand bend, enter the grounds careful please and follow the marshals directions for your own safety and the safety of others, children will be around too. There are prizes given for several categories old and new, just make sure you register your bike if you wish to enter once again this is free ! Hoya and cold drinks alcoholic and otherwise are available as are sandwiches and burgers etc etc. There will be a professional DJ there too. We had over 200 bike attend last year come along and take a look and lets see if we can beat last years numbers. Unfortunately if you arrive by car you cannot get into the grounds as space is at a premium, there are several parking areas around the venue and if you arrive after 6.45 then local car parks will be available to use for free. See you there, cheers Ray.
any good rideouts yorkshire area
They have a full online site now search for "The Carding Shed Hepworth"
any good rideouts yorkshire area
Yes The Oil Can Cafe is well worth a trip too, its open every day except monday 10am to 4pm, its a cafe actually in between the exhibits you order your food and it is then cooked and brought to you by women dressed in 1950's style dresses, flared at the bottom and showing a bit of cleavage as they did then, very nice. They have a full menu from bacon butties to a full plate meal not bad priced either, there are a few classic bikes and cars plus loads of memorabilia and three little "shops" that sell old toys/clothes and tools. Next door is a garage that repairs and refurbishes old classic cars so you are allowed part way in to see what is being worked on at that time, the cafe is near Holmefirth at Hepworth village the postcode is HD91AF, the access roads are twisty so take your time and get there rubber side down. Cheers Ray.
any good rideouts yorkshire area
A great run is from Hillsborough out on the A61 through Greno woods, then after S bend turn left at the petrol station onto the A629 through Wortley, but watch out for the tight S bend !! continue through Hoyland Swaine roundabout and Ingbirtchworth, when you pass through Birdsedge turn left onto the A635 down to Holmefirth, I like the Elephant and Castle pub there, they do soft drinks, yes/coffee and a great pint of Timothy Tailors Landlord, with sanrnies sold up to 2pm. The pub is bang opposite Nora Batties house from Last of the Summer Wine series. Go back the same way or go up the B6106 through thurlestone onto the A628 then turn right at the Hoylandswaine roundabout onto the A629 and back to Hillsborough, a great run out.
If anyone follows Moto GP then if you use BT internet you can register for free BT Sport which is covering Moto Gp in great depth starting this year, several video's and interviews are already on their site now, or if not with BT internet you can subscribe to BT Sport on TV . Cheers Ray.
worksop area?
If you head north on the M1 on any wednesday evening and exit at the junction 35 of the M1 (thats the one after Meadowhall) take the first exit and go down the hill for about 80 yards and turn right and go down the lane for 100 yards you will be at the Travellers pub where the Independent bikers club hangs out wednesday evenings, when the weather is good there can be up to 100 bikes there, they are a real friendly bunch who's motto is any and all bikers are very welcome. I also go to the smaller older bikers club that has only a few members on the second and fourth monday of the month 9pm to 11pm and thats held at the Civil Service Club on Green Lane, Ecclesfield, Sheffield not too far from the Independent bikes meeting place two and a bit miles maybe, when I can get enough interest I do set up runs out for them usually on older bikes like my 1962 AJS 650 twin. Also have a 2013 Yamaha TDM 900. I have been to Squires cafe too but I find the Independent bikes meets better. Cheers Ray
Air ambulance support bike show. 30th november.
This show being held on saturday the 30th of november starting at 10am until 3pm, is in support of the south Yorkshire air ambulance and is being held in the Sinemasters paint shop car park which is alongside the Esso petrol station on Burncross Road, Chapeltown, Sheffield S35, please come along and show your support by donating what you can towards this excellent service, weather forecast is dry too!!!! Cheers Ray.
Craven Motorcycle Museum
Sunday the 6th october is the last open day of the Craven Motorcycle Museum, it is east of York on Stockton Lane, YO329UE, opening times are 10am to 4pm, it only opens on certain weekends through the year, check out the Craven Museum website, they have over 270 motorcycles to view and all for a 4 quid entrance fee which goes to charity.
Poor Headlight Beam
I have a Yamaha TDM 900 and find the headlight beam is not very bright has anyone else noticed this, I have just read a road test of this model and that was a minus point? and can anyone suggest a cure? Cheers Ray. Sheffield.