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Everything posted by Lewisarron0808

  1. Dose it's matter what year it is mate as I have the new shape and ant got a rev clock Cheers
  2. Hello people I was told by a person on YouTube that if you earthed a wire behind the speedo your top end speed will be faster and I wanted to try it out, so had a look and there is a few wires there but didn't know what one it was so if anyone knows what wire I should be looking for could you help me out please Cheers Lewis
  3. Thanks a lot mate really need that now time to sort the bike out lol I have been told there is a wire in the speedo that if you earthed it your top end will be better dose anyone know what wire it is please has have no clue Cheers
  4. Hello everyone dose anyone no were I can get a wiring diagram for a dtr 125 of the web? Any help would be great Thanks
  5. Hey and yer a right one indeed well sorted everything else out now apart for the headlight and key battle but will get there in the end hopefully
  6. Is it a easy job to pin the power vale open as am thinking of doing it to my dtr 2004 plate also getting a dep pipe would I defo need to upjett it or what? Thanks
  7. Hello everyone just like to say hi as am a newbie lol Need some help with my 2004 dtr 125 with the wiring as was stolen and loom as been cut down and played with so any help would be great Thanks Lewis
  8. Sorry i did try to delete the other two but didn't know how to do it, we'll I have ordered a new headlight unit and key barrel also downloaded the manual off the web but dose not help me out really as dose not show the wires or owt that could help me our mate
  9. Hello people I am new to this site hope I have posted it in the right one lol Right well my yamaha dtr 125 got stolen a few days ago but got it back lucky but my wiring loom has been messed with loads and need some help so if you have a dtr same year of mine 2004 new shape could you please help my out. I need help with the wiring with my headlight and ignition switch Here is a video of what is wrong http://m.youtube.com/watch?v=4nE5_y7VKsk Any help would be great as wanna get it back on the road ASAP Thanks you hope there is someone who can help http://m.youtube.com/watch?v=4nE5_y7VKsk