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Everything posted by Calum122

  1. Calum122 replied to feliks's post in a topic in Projects
    Haha been there with the old oven trick lol. Putting in main crank bearings lol
  2. Calum122 replied to feliks's post in a topic in Projects
    Looks tidy man. Must be quite the joy to ride.
  3. Calum122 replied to stevecarpy's post in a topic in Projects
    Nice find? What bike did they come off originally?
  4. Calum122 replied to feliks's post in a topic in Projects
    Full nut and bolt rebuild haha. Looks like it's going well. Would it not be beneficial to grab a new set of pistons from wossner or the equivalent? Looks like a lot of elbox grease here for sure!
  5. Calum122 replied to drewpy's post in a topic in Projects
    That frame is lovely. I'm waiting till I buy a car till I strip mine down to the frame. But it IS something that WILL/MUST be done. Unfortunately my bike has rusted a bit so it'll last the summer then down to the frame in the winter and i'll drive a car.
  6. Calum122 replied to wild foamy's post in a topic in Projects
    Jezz tell me about it haha. It's almost been a year...
  7. Calum122 replied to Calum122's post in a topic in Projects
    Cheers lads. It's an expensive hobby but am getting really close to finishing that TZR engine. Can't wait to run it in and open her up fully. I'm not expecting power like my YZ or my RS just interested in seeing what those TZR's can actually achieve. There's a lot of nonesense out there and want to know for myself. Will be and have been doing test videos for comparisons.
  8. Calum122 replied to Calum122's post in a topic in Projects
    Still no Zeeltronic. It was faulty so had to send it back. But sorted exhaut out now should sound better, https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=yD8uN6ADdb4&feature=youtu.be
  9. Calum122 replied to stevecarpy's post in a topic in Projects
    Aww wow. Those crankcases look really good. Almost wish I did the same to mine when I stripped them down I sanded them down as much as I could then sprayed the rest. But I'd rather have done your method. Looking good.
  10. Calum122 replied to Calum122's post in a topic in Projects
    You and me both. I've never done it before nor do i have much prior experience with this sort of thing.
  11. Calum122 replied to Calum122's post in a topic in Projects
    Bottom end is complete! http://i1152.photobucket.com/albums/p488/calum122/DT125/DT125%20Project%20Thread/B93B1F88-DA70-48CC-B021-87B7479C4F9E_zpsz4dnfnbm.jpg http://i1152.photobucket.com/albums/p488/calum122/DT125/DT125%20Project%20Thread/80BCF6E1-B5CA-4C72-9DC1-883AE3DE7FA8_zpsac716mw0.jpg
  12. Calum122 replied to stevecarpy's post in a topic in Projects
    Aww lovely. Definitely want some more photos of the RD itself. Be keeping an eye on this one
  13. Calum122 replied to Tommy xs's post in a topic in Projects
    Yeah I was going to suggest pouring a small amout of rust treatment. On my pipes I just give them a good WD and wipedown after ever use. Nothing much just bought a special microfibre cloth that I only use for that pipe. It's now caked in oil so I just wipe the pipe with it after use and it keeps it clean and protected. I hear ACF50 is good for this.
  14. Calum122 replied to feliks's post in a topic in Projects
    It's hard to think such a small difference would make a difference. Be interested to see whether it does or not....
  15. Calum122 replied to drewpy's post in a topic in Projects
    That's good. My project has cost me more and parts are more widely available.
  16. Calum122 replied to feliks's post in a topic in Projects
    Verniers are a dime a dozen. So long as you don't mind compensating the accuracy a little
  17. My engine it pretty much rebuilt now. Just waiting for some porting work done to the cylinder and then this bad boi will be going in. Haven't heard anything for a long time NEV. Give us a little shout to let us know you're still alive and kicking?
  18. Calum122 replied to drewpy's post in a topic in Projects
    Bloody hell. That looks OLDSKWL! Interesting project. I take it parts for these are solid to find?
  19. Calum122 replied to j0hn's post in a topic in Projects
    My DT still has its original battery and has been left for months without starting. That's fine so unless you've got a cheap battery it should be fine.
  20. Calum122 replied to Calum122's post in a topic in Projects
    Haha! Yeah that wouldn't be the first that had happened to me either! I had that on my Aprilia rs50. Overtaken by a pushbike lmao!
  21. Calum122 replied to Calum122's post in a topic in Projects
    Just a little video of the bike BEFORE I fit the Zeeltronic. So you get an idea of how slow it is.
  22. Calum122 replied to Calum122's post in a topic in Projects
    This will probably be the last post I make on this this yeah. Awaiting parts now. New tab washers. New clutch and springs. Carbon reeds. All of which i'd expect in the new year. I've also dropped my old cylinder off at skellerns yamaha for a hone and new piston. No need for rebore which is good bstill original bore too! 20k miles So here's the last of it. Been assembling the primary drive gears and clutch assembly. Also added the kickstart to the tzr. Enjoy. This took me a while to figure out. Just persistence in the end got me there. Be interested to see whether this works or not.