Everything posted by Calum122
My 1992 TZR125 Belgarda DT125R Hybrid custom project
Haha Quality. Unfortunately the oil bottle is there on the DTRE
The Leviathan Project (DT125RE)
As said I'm just going for more the look tbf. I don't want to be doing tzr speeds on it. I want more a YZ power punch to it. Nice mid range. But also a mean look. Hopefully this will give me that.
The Leviathan Project (DT125RE)
They look pretty sweet actually. http://i1152.photobucket.com/albums/p488/calum122/E11B5A73-40F4-4AA4-A3BB-8F8D419E0000_zpspg1329bv.png
The Leviathan Project (DT125RE)
Oh yeah he ships to the US as well lol I think I read. Cost me £30 to have shipped to the UK. So can only imagine double that for USA for something of that size. But the pipe was a reasonable price. I'll do a GoPro with the pipe on and I have GoPro's of DEP system so can easiy compare.
My 1992 TZR125 Belgarda DT125R Hybrid custom project
Very jel NEV. One question I've been meaning to ask. What is that thing opposite the end can lmao.
The Leviathan Project (DT125RE)
Some guy in portugal lmao! He does a lot of pipes for DT's so probably the best person for it. Although It's going on that TZR Lump And NEV has said 'meh' basically to it. But for the DTR should be wicked.
My RD250LC Project
Cheers Rez. I'm waiting till I can get my hands on a car so I can take it off the road properly.
The Leviathan Project (DT125RE)
My new Exhaust pipe. Hand made in Stainless Steel. Will be interesting to see the difference? If any. I'm slightly worried it might be less than the DEP system. But will GoPro it if anyone is interested...
My RD250LC Project
Haha, Unfortunately It's not a 4DL bike. It's just the motor that i'm dropping into a Yamaha DT125RE that I supermoto'd using Aprilia RS125 Wheels and WR450F forks. I've got a tasty little mod being hand made as we speak. Should look to get it on in a couple of weeks. Very excited.
My RD250LC Project
I've literally just sent barrel to be ported. WIthout the crankcases being done it's pointless I take it? It's for my TZR 4DL project.
My RD250LC Project
I dunno. Not sure I'd trust myself doing that. I can't do it now anyway engines back together.
The Leviathan Project (DT125RE)
I'm a useless rider I'm afraid. My brother said I should let him do the test rides as he's much better. Thank you for the kind words though. Bike has become a big hobby so unfortunately I take it personally when it's slated lol.
The Leviathan Project (DT125RE)
The ignition has made a nice change from standard. Just waiting on Yamaha to finish with my cylinder. All i wanted was a rebore and they've had it for well over a month waiting on wossner for a piston :/ As soon as that's done though I can finish off the tzr project and finally get that on the road!
DT125 LC mk3
Oh dear. That's in one sorry state. The sooner you treat that with a decent wash and loads of rust killer and WD40 the easier the project will be for yourself.
The Leviathan Project (DT125RE)
The Leviathan Project (DT125RE)
Got programmable ignition sorted now. Very pleased with it. Very easy to use and works a treat. With the right jetting it'll be awesome. http://m.youtube.com/watch?feature=youtube_gdata_player&v=SeGT8DWe8gU&desktop_uri=%2Fwatch%3Fv%3DSeGT8DWe8gU%26feature%3Dyoutube_gdata_player
The Leviathan Project (DT125RE)
Very informative and I will take it on board. Read it all and will have a mooch around the web. I've seen these coolants but thoight they sounded a bit mickey mouse. Yeah me and NEV are moderators on the DT forum.
The Leviathan Project (DT125RE)
Okie Dokie. So it's a bit pointless? Granted that sums up my project thread to be fair. But let's say I decide to do it anyway. Are there any drawbacks? Is too much cooling really an issue. I mean my bike reaches 90 degrees in the summer! 50 degrees in the winter. But 90 degrees is a bit hot don't you think?
The Leviathan Project (DT125RE)
Plus there is the fact that there is the YZ125 with two rads and that does alright.
The Leviathan Project (DT125RE)
Clearly you sound knowledgable. So I appreciate the comment. Really I do. I don't. I have a Aprilia RS125 which has about the same power as a TZR125R perhaps more. And that uses a similar radiator which again is huge. From Graham Bell's tuning book he says for every 5 degrees lower you run your engine at. Expect 1% power gain. My main concern is that whilst yes it may be okay when pottering aroundbut how about prolonged exposure to high RPM. I didn't just spend all this money for it to go bang after a couple of uses. I want it to last at least a year before it needs a rebuild.
My RD250LC Project
Aww wow. That's lovely. Those clocks with that sort of mileage. I'd almost be tempted not to bother plugging in the speedo. I'm naughty like that though.... Obviously would sell it with the actual mileage but when can you get clocks with that sort of mileage.
The Leviathan Project (DT125RE)
TZR Radiator
The Leviathan Project (DT125RE)
Something I'm going to do down the line. After spending a few hours today scoping it out it's definitely doable but best results will be if I work from the ground up. So I'm going to wait until I don't ride the bike everyday. And when the bike has been powdercoated I'll look to have some brackets made up and work on it from there. Whether or not these radiators are suitable or not is again another question. Sorry for the repost that was horribly distorted! I'm not quite sure why people keep telling me this. I appreciate not everybody spends a huge amount of time reading my post. It's mainly for my own satisfaction that I both posting. But I'll reiterate my point. I'm using a TZR125R Belgarda engine from which the radiator is this! Standard DTR radiator: That standard DTR radiator is much longer than the new radiators I've bought. But they are thinner. Where as the TZR radiator is much wider and still relatively tall.
The Leviathan Project (DT125RE)
Posted Today, 04:11 PM Something I'm going to do down the line. After spending a few hours today scoping it out it's definitely doable but best results will be if I work from the ground up. So I'm going to wait until I don't ride the bike everyday. And when the bike has been powdercoated I'll look to have some brackets made up and work on it from there. Whether or not these radiators are suitable or not is again another question. Sorry for the repost that was horribly distorted! I'm not quite sure why people keep telling me this. I appreciate not everybody spends a huge amount of time reading my post. It's mainly for my own satisfaction that I both posting. But I'll reiterate my point. I'm using a TZR125R Belgarda engine from which the radiator is this! TZR Radiator Standard DTR radiator: That standard DTR radiator is much longer than the new radiators I've bought. But they are thinner. Where as the TZR radiator is much wider and still relatively tall. **Edited to correct skew**
My RD250LC Project
Ahh wow! Ancient! That's nearly as old as me.