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Everything posted by Calum122

  1. Calum122 replied to Calum122's post in a topic in Projects
    Been pretty slow going on this project. Not that many people are watching it. Too busy going out taking pictures... Haven't worked on the bike. But have been working on the TZR engine. Buying all the bits before I completely dismantle it is taking time. Almost there though, just need the motivation and the free time to sort it out.
  2. Death ash...Great crack! What pooorick! Sold you that!. I hope you got that for an absolute bargain! Cheeky gits. Well it'll be an interesting one. But with a baby on the way projects like these become difficult, BUT not impossible. Hopefully you'll find some time to at least rebuild the engine and get it all legit. I'm interested.
  3. Calum122 replied to Calum122's post in a topic in Projects
    Cheers dude. It's taken blood sweat and tears that's for sure! Months and months without a bike but boi oh boi is she sweet to ride! Yeah I'm game for any ideas you may throw at me. But the problem with the DTRE is that the panels all intertwine with each other. I personally I don't think the rear is too bad. At the moment (where it got nicked) it's cracked and damaged. But once I've bought a new one I'll put some subtle decals on it. Should spruse it up a little. I'm always game for ideas. Hell my bike is just a collection of stolen ideas anyway! The idea for the wheels came from my old bike BUT I have seen someone do something I WOULD HAVE LOVE TO HAVE DONE. Maybe on the next project. But he's used The Aprilia AF1 Futura Swingarm and wheels. A single swing arm DT. DAMN IT looks sweet. Hasn't completed it but I sure would have by now
  4. Calum122 replied to Calum122's post in a topic in Projects
    So very small update. Paid and bought for a VHSA Flat slide carburrettor 32mm. It's actually in very good shape for its year. Surface damage to the carb. Internals are semi good. The floats have a bit of corrosion on them. Nothing major. Will get round to replacing that. The slide chamber is good. Few signs of wear but nothing extreme. Definitely useable on the whole! This photo was before I cleaned it. Haven't got one of after. Expect I probably will take one once it goes in the engine. Use some 'Professional Carb Cleaner'. Actually did a nice job at removing grime. Then I found this in the cupboard lmao! I think I need a bigger one but I broke the carb down and cleaned it all up. Looking good now. Also managed to get a 4DL inlet manifold which obviously can take the bigger carb. So pleased about that. Cost about £100 in total for the carb and the inlet and cage. Will strip the cage down and fit carbon reeds into it. DT is running out of its nine lives. This month I HAVE to get that 3MB00P barrel rebored and fitted to the standard engine. I start a new job next month and can't have the DT top end going. So I'm going to rinse the bars and get the standard engine back to perfect health. So the tuned barrel will be on until I get the 4FU tuned and the 4DL repaired. As of now this thread will be dead until some real progress is made.
  5. Calum122 replied to j0hn's post in a topic in Projects
    SHÍT SON! I was about to say "Oh I like the rear fender no need for the UFO one" But feck me! You have shown me right up! THAT LOOKS EPIC! Can't express how much I would like to claim that bike mine lmao! Very impressed. I want a 'Legalize it pt 2: The Supermoto Conversion' LMAO! Anyway. Looks very sweet. Either get it sold for top dollar and pick up another project bike or maybe consider supermotoing it. I dunno. Depends what you use it for!
  6. Calum122 replied to j0hn's post in a topic in Projects
    I like the way you've worked on thAt. No half jobs here.
  7. Don't worry. Got my 4DL so it's obvious. Chuffed I can bang a kicker on it. One day the starter will go so it's nice to have a back up. Any updates on this nev?
  8. Calum122 replied to Calum122's post in a topic in Projects
    So that's where I'm at at the moment. Money has run dry and I don't want to be without a bike for the summer. So I'm probably going to be working on that 4DL for the moment. Cleaning it up. Powdercoating the cases. Rebuilding the engine and then by the end of the year fitting it into the DTRE and setting it all up for the next year. Hopefully this time next year my DT will be running 24+ bhp at the rear wheel. As you can probably tell money isn't really an issue. If i've got it i'll spend it so expect dyno results as proof once i'm happy it's complete. As usual any questions don't hesitate to ask! Thanks!
  9. Calum122 replied to Calum122's post in a topic in Projects
    So what are my thoughts. Well a couple of months ago i spent £120 on a scored 4FU barrel which is nicosil plated. And NOW i've acquired a 3MB00P cylinder. I've examined the porting work done to the 3MB00P and to be fair I don't think it's anything special. It's definitely bigger than the 4FU00 but I think it's definitely achieveable on the 4FU. So I'll going to run a tuned and ported 4FU on the belgarda bottom end. Examine the photos and let us know what you think.
  10. Calum122 replied to Calum122's post in a topic in Projects
    Quick clean up, head and barrel skimmed as suspect it has warped what with the head gasket BEING ON UPSIDE DOWN! Dumb mothers! I mean it was seriously like 2cm of sediment between the head and the cylinder WTF!
  11. Calum122 replied to Calum122's post in a topic in Projects
    So some more updates. Been riding the bike now for about a month or so. And just starting to get a bit annoyed with the poor performance. I mean sure it's alright for a 125 but it just lacks the power that the setup demands. I mean it looks faster than it is. Which is disappointing. So what engine will be a straight fit and will definitely give it more power? What engine will match the uniqueness of this project. It's got to be something rare, expensive and fast. I've decided to go with the Yamaha TZR 125 R Belgarda 4DL engine. So after a bit of eBay searching and £300 later I managed to get myself a complete 4DL engine in A RIGHT OLD STATE! It's all there it's just messy as hell! Sold to me as a running engine closer inspection reveals that this IS NOT the case. And that I may have been ripped off a little. Nevertheless I'm determined and bored so whilst the slow engine will remain in the bike for then next 6 months I'll work on rebuilding this 4DL engine and tuning it. Have a look at these photos and let us know what you think... It's got all the right markings so It's definitely what I was looking for which is a plus! And now for the bad bits
  12. It's actually kick start. Oil seal. 2 circlips. IDLE GEAR! kickstart mechanism. Kick start nut which are a pain to get a hold of!
  13. Calum122 replied to Calum122's post in a topic in Projects
    Some photos of the old girl as she stands now out and about. Passed MOT No advisories! WELL CHUFFED! Tax'd and MOT's ready to be abused this summer until next winter when the new engine goes in and the frame gets stripped and powdercoated. Can't wait to do that part. I'm going to seriously take my time on it and get it effin perfect! Notice the fork guards. After popular demand I got round to buying some. Also notice I haven't found a space for my speedo.
  14. Calum122 replied to Calum122's post in a topic in Projects
    Got some nice stickers for the rims. Sorry I know this is Yamaha Owners Club but... Managed to get this knocked up, a lovely piece of anodised aluminium It's basically where the headlight mounts into on the new yokes. The bit that folds back has a 45 degree angle and I drilled a hole into it. Pucker job done on that. very pleased.
  15. Calum122 replied to Calum122's post in a topic in Projects
    Some nice and lovely new Fatbars installed Nice speedo bracket made up A beautiful Aprilia RSV Mille Master cylinder installed. Stops those wheels faster than a fat bird eating a big mac! It's lovely. Fully adjustable to suit your hands!
  16. Calum122 replied to Calum122's post in a topic in Projects
    No unfortuantely not. It was done by my father and his friend.
  17. Nev for the kickstart was it just an oil seal you need like the dtre one?
  18. Calum122 replied to Calum122's post in a topic in Projects
    I've just dropped £350 on a TZR Belgarda Engine. This engine comes with a 3MB P 00 stamped cylinder. The dogs bollox when it comes to the 3MB. I'm going to examine it fully though. The bottom end i will definitely use but the cylinder i may shelf. I want to run that nicosil barrel and if i send that off to be tuned in theory it should be no different from 3MB cylinder. Very excited about this. Will get some piccys up soon once i've got the engine back. Got a few more pics of some mods of done as well that i ought to post. So real improvements made to the bike since my last post. Yeah maybe. I'm not going for speed really. More looks. At the end of the day if i want speed i'll buy an R6 or summit. I might take it to my local dyno once it's finished. Be interesting to see how much it will be running. Think i'll get about 20+ after i'm finished. May not sound a lot but it's only a dt125. That has claimed 15. I reckon mines on 11 so thats quite good
  19. Calum122 replied to Calum122's post in a topic in Projects
    Unfortunately I don't have a lathe or a CNC machine lol. So Had to do the trickier stuff round a mates. Sprocket ratio worked out perfect! 12 Tooth on the front and 46 on the rear. Has dropped 5 MPH to 80 but will get there pretty quick. I've got a TZR125 R barrel. The 4FU00 Nicosil plated barrel. Porting on it looks better than the 3MB and like said is nicosil so will dissapate the heat better. I Put a nicosil barrel on my RS125 and noticed a 10 degrees Celsius temperature drop. Pretty good IMO. But it's badly scored and needs a replate. I'm think of boring it out to 134cc then sending it off along with the head and bottom end to a specialist two stroke tuning company to gas flowed and polished. See if I can get about 20+ BHP out of it. Then I can maybe put a 14 tooth sprocket on the front. To give you some sort of idea of the cylinder an its cost http://www.ebay.co.uk/itm/yamaha-4FU-Barrel-piston-vgc-DTR-upgrade-for-DT125R-TZR125R-TDR125-SC125-/200942449326?pt=UK_Motorcycle_Parts_13&hash=item2ec91a72ae http://www.ebay.co.uk/itm/Yamaha-TDR-125-4FU-Zylinder-Kolben-Ringe-Bolzen-Lager-Piston-cylinder-Motor-/321084561754?pt=Motorrad_Kraftradteile&hash=item4ac221995a Hopefully will be worth it in the end though. Despite the $$$
  20. Calum122 replied to Adamjay90's post in a topic in Projects
    4DL Belgarda ey? So this is the TZR RR Then isn't it? The one tuned by Moto Minarelli? Not bad for free. Won't be cheap if you want to get it in peak condition. Parts for this bike are particularly rare and expensive. Could potentially be a really nice bike though
  21. Calum122 replied to Canny lad's post in a topic in The Bar
    FML! An RD500. Absolute See you next tuesdays! Really grinds my gears! Stealing such a beautiful bike :@
  22. Calum122 replied to Nfamas's post in a topic in Projects
    Ha. Quality. I love it when people restore classic bikes. Keeping them alive. I mean it's only going to shoot up in value! Looks good dude.
  23. Cheers. Almost a shame it's only a 125 Especially with the amount of money it cost me to build it lol
  24. Calum122 replied to wild foamy's post in a topic in Projects
    Ah never. Be interesting seeing how this gets on.