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Everything posted by Calum122

  1. Calum122 replied to feliks's post in a topic in Projects
    Bike looks absolutely wicked in that last picture.
  2. Calum122 replied to Calum122's post in a topic in Projects
    This is it for the build. From this: To This:
  3. Calum122 replied to feliks's post in a topic in Projects
    lol. That spray booth. Looks like something out of Dexter! Scary haha
  4. Aww I'm gutted for you mate. I don't know what to say, I'm sorry for your loss. Take it easy bud.
  5. Calum122 replied to georgen's post in a topic in Projects
    Yeah fair enough. It's a funky colour.
  6. Aww wow that's a well interesting project. I can only imagine that it's going to be an expensive one too!
  7. Any updates NEV? Or you just been too busy.
  8. Calum122 replied to drewpy's post in a topic in Projects
    Nice. No photos though Picture says a thousand words and words give me a headache. Much like this project I bet. How come you didn't decide to just rebuild your original engine? Was there any particular reason?
  9. Calum122 replied to georgen's post in a topic in Projects
    Lol. Oh dear. Yep that's only good for one thing now. Still gotta admire you getting it out lmao. I'm not sure I could have. What are you going to do about the fork extension mate? I'm planning on tack welding mine in place before I powdercoat it. Are you keeping the wheels Yellow? Or you going to do something exotic? I've seen a chap on eBay same wheels as mine with his RS had his wheels painted. And they look so awesome. Definitely going to get mine done at some point.
  10. Calum122 replied to Raymond Merry's post in a topic in Projects
    That's an impressive restoration there Mervin. Raymond have you got any photos to update us with. Sounds like you're doing better than I'd expected to tell you the truth. I thought it may have taken you a while before you sorted those bits out. Would be interested in seeing the frame and engine once it's done.
  11. Calum122 replied to Calum122's post in a topic in Projects
    And No I was keeping the DEP system. In case I want to go off roading.
  12. Calum122 replied to Calum122's post in a topic in Projects
    Got my barrel back today. I'm not overly impressed but he's still done a cracking job. I don't think it's much different from standard. Here's the two comparisons. Also he filed down the Powervalve too much and has exposed the dowel. Yay! Now I've got to sort it out....
  13. Calum122 replied to feliks's post in a topic in Projects
    Very nice photography skills.
  14. Calum122 replied to Raymond Merry's post in a topic in Projects
    The before and after photos are going to look amazing haha!
  15. Calum122 replied to welshwan's post in a topic in Projects
    I know NEV had an original looking seat cover made up for his DTR. It looks really good. Unfortunately it was not print on the seat it was YAMAHA cut out and then another colour beneath it. Personally it looks better. Or different.
  16. Calum122 replied to rzresurection's post in a topic in Projects
    Those wheels are nice. Would prefer if it had some panels. Looks so naked without it. Although to be fair probably better as a commuter. My first bike was full fairing and what a nightmare.
  17. Calum122 replied to rzresurection's post in a topic in Projects
    That's okay. Prefer a fairing model. Still not a bad price really. For something of that age looks like in good condition.
  18. Calum122 replied to Calum122's post in a topic in Projects
    A little comparison of my bike vs an Aprilia RS. Hmm still has a long way to go yet
  19. Calum122 replied to rzresurection's post in a topic in Projects
    Yeah tell me about it. By the time I come to buy them the prices will be through the roof!
  20. Calum122 replied to rzresurection's post in a topic in Projects
    Also that makes my heart flutter. Really really really gorgeous bike. I love them 80's look. Square rear ends. Rather that the triangle stuff they release these days. Would love to have a blast on a big two smoker! One day I will get myself an RD350 or something similar.
  21. Calum122 replied to rzresurection's post in a topic in Projects
    Aww wow that plate. Would love to get some small pressed plates on my bike.
  22. Calum122 replied to Calum122's post in a topic in Projects
    My new pipe. Just needs a bit of welding so I can put an end can on it. Thinking about the Jolly Moto end can
  23. Calum122 replied to Calum122's post in a topic in Projects
    Yeah. My mate is picking up a DT in the next couple of weeks so should have some more fun. I was thinking of selling the DEP system but I dunno now. I'll have to see how it goes. The guy I bought it from is really cool. He's even sent me some maps for my ignition to go with the pipes lmao!
  24. Calum122 replied to Calum122's post in a topic in Projects
    Cheers fellas! Received it this morning. Unfortunately because all my mates sold their bikes I don't go green laning anymore But I'll always have my DEP system if I need to go off roading
  25. Calum122 replied to feliks's post in a topic in Projects
    Seems to be common with a lot of companies these days. And they wonder why so many are going bust??? Gee I wonder...