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  1. Nottslad replied to Nottslad's post in a topic in General
    so seems nothing to be overly concerned with. thanks for all the replies. mine runs fine only whines you when lift off the throttle. new bike syndrome and worries!!
  2. Nottslad replied to Nottslad's post in a topic in General
    so all seem prone to whining huh? mines the 750 and got a bit worried as not had a shaft drive before. will do all oils in any case
  3. Nottslad replied to Nottslad's post in a topic in General
    http://m.youtube.com/#/watch?v=wnvGq-pEPUs&desktop_uri=%2Fwatch%3Fv%3DwnvGq-pEPUs type in virago sound on the run on youtube. isnt mine but you can hear same thing, seems to be common.
  4. Nottslad replied to Nottslad's post in a topic in General
    bike is a low mile minter. no nasty clonks of bangs, just this annoying whine when lifting. seems to common on some and not on others
  5. Nottslad posted a post in a topic in General
    I have read that all viragos whine when lifting off. Dropped the oil and clean as a whistle, no nasty filings at all. Garage happy and said its down to the gears having no play so just ride. Can anyone confirm this?
  6. Nottslad posted a post in a topic in New Members Welcome Area
    Just saying hi, virago 750 just purchased. Previously had fz750 and just sold suzuki sv650. Some differences between them!!
  7. Nottslad posted a post in a topic in New Members Welcome Area
    Thought id best say hi all. On the hunt for a xv750 Returned to bikes after a few years out and recently sold mine. Always liked the viragos so please feel free to offer advice on bagging a good un.