Everything posted by Zedfragg
1995 Virago 1100 hesitaion between 60-74mph
I'm really no expert so please forgive me for any useless advice. We had this on another bike and whilst I am not experienced with the XV series I would say check your air filter/air flows etc. Sounds like starvation of some kind so check filter, fuel and any valves/reeds within the carb socks if that doesn't help. Generally, when I saw this issue it was an air issue (perhaps even too quick of an increase of air pressure?) Does it sound almost like it wants to decellerate before it takes off? (Again sorry if this is useless I'm just trying to help whilst I wait for my own question to get answered XD thought I'd try and make myself useful.)
Mutton dressed as lamb?
Being on a 125cc myself and a custom crusier as well I know what you mean about speed but as long as you can hit the national speed limit on arterial roads stick with that. It's more power than I have at the moment (Actually I've just broken down DOH!) but we are limited for a reason. The 2-stroke sports bikes get a LOT more speed but you have more chance of getting yourself killed on one. 90+mph on a 2-stroke engine that has a habbit of seizures after X miles or lack of maintenance = rear lock up and normally broken bones/death You made a good choice with the Yamaha YZF-R125, don't ruin it with unneeded modifications especially to the engine as you'll just kill its life expentantcy and lower its resell value when you move up to a faster, safer ride. (I am also currently a L-plate rider albeit at 26 years old)
Reg/Rec issue XVS125
Hello everybody! Just needed a bit of advice, my bike started losing power whilst on a ride to pick up medication for my pregnant girlfriend and I located the issue. It looks like a duff grounding or possible shorting somewhere within the electrical system. However, I needed some advice concerning the regulator/rectifier, the red wire was loose and had come off and I can't for the life of me find the details in my service manual. Does anyone know which pin it should go to? Actually, it was quite funny I managed to kill the bike entirely until I accidently connected the starter solenoid terminals when trying to access the fuses and it just started up again but this reg/rec issue needs sorting and I need to check all the wires with a multimeter tomorrow. Cheers for any help that can be offered. Scott "Zedfragg"
Yamaha XVS125 - Sprocket Question
Cheers Neversaydie, Common sense should have told me to ask about the rear as well but it didn't cross my mind! I'll have a check of that in the morning, I've ordered a 15t & 16t to see if that suits it a bit better but I should check to see if the rest is still stock. Thanks again!
Yamaha XVS125 - Sprocket Question
Hi guys, Just a quick question regarding the front sprocket, I was doing some cleaning on the bike and removed the chrome faring etc and decided to clean out the front sprocket housing. After clearing the gunk and, oddly, leaves from the housing I noticed the sprocket had only 13 teeth! Then I started wondering, I know this bike had a sprocket change before I owned it but the invoice doesn't say how many teeth the new sprocket had nor the old one. What is the starndard front sprocket teething on the XVS125 please? as I can't find the information via google. Cheers all Zedfragg
Yamaha XVS125 (2001) TDI question
Well, I did some testing for the record, didn't really find anything around the TDI unit. Airbox and rejet, dragbars and a few other mods just to get a bit of experience, it won't go any faster but that's fine. A 125cc is a toy to play with whilst learning for my test at the end of the day I suppose. But I'll be careful not to do anything dumb with it.
Yamaha XVS125 (2001) TDI question
Hi everyone! I've been pretty much entirely absent recently as I signed up, done the compulsery "Ello everyone" intro then got injured on a fence! (Cracked ribs) Great story that I may go into another day, but I've managed a bit of riding and I've noticed that my XVS hits 60mph then sits there no matter if I'm in 4th or 5th gear. Now this has probably been an often asked question but I was wondering... The XV125 Virago had a TDI unit that dependant on which model you had would restrict the bike somewhat. The TDI TNDF44 would restrict you to 96kph (60mph) The TDI TNDF45 was unrestricted in revs and could (apparently) get a bit more out of her. My XVS125 has a TCI TNDF60, does anyone know if that is restricted? and if so is there an unrestricted version? I only ask because the engine doesn't feel completely breathless at 60 in fact it sits there happy barely grunting compared to my old Suzuki GZ125 which quite frankly hit 70mph fairly well but shook me all night long lol I know that people say "Pass your test and get a bigger bike" but this isn't about going faster on a small bike it's about overtaking safely more than anything. Plus I love tinkering, getting me hands dirty and it teaches me something It's a long shot just wondering if I could get some input here. Thanks all! *PS, I just moved this thread from The Bar to the workshop and I'm trying to work out how to delete the previous thread.*
Mine came from my days of league gaming. I was fantastic at killing team mates with frag 'nades and I loved an old game called Z: Steel Soldiers lol Zedfrag(g) Quite a boring name but it's unique!
what was you're most embarrassing spill,drop,fall,crash
The only real accident I've had since having a CBT was entering an A road. They put some proper crappy powder stuff on the road to stop ice forming but all it does is make the road slippy as hell. And I found this out the hard way. I looked over my shoulder to check traffic, it was clear so I eased on the throttle and the back tyre just skidded right out threw the bike into a curb slammed into the floor and dragged me by me foot. I don't remember anything over than looking over my shoulder then seeing sky thinking "I'm SURE there was road there a second ago! Busted shoulder, busted knee, ribs, elbow and ankle with 5 days off work! ----- Had a mate try my bike only to not put the kick stand down properly, I caught the bike. ...Two weeks later after teasing him I done the same thing and just managed to catch it lol What comes around goes around!
Xvs125 dragstar
The XVS125 is really a fantastic little bike. Done a nice little trip to Colchester the other day with a mate on his Cagiva Mito (Avoid them >.>) as he needed some parts from a brakers and it held up fantastically. I'm 5'8 and 10st and it hit 60 (Had to it 70mph when laying on the tank overtaking a truck that was at 55mph) but as long as you don't need to overtake often it's great. It is however easy to get bullied off the road on a cruiser with L plates I find. I had to take a bit more of an assertive riding style to stop people taking the piss and this is where my mate on the Mito excelled as it has a lot of pull on it. It's comfortable on a long ride, doesn't rattle at full whack and is a joy to take around country roads. The only thing I would suggest is Kevlar Jeans instead of the armored textiles I wear. The airbox sits out quite substantially and knee padding can push your right leg out a bit. Has a bit of storage underneath the seat, enough for a tool kit (Should never need it) an extra high vis incase of brakedown (I hang it on the bike if I have any issues on A roads such as cut outs etc not that it has ever happened on this bike) With a pannier support rack and a back box you'll have a tonne of storage space if you plan on taking it for a little bit of touring/camping etc. Just keep her covered, the chrome doesn't like rain and keep it polished (Brasso works wonders) and it'll take time to get used to where the speedo is located as it's on the fuel tank. Hope this helps
New Member Formalities!
Thanks for the welcome everyone! Just finished watching the film with the other half (She fell asleep) so I've snuck on to look for a part for me XVS. The riser dampers seem to be a bit 'squishy' and I like a more solid feel. Although to be fair I don't think they've ever been replaced so they are probably perishing somewhat. Plus I can't help but keep looking outside to check if the bikes still there! lol DirtyDT: I'm in Basildon and thanks for the welcome! Having a ganders around the forum at the moment being nosey before bed, some awesome information around here.
New Member Formalities!
Hello everyone! I thought I'd join the forum as I'm now a Yamaha owner and... Well... Why not! I've been on here a few times already as googles sent me towards here and it seems like a pretty decent place for bike talk and general conversation! Just going to be a short post to say hello as I'm due to watch a film with the girlfriend. I have a few questions I shall bug you all with shortly but for now we'll stick to "Hi my name is Scott"