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Everything posted by mcferreira100

  1. Ok..think I should also try again to get the pilot jet out..worried about stripping it though.
  2. I had a friend in the eighties who was kicked right off his XT (he was a small guy). There is the kick indicator window on the valve cover to make sure you not kicking on the power stroke. They also say push down until you feel compression, then decompress down slightly, take it back up and kick. After reading up on the XT forum I`ve also noted you must kick forcefully ALL the way down and hold there for a second which I think gives the idler gear a chance to disengage. AND STAY AWAY FROM THE THROTTLE. She`s ok when she`s warm but I put a motocross boot on when she`s cold..until I`m comfortable with it. Never kick these bikes half heartedly..put all your weight behind it.
  3. It pulls like a steam train with choke out (I`ve seen now if clutch is good how well they can go..the other one needs a new clutch I think). Soon as I push choke in it starts losing power and eventually dies. After seeing your comments it must be a hole by the pilot jet blocked somewhere..not the jet itself
  4. Thought I would start a new thread on it.
  5. Couldnt get it out..but can see light thru it...does that not mean its ok?
  6. Can anyone guide me through a clutch adjustment before I consider replacing clutch packs? Fitted new cable so no problem there. The manual talks of an adjustment screw behind the cover. I have 2 DT175`s and notice the angle on the clutch levers on the engines very different. The one that`s slipping, the angle on this lever is way more forward. Is this maybe a clue its out of adjustment.
  7. Hi..started a new thread on this. The bike only runs with choke out..soon as choke is in it starts to die. Swopped over the choke from another DT but made no difference. I have cleaned the carb twice now with carb cleaner and compressed air, as well as replaced the float valve and checked float height due to petrol coming out overflow.. All orifices and jets seem to be ok. Need some help here. My next step is to swop over carb from another DT to see if that cures it.
  8. Nope..swopped them over..no difference.
  9. Surely this also points to choke CCT not working. The plunger shaft is bent so wondering switch one over from the other DT..see if it sorts it.
  10. Can anyone guide me through a clutch adjustment before I consider replacing clutch packs? Fitted new cable so no problem there. The manual talks of an adjustment screw behind the cover. I have 2 DT175`s and notice the angle on the clutch levers on the engines very different. The one that`s slipping, the angle on this leveris way more forward. Is this maybe a clue its out of adjustment.
  11. something else must be blocked..replaced float valve..set float height again..cleaned all orifices again..but she still only runs properly with choke on.
  12. That kickback brought back some painful memories of these bikes. Yep the tickover screw worked a charm..she`s idling a nice 1200rpm and maintaining it...also never kicked back again. She`s easier than tuning a DT175 to idle properly. I cut my own hair..so good to get a compliment.
  13. Ok I am at a loss for words on a collection like this..makes my dream garage seem a little stupid. Must be quite a few thousand pounds standing there. What does a person do with so many bikes?? On another topic.. Cleaned carb with carb cleaner and compressed air. Cleaned float valve with sum brasso..adjusted floats. Then gave it a service..new plug, oil filter and new oil..whereafter I went for a start and the damn thing almost took my foot off. Gathered up some courage, put on my biggest boot and went for a start again. Now she runs and idles great after some fiddling. Just ran out of fuel today so pushed her about a mile...whew!! that`s my exercise for the year. What the plug and oil looked like...wonder if it was ever serviced.
  14. Again..thanks very much Tommy10 for the great visuals. Must say, your bike looks brand new.
  15. Yes..cleaned the carb..checked float valve height..gave float valve a clean with some brasso..bike wasnt starting but starts again now. Plenty muck inside carb bowl. Just barely idles..have to stay on the throttle. My DT175 has big idle screw on the side but don`t see anything on the XT.
  16. Any XT experts out there?..like to know how you adjust idling.
  17. I think the front needs to be raised a little..so considering extending front forks. In two minds whether to keep mudguards black..think they look quite cool. This was the all silver version before previous owner went crazy with black paint. The frame and engine have an ugly thick black paint on..will all have to come off. For the tank I want to go black and silver paint scheme with the large XT500 logo on it..(see pic). Would like to go supermoto way but getting a front end and wheels will no doubt break the bank.
  18. Actually the tank is dent free..everyone seems to think that's a dent the way the light is falling on it. I also have the sidecovers. Couple more pics.
  19. Hi..been off the forum for awhile as work intervened with my projects. Have acquired a XT just yesterday. Here`s how she looks..want to get it looking better. She starts easily..only thing when I took it down the road and tried to open up she started dying..fuel pouring out carb overflow..so I`m guessing float valve faulty again same as my DT175...a good carb clean no doubt required. What is with these Yamaha carbs? Although must say bike stood for 6 months.
  20. Thought this couldn`t be fixed but gave it to friend with lots of patience. The tripmeter shaft was bent and couldnt turn. The face looked like a dog`s breakfast and there was glue all over the mating surfaces showing previous owner had tampered with it. After the repair. He did a nice job. Never think these gauges can`t be fixed.
  21. Solved the indicator issue..it was the flasher unit..used the one of the second bike and they now work fine. Must have blown riding with no battery.
  22. Thanks for the offer..will never say no.(I have the 1980G manual..not the 79F) Yep so I have learnt..with battery in place things seem better. Done quite bit of riding now with no more blown bulbs. As for the carb..will try replacing seal for needle and seat..also will try using Brasso to clean float valve.
  23. Nope no difference..fuel still evident at overflow. Surely replace needle and seat then?
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