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Everything posted by mcferreira100

  1. The reason there`s a space in the first pic between me and the 2 white LC`s is we where waiting for another LC which looked as if it was chewed up and spat out. The guy has done..wait for it..220000kms with it, consuming 3 crankshafts in the process. Respect to him and his bike. I`ve just joined this club so will find out more next meeting. It was a good turnout so they now planning a Sunday breakfast run. Got the tshirt as well..pardon the pun. Mine wasn`t the best one..but it was the most original.
  2. Everyone got together today for a photo shoot which is going into UK 2stroke magazine. Keep an eye out for us. Note a couple of waterbuses and a Yam RZ500 (that guy has had that RZ from new).
  3. My DT doing the same after complete engine overhaul. Pull clutch lever in and noise disappears. Its done about 500km like that now.
  4. How can CMS parts cost so much more than Yambits..is quality better?? XT250 Diaphragm from CMS (http://www.cmsnl.com): 60.59 pounds (83 Euro) Complete carb rebuild kit from Yambits: 32.79 pounds (Yambits don`t seem to sell the part loose) Prices include shipping to South Africa (CMS charge 42 pounds to ship that little diaphragm..holy crap man!) So would cost me double for just the diaphragm from CMS than complete carb kit from Yambits..WTF? Next step check what the agents will charge.
  5. Thats why all my stuff got kickstarts..I don`t need this kinda crap. Dunno why modern bikes can`t have them as a backup. Wouldn`t want to try bump start an XT500.
  6. Lasted about 4 months after diagnosis..a really miserable 4 months filled with chemo and radium treatments after which he died anyway. They also tried cutting away the protective skin layer around the lungs as it was the most cancerous area, which didn`t work. He was 67. Picked it up from working on earthmoving equipment brakes and on marine engines, all which were full of asbestos (ships exhausts)in earlier times. Recently all the older mechanics from work had to go for testing as it becomes workmans compensation claims. His wife still waiting for her payout for last 2 years almost (actually doubt if she will get it).
  7. Very sad to hear. If I can offer anything here..friend of mine died of asbestoses (cancer in lungs) a year ago. He spent 58000pounds on treatment which just ended up making him sicker. I know if he could do it again that money would have gone to a world cruise or something where he could enjoy his last bit of time. (my point..don`t give it all to the hospitals and doctors..go enjoy it).
  8. Glad to know you came right Slice..I will remind everyone of a weird carb issue I had on the one DT175 with bowl continuously overfilling. After checking float levels about 4 times, a hairline crack on a brass tube in the bowl was the culprit. The only way you will find it is with a series of blow/suck tests on the carb..damn near impossible to trace unless you`re a carb expert.
  9. Oh and first time I've ridden a shaft..feel some power loss but much smoother than chain.
  10. Took this for a test ride. No kickstart..a huge battery and pretty slow, but nice and comfy. Lovely wind protection and air suspension.
  11. Yup..think too much doubt here..its not quite what I want anyway. Sometimes think I wouldn't mind a Goldwing for comfortable longer trips.
  12. Went to see it today..guy wants 570pounds now..non neg. its been de-registered (not scrapped) as he never rode it last few years, so bit of paperwork issue. He had the tank cleaned with something and says it swelled which is why its not sitting properly..so apparently needs to be cut open and made to fit again. Fuel gauge not working as sender unit gone awol out bottom of the tank. Paint not too bad..good polish will get it ok. I`m amazed to see this bike comes with a detachable kickstart lever which fits under the seat (that's why no kickstart visible in pics)..so could make sure it turns over ok. He is adamant after a carb clean she will start. Hmmmmm....what to do.
  13. Been looking for a large four stroker long time now with my eye more on Hondas..but now this has come up for around 450pounds. Would like something older with a kickstart but at this price I think this is a steal. Here we go again..everything ran fine then the bike was parked for 15yrs so a carb clean on the cards. But will internals (crank) be ok? Having a look tomorrow. Seller is a friend of a friend so think I can trust the history and the guys wife wants the bike gone. Opinions on this bike???
  14. Move to SA..at 18 you can drive anything u want. Damn scary thought, an 18yr old on the new 300hp Kawa H2.
  15. Sad to hear Slice..if it makes you feel better..my RD rev counter screwy after bike fell over and it took a bang while I was stripping (try finding an LC rev counter).
  16. averaging 30deg C every damn day for last 2 months..(had enough..please lets have sum cold weather)
  17. Yep..did wash it (in soap water not fuel..and left to dry in the sun)..might have oiled bit too much. Will wash again in fuel and lower the needle. Must say the RD running like a champ after lowering its needles.
  18. Ok where is Airhead?..good idea..removed air filter and took it for a spin leaving everything open. She ran so much better..no missing at all. So would think new air filter on the cards..but noticed just putting airbox cover back on (without filter) seemed to restrict it slightly again. Suggestions..I`m thinking new air filter and set throttle needle leaner one notch would do the trick.
  19. Thx Slice..spoke to a guy in SA who just started importing the engine ice coolant. He doesn`t believe it could cure my problem..he reckons something not right with that head (even though it was just skimmed). I will wager though, a good coolant will go a long way to sorting it. Not to mention better lubing of waterpump and radiator. Will check out the Evans product.
  20. Damn..still getting a few bubbles in rad although water not rising in expansion reservoir (keeping sidecover off to keep eye on it). Also have not been for a lengthy run as yet. This non boiling coolant sounds real interesting.If its ok to use on this bike it sounds like it could help with my problem. Will make sum enquiries this side to see if I can get it or something similar.
  21. Jeez..ridiculous. Insurance wants proof of belonging to a club..WTF??
  22. Head back on today..torqued to 22ft pd. Started and let idle itself hot then let it cool after which re-torqued to 25. Also tried slightly thicker washers on the head bolts in case things are bottoming out. Carbs also set leaner (2nd notch from top). Took it for a spin and so far all is well..fluid in reservoir not rising. Will go for longer ride tomorrow..weather permitting.
  23. Slice..this the gasket maker I`m told to use..pretty expensive stuff Head looking lot different after I realized stil a gasket on there and sum paraffin cleaning Will give plugs bit of a wire brush clean too.
  24. Ah screw it Slice..gonna put it back together using the high temp gasket maker as the guy insisted I should do (for older bikes) and if it gives me any more crap its going in the want ads. Will rather get an air cooled four stroker anyway..don`t like having to rev the nuts off these old bikes.
  25. See one on Ebay for 49 Euro from Germany..not bad..amazed to see any there at all. But after speaking to guy who did my engine he reckons he`s seen lot of rusted head bolts as those bikes tend to stand long time and water seeps past the gasket. He assures me the head is fine.
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