XT125x misfires a lot and will not idle.
I haven't changed any of the above and it is a full spring loaded system. I'm not too sure where the idle screw is exactly on my carb and where the mixture screw is... It was to my understanding that the idle screw was on the left hand side.
XT125x misfires a lot and will not idle.
Haha hopefully that's the case
XT125x misfires a lot and will not idle.
Yeah that's true, but I could put up with doing the maintenance myself if I were doing silly speeds to cause the bike to break in the first place, but with my XT I'm literally going to college and back every day and that's it... It's annoying me how a few of my friends thrash the s*%t out of their 2 strokes such as the RS125 etc and nothing has gone wrong with them but I can't get above 65mph and I treat my bike like royalty and it's breaking haha. I dunno, I love the bike but its just frustrating y'know?
XT125x misfires a lot and will not idle.
Yeah, I've taken my whole carb to pieces and cleaned it out, but tbh.. nothing seems to be working... when I turn the revs up on my carb it will idle nicely but as soon as I've been riding round town for say 20 minutes and stop... my bike is then idling at like 2000 revs instead of say 1200-1400 I have no idea what to do, it's annoying me and I'm thinking about getting rid of it and getting another bike.
XT125x misfires a lot and will not idle.
I seem to be having a lot of issues with my bike such as misfiring when I'm throttling the bike and even after being sat for 5 minutes with the choke on the bike still will not idle when the choke is released. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=hp91D4DgS9k&feature=youtu.be And it will not start when on the side stand either :\
Idling on yamaha xt125
My bike is only just idling above 1200 not like it's idling higher than it should be... It's just that the revs aren't coming back down as fast after throttling. Oh and if I go any lower my bike just will not idle at all. Just cuts out
Idling on yamaha xt125
So today I turned up the revs a little bit on my xt125 by turning the screw on my carb. It now Idles lovely and doesn't cut out on me constantly... BUT (there's always a but) now when I give my bike some throttle, the revs are staying high and taking a while to come back down to the right idle RPM. Any help?
XT125x Speedo problems.
Look up at the original post, I've posted an EDIT of what I tried and what I found
XT125x Speedo problems.
Still need help with this if anyone has any info to input
XT125x Speedo problems.
I've not had my front wheel off at all as far as I can remember, I hope the speedo isn't broken because that will be expensive :/
XT125x Speedo problems.
So my speedo has stopped working on my xt125x and I can't seem to find a new cable for it anywhere on the net :S Is there such thing or is the fault lying somewhere else? Everything else like RPM is reading fine it's just my speed that isn't showing. It's reading 0mph constantly. ANY HELP!? EDIT: I've taken the cable all apart that leads from my wheel to my speedometer, and it's nothing like has been described, it's like 4 different coloured wires that lead to a connector that connects to another set of wires that go to my main console :/
Yamaha XT125x problems
Okay thanks, do you know of anywhere to get a good guide on a self service on my bike? I'd like to know how to fix any problems I had with my bike myself.
Yamaha XT125x problems
Okay thanks, so if I go to change into 2nd, and after i've changed keep the gear lever up instead of putting it down then it should go into 3rd?
Yamaha XT125x problems
Do you mean keep the bike in 2nd if I keep holding the gear lever up after I've changed? EDIT: Last service was around 4 months ago I believe. Roughly around that time anyway.
Hello from the UK
Hi I'm Aaron and I ride a Yamaha XT125x, only been riding it a year now but I'm loving it Having a few issues at the moment though: I hope to learn more about maintenance of my bike from these forums.
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