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GazzyG last won the day on July 22 2013

GazzyG had the most liked content!

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  • Current Bike(s)
    FJR1300 YP250 Majesty

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  • Interests
    Motorcycling, Powerlifting, Writing and Reading, Heavy Metal, Real Ale and Pipe Smoking

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Newbie (1/14)



  1. Cheers guys! Really enjoying it thus far. A sturdy beast of a machine. The acid test will be Friday when I take it on a long tour of the continent, haha!
  2. FJR was just too good all-round, so decided to get rid and get back to basics with an old school beast. 1981 XS1100 Midnight Special. Bought her from an enthusiast who looked after her very well. I hope to do him justice, but at the same time this bike is going to get RIDDEN.
  3. Both would be awesome. The 1300 has that extra grunt, but is by no means fast. Coming from a YBR, however, even the 950 will feel like it has all the power in the world. Whichever you get, enjoy!
  4. Great stuff! Superb bikes. Not that I'm biased...
  5. Wife and I ended up taking the FJR to Skegness today in the end. Weather was superb. Roads brilliant. Bikers aplenty out and about today.
  6. Not today, but hoping to take a trip to Skeg tomorrow if the weather holds.
  7. You can't go wrong with many, tbh. But I do rate the Michelin Pilot Roads, myself.
  8. This is why I have kevlar jeans and a mesh summer jacket. Gives you some protection whilst still being light n airy.
  9. That's pretty damn unique. Wouldn't lose that in a line of bikes, lol!
  10. I've had a sit on an r6. You're right lol - r6 is a much sportier, more compact riding position. I wouldn't hesitate to recommend a Cat to anyone. Served me well. Main reason I'm getting rid of it - I ride two-up a lot. My legs are short and the Cat is quite tall and top-heavy, especially two up. The 600cc engine doesn't enjoy hauling two of you through town either. Get it on the open road and it'll lunge along, mind. I'm sure the 1300 Midnight Star won't be as fast or agile, but I'm hoping it'll be easier for me to handle and it'll make me smile in different ways
  11. Good lad! The Cat'll put a smile on your face!
  12. Nice work, looks a lot better. I used to have a plastic maggot too! Mine was an absolute shed that had been abused its whole life, lol. Only thing I liked about it was the noise. Oh - and the engine looked pretty beefy too.
  13. Hey Matt! RXS100 eh? I love the little two-strokes.
  14. Hi Matt, welcome!
  15. It BEGS to be revved to 14k. That's where the power lives. An SV650 has quite a flat powerband, from what I recall. Whereas on an i4 600 the power just builds and builds and builds till you don't think it can anymore. Then it does! Gets very addictive. Leads to illegal speeds in no time flat. Part of the reason I'm making the migration to a cruiser, lol. Though I'm very glad I had the 'Cat while I did.
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