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  1. First 600 miles are out of the way and had its service . Now half way through the final runin up to 1000. I noticed that it runs a lot cooler now and the engine is not so tight. I have also found that it sits a little lower than when I first tried it but that may just be the full tank of fuel.
  2. richiet737 posted a post in a topic in Yamaha Workshop
    I have purchased some crash bobbins from a company in Italy. They fit directly to the Engine one replaces the brake fluid bolt and the other (gear side) is mounted on a tab in front of the crank case. I am really not sure that these are going to help or worse still transfer the force directly to the engine casing. If anyone has any experience of this design I would appreciate your advice.
  3. Just to say hello. I live in Stansted Essex and have recently bought an XJ6 Naked which is still running in so I am champing at the bit to get going. Is there anyone else on here from my area?