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Everything posted by Thornhorn

  1. Hi Guys, did anyone ever noticed that the front cylinder exaust sounds very different from the rear cylinder? Also while adjusting the intake valves clearance , I forgot to take out the sparks and noticed that the compression (when moving the crankshaft) was escaping trough the timing sprocket case is this normal? Should I be able to move the camshaft without removing the plugs? Sorry for these questions. but I'm not used to 4 stroke engines.
  2. Also Iceni, did you notice on your Drag that you get a lovely deep sound on your front cylinder coming out from the exaust and a not deep at all from your back cylinder? Eg that they sound very different?
  3. Wow!!! Thanks for the quick replies, I've replaced the manifold and checked the exaust so no restrictions there. Also the high rev and low top speed was with the small front sprocket. Now it doesnt achieve high revs on 5th (it can barelly keep with 5th). There was something I noticed when adjusting the valves clearance, as I didn't remove the plugs, while moving the crankshaft I could here the compressed air escaping trough the timing sprocket case. Is this normal? Should i be able to rotate a crankshaft without removing the sparkplugs?
  4. 1st of all I would like to Thank the forum for all the great info and experience shared. 5 months ago I bought myself a beautiful litle beast. But from the first day I felt that it lacked of power and subsequently top speed. Driving it home it strugled to reach 50 and I blamed the wind. With the with the wind on the back it would reach 60 but it would scream like a 12yo on a JB concert. Following some Mods that I read here on the forum I decided to increase the front sprocket to find that it had a 13 teeth sprocket installed ( explains the high revs) so I decided to install a 14 teeth one but no power to pull the bike. Screaming at 50 in 4th gear and dying in 5th. To try to fight this I have installed a 97.5 jet, regulated the income valves to .09, cleaned the air filter, replaced the oil with castrol racing 10.40, replaced the clutch discs, battery, spark plugs (litium or whatever they are called ) and the carburator manifold..... no change I'm now as when I started but with less 400 quid in my pocket..... I'm sorry for the essay but it went from a dream to a nightmare if someone can share a light it would be well appreciated.
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