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Everything posted by Thornhorn

  1. Take a compression checker with you if the mileage is not real your in for a nightmare. Also the rubber. Manifold tends to crack with age and it costs around 100 to replace
  2. Just done a compression test with oil and got.180kpi on back cylinder and 159 Lou on front cylinder far from the previous 125 on both cylinders.... any ideas what should b my next step?
  3. Update went for a 20ml cruise 2day, the speed and torgue seemed fine even almost achieved 70 downhill but when i got home she stopped due to what seems overheating. Strugling to start and wouldn't stay on idle.
  4. Installed a 17 teeth, uphill 50mph downhill 68mph. Is it actualy meant to reach 70 with standard set or is it a urban mith?
  5. Don't think so, cause when against the wind the revs starts dropping.
  6. Ok so with standard sprockets 16/59 45 on 4th and 60 on 5th screaming like a banshee... can't b right
  7. Yeiiiii, standard sprockets arrived yesterday. Took me from 11:30pm till 1:30am in my small half iluminated garage but its on. Will be trying it today and will let u know. Might pop into a garage to check the noises.
  8. Hi Paul, it seems that I completely failed on the basics. The mix screw was completely off what it should had been (2 turns). It seems to be running better now but still not 100% the 4th reaches 50 and the 5th 60 flat 55 with small inclination. Im waiting for the standard sprocket set to arrive and will let you know the result. Funny that you mention noise from the engine the engine sounds like marbles have been feed into it (mainly in the crackshaft area) maybe this is normal on a small 4 stroke engine but unfortunately I don't have another one to compare.
  9. No. Think I need a special tool for that.
  10. Took the filter out and got worse. Everything is. Standard but the sprocket set. Which is lower than it should be but at this point I wouldn't even consider in increasing the teeth as she can't manage with what she has (14 front 74 back). Could it be electrics?
  11. Test done, getting over 100 in each cylinder so the problem is elsewhere.... any ideas? Also I've noticed that she seems to work better when cold an that I no longer need to choke her when starting which makes me believe that she would be running rich but the sparks have an healthy color....
  12. Thank you guys, im just waiting for the parts to test it nd ill let you know.
  13. Hi Ironlung, I completely agree with you. The problem is that she screams at 60 because she's far from the original settings. With original settings she can barely hold 5th and against the wind is 4th all the way. What's ur top speed?
  14. Thank you Iceny, Ireland is not great when it cames to motoparts. I've ordered a compression tester nd an adaptor. It should arrive next week.
  15. Nothing is going my way.... only garage that I manage to get in had a broken compression tester. Buy the good news is that for the first time i seen that the bike is now running too rich as the sparks were black so I'm ordering a new filter along with the original sprockets.
  16. Lol going in easy its never good :b
  17. Cool, I'll be doing that and will be also visiting the garage tomorow to do a second compression test.
  18. Thank you, the biggest difference was driving on the snow lol
  19. Found this site on Google 5 months ago when fidleling around my new (new 2 me anyway) Draggy. Originally from Portugal, son of a motorbike parts dealer and brother to a mechanic and 2 Motorcross racers, been around motorbikes all my life fixing and messing with 2 stroke engines from flandria to cr 500, up to 14 years ago when I moved to Ireland and due to the weather the bug went to sleep. Now, by faith I was "forced" to buy a motorbike and the biking bug is back
  20. Your right 16 /59 and I was sold the bike with 13/47..... wich makes me believe that I was sold a almost dead bike....
  21. Done that neversaydie, 14 on front and 47 on back. Still no strength to use 5th. Just went to a local garage today to make a pressure test 5bar on front and back cylinder when it should be 11. Makes no sence will go to a different one on Tuesday.
  22. Funny enough I have the same on my xvs 125, so I assumed that it was the discs. I replaced the discs wich made no diference then I fiddled with the pivot pin in the clutch and that made a small diference but its back to the same. If your clutch is not sleppery then don't worry it maybe just the spring on the cluch arm.
  23. Cool ty compression test will follow....
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