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Everything posted by lallasro

  1. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=eW15vi4SLk0
  2. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=WJ3XYHMkFrM
  3. today, short trip in yorkshire, squire, harogate, wetherby, and some others locations, wild routes on gps, something like 70 miles. but the interesting thing is, nobody try to kill me!!!
  4. wtf?! I hate you guys! I pay more/month like you/ year
  5. I clean and polish my bike some like 1-2 times/week and every time after riding in rain.
  6. your bike is new if you compare with some bikes here, and i`m sure you will find more answers here than in other places. how Ttaskmaster say, just they don`t like one hit people and if you come with this attitude you will get answers just from people like me. buy a bike from this century bro not because your bike is old, just because your attitude is to new for your bike.
  7. nothing today, just a jaguar trying to put me out of the road, nothing yesterday, just a land rover trying to put me out of the road... routine... but I hope tomorrow, squire, like every Thursday
  8. I hope not katie version )
  9. I don`t have a top5 but every time somebody ask me about a song, I send him here ... those people make this song great.
  10. Oooooo yeaaahhh, are you serious? you put those.... things in your ears? )
  11. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=MENjFkEAj9g
  12. few weeks ago I had a trip leeds-manchester on motorway, high wind from front, speed 60-70 m/h. after 20 miles I was forced to exit from motorway because my neck muscles was broken. in few days, when my shield will come (and i`m sure is the right size lol), I can tell you how is with and without this shield (menphis shade)
  13. thanks for the link and feedback clarkegray now I wait for my windshield, the cruise control must wait a bit. I get this. and next step will be probably the saddlebags. anyway, after I search a bit on the market, I think Breakaway is the best option.
  14. well, www.ebay.com take a look to prices you are the only one who can say if is to much or not
  15. is not about how much was used, its about materials in contact with... water, air, and stuffs. every year I use to put never used climbing ropes and other things for climbing in the trash bin just because its to old. and to old mean 5-6 years from fabrication date. yes, all, never used! so be careful in witch trips you use this helmet
  16. no, before I buy my bike (2012), I was at an yamaha dealer. he offer me the xvs950a 2013 with 6990 and when I ask him about option to fit an ABS on this bike he said I can`t do this but the bike have UBS. so, I guess is standard.
  17. the 2013 yamaha cruisers have UBS, 950a,1300a and 1900a. UBS=unified brake system... so, you don`t need get a honda )
  18. I don`t have enough balls to do this lol. is a 3 person tent, and we are 2 adults and 2 kids, not so much space, and I use to move my legs and arms during the sleeping time... I don`t want hurt my kids. I don`t like to sleep in a room when i`m in holidays, I hate hotels, caravans, but no choise this time maybe I will take the tent for myself )
  19. anyone here use this on his bike? I want know if you are happy with this and if you know better options. thanks!
  20. ... and be sure you buy the right size, take careful the measures. if is to low, you take the wind in your helmet, if is to big, you can`t see the road because of windshield. if you don`t like how is working your old windshield, check if is the right size. take a look here my chose was a memphis shade windshield. I think is looking great. this is what I chose, black version with quick release here
  21. hi and welcome, we wait some pics with your bike
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