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Everything posted by lallasro

  1. hmm... where is cupcake?
  2. look awesome for his age, welcome to the forum
  3. the f idiot don`t try to switch off muhahaha
  4. close to me, probabbly I will come to have a laugh looking at your racing
  5. ok, I will wait 2-3 days until i`m sure you all want this and I will contact him.
  6. ok, I know how to tell him the front to look.. and de back side?
  7. don`t forget the back side, I will see if he can get some t-shirts this colour
  8. well, I wait you all to decide what you want after this I will speak with my friend to see how much will cost what you want. but now I have nothing to give him, I don`t know yet what you guys want
  9. ...and he is here now, who the f tell him about this competition? all my hopes is going from now lol.. well, what can I say? congratulation tommy )
  10. for 2 pounds I can give you my neighbour cat so you can make a confy cover for your seat
  11. I solve my high back fender problem with a baron lower kit in 3 stages... but I have just 65 kg and a single seat conversion. if you lower the suspension you must forget about caring pillion
  12. +1 on tommy =)) I was wondering few days ago.. why? why the toaster is not here? he is now part of your bike, he must be present )
  13. your friend have a problem with the throttle control lol
  14. thanks for the answers guys, I change the brake pads (on the rear, the front ones are like new... still wondering why the front tyre is a lot more damaged than rear... over 2 mm difference.. I don`t use to much the front brake.. just when I really need, also the traction is on rear so there must be more damage.. maybe because I chose the roads with lot of curves lol) anyway, I also put new tires, new battery,install a riderscann mirror. before leaving I will have done a full service. now, about the money... how you use to pay in europe? travel card? cash? I really don`t want to go on this trip just with cash ) I know nothing about those travel cards but I guess is just in one currency?
  15. a holiday is just a holiday a full licence + a big bike will stay with you long time. ofcourse, not your wife opinion but this is why you need show her who is the rooster in your house... i`m going to make an egg.
  16. few days ago I found my rear brake sized, fortunately the problem was just on the brake pedal. first time I try solve the problem with WD40 and was partially done, but after I get 2 horns in traffic, I was sure the problem is not fully solved and I was thinking my brake light remain on so... garage time, got a complete set of swearing, a incomplete set of wrench and I start dismount the brake... almost broke 2 nuts in my desperate try to unscrew those, at the end I finally unscrew those... nest step.. a f circlip... take in my hands some screwdrivers, in my mouth some swears, lot of pain in my soul and after 30 min I manage to get off this f circlip. at the end I finish the job, fit back the brake pedal, check the brake light and all done. today: brought from halford a professional wrench set 200 pieces, was 300 pounds, I buy them with 150 pounds, lifetime guarantee, and a set of circlip internal-external pliers. maybe is a bit expansive but i`m done with buying tools like this from lidl or aldi.
  17. you must understand, he was on his primera 2.2 ) he can get 600 points + combo on his SR
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