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Everything posted by lallasro

  1. this place is really nice Airhead. where is?
  2. shit, is this that gilera 4V you just restore? glad to hear you are ok... well almost ok
  3. I want sell my raider pro and buy a zumo 590 LM. is coming with charging dock+ original dock and RAM mount. can be yours for 120 pounds + shiping if you are interesed. is coming with NO scala raider, I will keep this. I was very happy with the raider pro, the only problem was with cardo scala raider battery but I change this and the charging dock was on repair because one pin was broken. the map is west europe.
  4. ok, Dan is back from vacation but he still don`t have an answer about the T-Shirts. he still wait to get an answer for grey t-shirts.
  5. look like they don`t make for xvs 125. just oil filters. I wait for mine in a few days but is for 950
  6. after the video is finished, you copy that link with blue underground
  7. I think he is in Easter hollyday, don`t see him online those days, I guess he will be back until Tusday... I hope )
  8. hey guys, I can`t find Dan yesterday but I leave him a message today if he come online to look for me. i hope today we will get the simulation and the price
  9. awesome day, 250-300 miles, no pics, I was to busy to ride )
  10. yeap, thanks this is the easy way lol
  11. ok, now you really lost me muhahahahaha
  12. the GPS don`t was on the dock, and the sound is coming from dock when I fit the GPS in this. I don`t care about this sound, I was just thinking this can be the problem I find my battery flat... tomorow I will buy a multi meter and I will try find if the problem is coming from the dock. thanks again
  13. thanks DT, what is neg cable? lol.. sorry but I`m far far faraway from electronics things. I don`t have any multy meter is good any one I can found on market?
  14. = http://upload.wikimedia.org/wikipedia/commons/5/5e/Nicolae_Ceausescu.jpg
  15. Hey guys! I was hopping I will not post very soon on this area but my bike have another opinion in last 3 days I found my battery empty every morning. the battery is new (2-3 weeks) and don`t have any problem before. the alarm don`t was activated so this is not the problem. all I change on the bike in last days was the GPS holder (is connected directly to battery but the GPS don`t was fitted. the holder was on repair under guarantee and I receive this back few days ago. also I can hear a continous strange sound every time I fit the GPS in the holder, the noises is amplified when the GPS is ON. is possible this holder to drain my battery in any way? any another idea what I need to check? thanks!
  16. I just speak with Dan, Tuesday I will have a simulation again for how the T-shirts will look and a price... also I will need the sizes for t-shirts. after simulation and the price, I will wait a few days maybe somebody change his mind and want buy or cancel a buy. once I order them, you must understand I can`t order more, unless you will pay for shiping from romania. I will pay the shipping from Romania, you will have to pay for t-shirt and UK to UK delivery , via pay pal after you receive the t-shirt. fair enough for all of you?
  17. I saw somewhere on this forum some bla bla about ambulance drivers and how they spend careful their money, is he one of those?
  18. don`t know about yamahas but i have a nice Land Rover Pro Team push bike in the garage
  19. so, we going all for YOC on the back? I don`t want ask him to do 2 kind of t-shirts painting. after we agree on this, I need to know how many t-shirts I will order.
  20. sound good for you what? )) guys stop posting after you come from pubs )))
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