Everything posted by lallasro
Bought two more Suzukis.
...and I was thinking my FJ are looking crap :))
Squires 2015
I must cancel my ride friday because I must be home between 12:00 and 14:00 but I will see you saturday morning guys. tomorrow (friday) I will come just to give kev the camping stuffs... and the blonde. so, any hour that is not between 12:00 and 14:30 tomorrow kev, just let me know and I will be here... that if you don`t come today and I must come today :))
Squires 2015
I will try but I can`t promise :))
Squires 2015
kev, just let me know when you arrive and I will come with a tent, sleeping bag and sleeping mat.... and if you need something else, just let me know
Squires 2015
I get today the f o-rings so, the bike is ready... and the weather still look better than last year :))
Squires 2015
seems like FJ will not be ready until the meeting because I still wait for cam cover o-ring rubers. already 26 days and don`t get them. but i will come with the xvs. the weather seems will be better than last year
Squires 2015
if you don`t change your phone number in last months, I still have your phone. I will send you a text
Squires 2015
so, you have a plan guys? I want join you for the ride out. when you recommend me to come there?
TZR 50 doing 65mph????
is not about mechanically wrong things sooty, they are set so show 10% less. this is happening on my 2012 xvs (this bike was come on the market first time in 2009), noth my wife cars (2004 and 2005) show 10% more than actual speed. if your car show you the correct speed, then your speedo is broken :)) first time I was thinking my bikes have the speedo broken, then I ask my mechanic and he tell me they are set like this, thing confirmed by a biker police officer and if I want check my speed, I should use the GPS because this is giving data in real time. the cops are against using the GPS to check the speed from safety reasons - sometime when is bad weather the GPS are stuck and is not showing you the actual speed and you risk to p;ass a camera with increased speed than the GPS showing you. but in normal condition, you can check the speed with the GPS so you can find out what is the difference between what speed you have and what speed your speedo are showing you. what cost you to check your real speed with your GPS? then we can speak again about your modern car-bike that show the real speed
RIP Oldtimer
find another one, 2 years old, 2 stroke meeting
TZR 50 doing 65mph????
use a GPS to find out the real speed. most of the bikes are showing 10% more speed than actual speed. both my bikes show 10% more speed than I have. so if you see 65, you should have around 59.
RIP Oldtimer
this is sad, I never know what to say in moments like this. RIP oldtimer
gone to the dark side
how somebody here say, if still have 2 wheels, you are still one of us
Squires 2015
man, a 10 min break at 2 hours will make the difference, don`t try to rush. 30 min is not so much if you take 3 breaks
- FJ1200
- FJ1200
OH bugger !
when I was in london to meet samael for his comparison video, I got a screw in rear tire, I fix it with repair kit, I come back home with 80-90 m/h. my wife got a screw on her car, I fix it with the same repair kit, now she have 5000 miles with this tyre repaired with this repair kit. when she was on a service to repair another tyre, she ask the mechanic to remove and properly fix where I repair and he say there is no reason to remove it and fix it properly because the old fix is strong and good enough... that was after 3500 miles. the repair kit look like this one: http://www.ebay.co.uk/itm/UNIVERSAL-MOTORCYCLE-BIKE-ATV-QUAD-CAR-BICYCLE-PUNCTURE-TYRE-REPAIR-KIT-TUBELESS-/231196949129?hash=item35d4697a89
thanks jimmy, is first time, I make lot of mistakes but next time I know what to do... also I will have a compressor, a paint gun and a covered area in my backyard where I will do the job to avoid flyers, spider nets, rain and dust to destroy my work . spraying is a hell especially in open area. anyway, for first time its looking good. I learn a lot from this one. now I have to learn to fit back everything :))
~~Daily Feed, post what made you laugh today ~~
today I put all fairings together for a pic. glad I do this because I find a small hole in my tank that fooked my paint. I have no idea how to fix it, I use a soldering iron to fix for the moment this problem. now, the problem is I don`t have enough o-ring rubbers and bolts to fit all those things back, anyone have some things like those in the last picture for sale? especially the big o-rings rubbers:
- FJ1200
I can`t do this slice because i`m not payed member, they don`t have an option to pay with paypal (same problem with this forum) and I will not use the debit card to buy stuffs online. anyway, I still have things to do on the bike and probably will take me 4-5 days to fit back everything I remove :)) I want clean a bit the engine (outside) what products do you use guys?
all parts get the paint, tomorrow if is the same great day as today, 4-5 clear apply and wet sanding. I want do it alone drewpy, this bike is just for tests, I want practice on her :)). I also paint some bits and a part of the frame to make her look a bit better but is a cowboy job, i`m not ready to remove everything from the frame and completely paint it :)) to much work to find out how to rebuild it and if I do this probably I will have the chance to ride it in 2-3 years :)). I still wait for the fookin bolt I broken and the o-ring rubbers for the cam cover. but I hope I will get them in 1-2 weeks (ajsutton don`t have them in stock and probably they have to bring them from japan or US)
the front mudguard that I use for testing is almost done need wet sanding and apply clear. the result is acceptable. in the pics don`t look so good but its ok I hope I will get the clear tomorrow so I can continue with other parts.
Bluddy forums playing up again
nothing, its a laptop. when you reinstall last time the windows?