Everything posted by lallasro
Poor running xvs650
try this BTW, where is gizmo?!
Yamaha XV950 Comfort Seat
I had that problem with standard seat on my xvs950 (the custom touring version of yours) I buy a mustang seat from US, cost me almost £450 I think with taxes, but is a vintage style with a backrest, the normal version is something around £350, with standard one, a lot of pain after 60-100 miles. with mustang one, I do almost 2000 miles in 36 hours with no pain at all. you can start take a look here http://www.mustangseats.com/Category/Seats
Dead xvs1300
did you check the fuses?
Adjustable clutch lever for wrist pain?
if you can do something to remove the angle of the cable is a good idea to do it, at this angle your cable may be damaged in time... I think
Yamaha LS2-100 refuses to run. Please help!
yeap, sound like a switch or wire fault. remove the switch and see what happening if you connect the wires directly
ROH 2016
fuel tank leak
did you use yellow primer? if there is any seal, this can lost his property because of the heat from engine so I guess this is the point you should start. is looking like this maybe? http://yambits.co.uk/xvs650-dragstar-fuel-tap-tank-ring-p-26118.html user noise should know ... ah, wait, he fit a toaster on his drag
Older degreasing methods?
before 90, in romania we use diesel for this. this was the official degreaser for this job :))
Croft tomorrow
sounds like lot of fun that is what you ask BH? Croft Circuit, West Ln, Dalton-on-Tees, Darlington DL2 2PL
- new bike
new bike
is not about cleaning unfortunately I remove the cables and the motor act the same way, I will try tomorrow to find a way to remove the motor to take a look inside, I think I will have to remove a lot of stuffs to get the motor out lol
new bike
the bike have fitted the crap datatool alarm on it, I will upgrade soon with latest scorpio. I drop some water on it today to remove all the mud I collect yesterday, I hope tomorrow to have more time to give her a good clean
- new bike
- new bike
new bike
back home... is hard to describe how I feel.. is something like... i`m f big and everything around me is f small and without importance :)) drewpy, any time you can come, just let me know so I will be sure somebody is home when you come for it I will pm you my address and phone
- new bike
new bike
my wife will bring me there, in fraserburgh, I plan to go with the train but the f virgin site don`t work, i can`t book the ticket :)) i`m up for a meeting if you are free :)) I bring the booze :)) we will leave this night, so we will be in fraserburgh around 8-9 in the morning
- new bike
- new bike
- new bike
new bike
Hi guys! from yesterday, i`m the happy owner of an Yamaha xv1900a stratoliner, unfortunately I can`t go in Scotland until Monday so, the only pics are from the ebay advent www.ebay.co.uk/itm/231921333171 (click on the first pic to see more) I hope is working can`t wait to get her home
Where did all those years go
Happy Birthday!
Problem with speedometer/odometer? HELP!
the law is the same for all companies, I have doubts the law is different in US for speedometers. think about this: a new tyre give you more speed/rotation than a warm tyre. also the tyre pressure can modify your speed. there is also the human factor, you can try to ride with legal speed but you are not perfect so you may go faster with 1m/h. all those things can make you broke the speed law theoretically so, to be sure you are not in danger to do this, they set the speedo to show around 10% more speed than actually you have. that way you are not in danger to broke the law if you don`t want to do it.
Problem with speedometer/odometer? HELP!
sorry, my english is crap, so I try again: your friend`s speedometer is broken. his speedometer should show more speed than the GPS, because the GPS show the real speed and a speedometer MUST show more speed than the real speed with 6-10%. is not your speedometer fault, they are come with this setup from factory.
Problem with speedometer/odometer? HELP!
your speedo is ok, your friend speedo is broken. the speedo should show around 6-10% more speed that actually you have, depending of the tyres worn and other factors. I had an increase of fuel consumption when I cut the oxigen sensor on my bike. did you cut the oxigen sensor when you change your muffler?