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Everything posted by lallasro

  1. you can buy a lot of really good games with those money you spend on this crap game the only GTA I recon like a good game is GTA2... of course now is a shit game but was a top game after GTA 2 they transform the game in a version of quake or lets kill some zombies game. the graphic is crap, the story is zero... and for this you pay money. I just can`t understand this game you can contact them on customer support and ask them to change your email address, also tell them your problem. they will solve your both problems because they need your money.
  2. feel free to edit the post in english foamy if you have some time lol
  3. Lithium Polymer Battery3.7 Volts 400 mAh. The dimesions are 1,9" x 0.75" x 0.16" (49mm x 19mm x 4,5mm) link seller the battery I use for my solo is from Ebay, some people say is not fitting but in my solo rider was perfect. you have the link (IPOD) in first post
  4. get hero 3 black edition, is better than silver. I think you have inside what you need to fit on your helmet also.
  5. I also make 20-30 videos with bears but are all in Romania, I don`t take the videos and pictures with me in UK. some are f funny. if I don`t forget, when i`m going in Romania I will take those with me. some people feed those bears from hand directly. is amazing but also dangerous. especially if the mother bear have a little bear with her. In Romania I work for a period like climbing monitor for kids... camping with kids 4-14 years old in montain. imagine how is to know you have 30 kids sleeping in tents and we must keep them safe.. you don`t sleep to much most funny moments with a bear was in Apuseni montains, at Gentiana chalet (I think chaled is the corect word for this kind of building, in romanian is cabana.. probabbly caban is also a word in english for this), when we was a group of 6-7 people inside, and Mitica (the local bear) get inside the buildings.. a few seconds , was a deadly silence... untill the woman who administrate the building come with a brush, hit the bear in head and swearing until he run outside. for me, the most scary moments with a bear was in Piatra Craiului at age of 19-20 I think, when a bear get inside of the refuge where I was sleeping. the door of this refuge is f small but also the bear don`t was the bigest I ever saw.. anyway i`m still amazed how he deal to get inside on this door. he eat the food I leave on the table, and leave me alone. I was 10 min at 1,5 m from a bear with no defence. just to understand how the situation was, this is a picture with Palatul Craitei, the refuge. http://www.romaniantour.eu/images_mm/tours/anghelide/pc_anghelide_22.jpg
  6. not if you buy a bear from Romania
  7. 3 weeks ago my scala rider battery die, I try to find another battery to buy but surprise!!! the scala raider batteries can`t be replaced.. hmmm, contact scala raider customer support and the answer was something like we don`t change batteries in europe for our intercomunicators... really? I don`t give a F if you change or not batteries, I want buy a battery where I can found one? the answer was "you can`t found"... hmmm... again. so, if your battery is dead, you must pay another over 100 pounds for another new and shiny scala raider I do some search and the only place I can buy this battery, is on the company who produce them... and you can buy just if you want more than 1000 pcs... ok, I like my scala rider but not so much to buy 1000 batteries. after another search I found on website some forums where the people had the same problems and some find a way to solve this problem... there is on the market an IPOD battery with the same specification you can use to change your scala rider battery so, you need 2 screwdrivers (cross and star)... don`t know what is the name for this 2 kind of screw drivers but I`m sure you know what I speak about, also you need a knife to cut the protective film on the battery and a soldering gun. the tools the old battery the new battery me at work closer view the prove is working so... cost me 6,5 pounds and now I have a better battery than scala raider old battery. the old battery is working 7 hours, this one 10 hours edit: i`m going now to send this link to the moron from scala rider customer support who try make me buy another one.
  8. ...and you want start now speaking about how police logic work and how they approve various security things? ) well, I just kidding. only bad thing is the price.. is the price of a garage lol. but if you don`t have space for a garage, is perfect.
  9. ...and this is how they will take your shed+bike drewpy )
  10. lallasro


    interesting story http://rideapart.com/2014/03/mystery-traub-motorcycle/
  11. ) use the duty calculator first to be sure
  12. well, cost me 75 $ for seat, something like 70 for windshield, now I order the cruise control and lowers, 55 dolars. I guess you will not pay more than 85 dolars for exhaust. but you also have to pay the VAT when I buy the seat, after VAT and shiping, was a total of 444 pounds. this seat in UK is 640+ 10 pounds the shiping. so, a lot cheaper. you can ask at west end customer service how much will cost you the shiping. use this calculator to see how much you will pay after all taxes. be carefull you have just 10 try, after this you must pay... or use the dark side of the internet to have more )
  13. maybe me, mobile... from leeds but not sure. muhahaha
  14. sound interesting but I can`t promise anything, I will update my post if I can come
  15. the camera you saw on aldi is a IP camera, you connect this camera on the internet and you can see from everywhere via web what happening where your camera is fitted. you can buy a security camera with all stuff from maplin, 4 cameras+ the "machine", 230 pounds. night vision, video or computer recording, motion sensor, etc... is a complete system and is worth the money. the brand is Swann... of course you can buy a pack with just one or two cameras but the price is almost the same
  16. ..thanks god men have just moments. also happening to me with the AJS in 2012, but I was lucky because my bike was in garage and I put the disclock under brake. my disclock are black, this is why most of disclocks are hiviz painted(green or orange), so people like me can see it
  17. why you want to find an engine?! you need just 2 pedals
  18. hey, I use to upgrade my xvs950 with west end motorsport. no hidden charges for shiping, something like 10 days delivery (from US) you will have to pay the shiping and VAT but you still get better than if you buy them from UK in most cases. Don`t know how the bolt market is in UK but for xvs 950 are poor and expensive. if you buy universal parts like mirrors, soft saddlebags, UK market are ok but if you need specific parts for bolt, I think is a better idea to buy from US. the only specific thing you can buy at a decent price in UK, I think is the exhausts. but still not sure if is cheaper than US market.
  19. lol mike, you must understand there is not UK and others. every country have lot of strange things. just because you drive on left side and others on right side don`t mean they all have the same rules. in Germany is no national speed limit, in Romania in a not marked crossroad, the vehicle coming from your right side have priority, etc. @slice, I can use the fuel receipt ))
  20. Hey guys, maybe is a bit to soon but I prefer to be prepared. I don`t like to rush my preparing in last days, so.. In july-august will be, I will try cover most of the european countries but most time i will spend in Romania. I need to know any strange things about european countries (like stickers and breathalyzer in france), but not just this. must see points in europe, etc. also what I need to take with me (papers, tools for bike, etc). I`m good enough to prepare myself for traveling-camping (half of my life I was in mountains... BUT, I will also listen to you if you have something to share with me about this... anyway I always forget something home so, i`m sure I will not be 100% prepared for camping ). thanks in advance! I hope this is the right section
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