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Everything posted by lallasro

  1. if you was on SR, that explain everything
  2. I use on my push bike HIVI. very useful during the night. after 2 years don`t seem to have any damage on spokes because of those
  3. I just install the new toys that just come from US... lowers+ breakaway cruise control... and bonus, I get my roadrunners
  4. i`m sure switcher do all colours but also they have BIG prices, over 20 pounds for one T-shirt (this is what I saw on their website). BUT those colours can my friend take from them at a resonable price. also i`m not sure if this kind of printing my friend do, can be done on ANY kind of T-shirt.. its called serigraphy http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Screen_printing this is why some colours don`t look good over others. also using diferent colours mean more work so, a bigger bill. this is why I tell him to leave one colour on front I will ask him if he can do for us both grey and blue and we will see what colours will look good on every base I will wait until you decide about the model and after we have the model we will see what he can do to get some good quality t-shirts grey, switcher or not.
  5. cost me nothing to ask him to do this, if he can he will do.. only a problem... switchers guys don`t have this t-shirt colour
  6. I forgot to ask if you prefer the black colour on front and the Y and C from back side
  7. https://fbcdn-sphotos-h-a.akamaihd.net/hphotos-ak-prn1/v/t34.0-12/1620172_738398746194269_696092547_n.jpg?oh=626774177eb99a14e8040e4add9caac8&oe=533523F8&__gda__=1395980226_0a1edaaa36a4655237651c895278ce98 https://fbcdn-sphotos-h-a.akamaihd.net/hphotos-ak-prn2/v/t34.0-12/10153438_738398752860935_718978447_n.jpg?oh=7331a0e4910f0b914ae0112b21beb64b&oe=5334BDB4&__gda__=1395994882_55789610198385e96dd36b98bd8400e9 https://fbcdn-sphotos-h-a.akamaihd.net/hphotos-ak-prn2/v/t34.0-12/10011312_738402752860535_382149818_n.jpg?oh=5ff27efb8817ab2b349695c107cb45aa&oe=53350D1B&__gda__=1395972845_d3bb703bcbb4903d6cb4bbb9d086d8fc on second pic, the text is with grey, also the logo is modified because red will be worst on this blue. on black red will be ok the colour for t-shirt can be: white, black, blue marine, blue royal, red, purple, green, yellow. so... you need to chose now the base colour, the text colour, the model for back side.. when you agree what will be, I need know how many t-shirt we will order, and sizes. after this I will come with a price.. the t-shirt are switchers.
  8. lol campaman.. soooo,,,, noise... do you come at squires this year??????????? )
  9. when that exactly? in august I will be in Romania but I also have july free and half of september
  10. thanks elvis... I speak now with my friend, he call today switcher guys but nobody answer on the phone, he will try again those days and in 2 days he will come with some simulations for the T-shirts. diferent colors, diferent texts, bla bla so you can chose what you like. anyway, if he can`t contact switcher soon, he have another options for good quallity t-shirts
  11. guys, what is writed under a life begind bars? my friend can`t read what is writed here so he can`t reproduce this
  12. well, nothing so weird for you... but today was snowing in leeds for few minutes )
  13. but he just tell you cynic, i`m not sure dark blue is a good idea with black text we will see tomorow how is looking and what t-shirt colors he can provide
  14. my friend can reproduce both sides I think, we don`t need to have the artwork with the logos. so, what t-shirk will be? hanes or switcher? hanes will be something like 6-7 euros, switchers 13-14 I think, he will give me Tomorrow some prices, probabbly will give me some images with how the T`shirts will look
  15. no money untill you get the t-shirts, I want just all agree with the price and all details
  16. guys, I think you must be all together in this because I don`t know if he can make diferent colors for all of you also the printing have diferent prices for t-shirt base color. on black base cost more than on white base for ex. I need know exactlly what you want so i can tell him and he can come with a price. also I need know what t-shirt you chose, hannes or switcher. after we had a deal, I will order the t-shirts, the payment via paypal, after you get the T-Shirt, including the UK shipping from me to you. if you can give me an answer untill monday, I can come with a price in the same day. but for this I need all details. if bippo is in this, I will ask him if he can do one ladies t-shirt for her.
  17. ok, I wait for an answer from all. I have a friend in romania, he own a company who do this. for a good quallity t-shirt with those pictures you chose first time he will take under 6 euros pobabbly 20 pounds will cost me the shipping in UK but this is not a problem. I need just green light, the sizes and number of T-shirts. also I will need the images for printing. good enough for you guys? I tell him grey color for T-shirt, but you can chose any color edit: this is the price for hannes t-shirts. a good quallity T-shirt but you can chose switcher t-shirt for a better quallity just the price is something like 13-14 euro
  18. guys, if I found a company to print the first version of t-shirt (that one others companies don`t want print because of some copyrights) you going for it?
  19. 1 month ago my o2 sensor eliminator die and I put back the 02 sensor. ok, no big deal.. under 20 pounds, was working 3 months.. anyway not this is why I bump this topic. when i ask if the consumption is modified, people say they don`t see any change.. but is... I saw that from start but I say maybe is because of the weather, because is cold... but nope, after I put back the 02 sensor, the consumption was reduced.. and the weather was still bad, still cold... normally I do combinated, town-outside something like 135-145 miles before the led is coming on. with the o2 eliminator, I do maximum 125 miles before the led is coming on. now i`m back to 140-145 miles. so, the consumption is over 10% increased with the sensor eliminator. I think the power gain is not worth so I will stay with the o2 sensor on
  20. Husqvarna is a chainsaw... this guy ride a chainsaw. also the sound of the engine is from a chainsaw.
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