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Everything posted by lallasro

  1. lol slice this is a nice match if you have the money or use your bike like part exchange chris: http://www.ebay.co.uk/itm/2014-Yamaha-XVS-950-A-MIDNIGHT-STAR-Black-1900-Miles-1-Owner-Extras-Warranty-/291197214149?pt=UK_Motorcycles&hash=item43ccb4ddc5 aftermarket pipes over 250 pounds, hard saddlebags, over 900 pounds if you buy separatelly, over 400 for windshield and 150 for backrest 2014 registered and under 2000 miles. about the gear changing, in normal conditions I change the second gear at 20-23m/h, 3th at 30-35, 4th at 40-45, 5th at 55-60.
  2. if you are covered to ride other bikes, is not to late and you come to our club at squire on 5-7 september, i will give you my xvs for a short ride chris.
  3. not when this is happening sacha, I think is a german number plate, I don`t recognize the format: and like this woman I meet a lot, I had to forget about advance riding style )
  4. well, maybe next year? I meet this girl somewhere in Romania, after I take this video I saw she off road tacking a break for hydratation, I ask if she is ok and she say, si, si, i`m ok, I guess she is from spain, I don`t stop to speak more with her because I don`t want scare she with my ugly face and now I regret lol. if she can do this on this thing, alone, I guess you will have no problems to come blackhat
  5. well, I just come from a trip in Romania, something like 7000 miles with my xvs950A and I do something like 100 km offroad ) you will not believe where this bike port me for sure the FB will fail where I was with the money you will pay for FB you can buy 2 midnightstars. I saw on ebay 2-3 xvs950a with low mileage (under 600) for under 4.500 pounds some months ago. I put in last year 22.000 miles on my bike and the only problems was 2 fuses, I change the battery and one time I had to align the rear wheel because the belt start squeaky (after I change the tyres). my bike cost me 340 to insure, with one year riding experience. first year I pay over 550. are you sure about those 120 pounds you win for FB? also, the maintenance on harley is a lot expensive than for XVS. I like harleys but i`m to poor to buy one, I chose a good bike not a name.
  6. for sure tommy And first video is ready, the Bigar Waterfall, Romania, one of the most beautiful waterfall in the world. The dragon nest in Avatar is inspired by this waterfall. is a small waterfall but still nice
  7. hey guys, my wife can`t resist until I come back, take a big contract and call me back... so i`m back in UK with just 24 days, most in Romania, with a huge knowleage about european motorways (lol) when I leave take me 3 days to get on destination, at return, 36 hours to get back in UK, 1900 miles. a total of 6700 miles with one single problem with the bike.. a fuse.. and the f fuse blowing up in the worst night possible with heavy raining, with no lights (on the road), on a national road where I can`t get outside the road because was in the middle of a corn field with channels for water on the left and the right of the road and idiots runing with over 130 km/h around me. fortunatelly for me, first try was a win, and I had just to change the fuse with the spare fuse was already fited on the bike. I have something like 250 gb of videos and something like 200 pics but half videos I have to get somehow from romania where I leave them to make free space on the cards. was fun, but short, I will come with some videos and pics when I will have some time to upload those.
  8. yeap, you are right jimmy I think I will wait untill i come back, I have tons of pics and videos already, I must sort them
  9. i hate phones! i'm already in romania, 650 miles/day, i have some videos and pics but i need a pc to upload those. me and smart phones=no compatibility
  10. thanks guys... btw bippo, I put the lower kit in standard position ) packed and ready to go
  11. Hey guys! finally i`m ready to go tomorrow I will start my euro trip. will be something like 2 months and i will try to keep on this topic a little story and post some pics and videos. first stage will be boring because I will use motorways to get in Romania, I want reach fast my destination, probablly 4-5 days, after 2-3 weeks in Romania, I will try to cover any UE country until "my time will expire". see you all in 2 months
  12. read the description most people say this will not increase your fuel consumption but on my bike was increased with something like 10%. you will not see any better thing on low speed but is allowing you to run your bike in up gears at lower speed... like 40 m/h in gear 5... normally under 50 m/h you need to change to 4. be aware about the speed, I mean your speedometer will look what values I just write up because is built to show less speed with 10%. so, if your speedo is showing 40, you probably will have just 36-37 and at 50/h probably you will have just 45-46. you can check the right speed with a gps. this is a general thing on bike speedometers, my mechanic, one bike instructor and one bike police officer confirm me this. my o2 mod die after 3 months and I don`t replace this because of fuel consumption. if you ask me, was a waste of money. 17 pounds the mod and 10% more on fuel . yes, you need id if you install a power commander.
  13. today I was on some ... caves, john cave and some other, chatsworth castle.. very nice , also I was on matlock bath at the end of the trip but don`t have time to stay.. was forced to go home some pics and videos tacken
  14. we are sure about this. you need 6 speeds if you want run with 40 m/h ) I bet foamy will beat you on his 50cc at squire hahaha
  15. carbs? I have a carb on my bike and I don`t know? ) under 40 you must be in 3. this is the bike, 30 m/h change to 3, 40m/h to 4, 50-55mph to 5. when I had fitted an o2jack, I manage to run with no problem at 40 m/h in 5th gear.
  16. maybe because is another user? welcome back.. some people here already miss you )
  17. I like Peak District: A57, A628, A6024, B6105 ... don`t have yet the chance to do the south side routes.
  18. you check your battery?
  19. he got 2 mil for this jump.. somebody say in comments he will jump with a goldwing for 2 mil =))
  20. Hi and welcome! your experience with push bikes is good but remember... the speed is bigger, your reactions are the same, the ybr is a lot heavier than a push bike, and the risk to crush is bigger if you lost yourself on a push bike is not so bad than you lost yourself on a motorbike. the most important thing is in my mind now is the clutch. you don`t have this on a push bike and if you don`t have a good clutch control, you can get in some ugly troubles. @ elvis, for 120 pounds, you can buy 2 way tickets for Romania, with another 100 you pay to get the licence, so, if you plan before you leave the UK, in one weekend you have your full licence for less than 300 pounds... when you come here with full romanian licence, they can`t get you points if you broke the law but they will ask you to change your licence in UK licence FOR FREE. job done ) do this before UK leave the EU or you will miss the chance )
  21. Hey guys! This Saturday, 7 june, I plan an exit on Lake District and if anyone know the area maybe can give me some good infos about what route I should take here? Is one day trip and I don`t think I have time to ride in the entire area. Thanks!
  22. Hi guys! I sell a second hand helmet and some gloves, http://www.ebay.co.uk/itm/WULFSPORT-2013-PRIMA-SPEED-MX-ENDURO-DUAL-SPORT-MOTOCROSS-MOTORCYCLE-WULF-HELMET-/190736997009?pt=UK_Motorcycle_Helmets&var=&hash=item2c68cf9a91 pick up from bradford
  23. hmm.. interesting.. let`s reverce a bit the things I will start with my nr1 band ever, Iron maiden original remix
  24. lallasro

    New Owner

    welcome! you can buy from the internet the service manual for something like 5 pounds
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