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Everything posted by lallasro

  1. lallasro

    great forum

    try with ctrl+c ctrl+v kev, maybe is working
  2. lol, i`m on virgin media, 150 mb/s I download with simething like 18-19 mb/s
  3. lol anyway, like all great artists he have some problems and he forget to take his pills... BUT, at his job, he is f good if i`m not wrong he have a grammy
  4. happy birthday foamy, me and my wife was on ace but we arive to late I guess because I don`t see you here, I was here at 16;20.. still full of cars and one old man with a tricycle, stop this in a wall ) your birthday gift must wait untill next YOC meeting.
  5. I try a hammer, is not so heavy and with a great look... I like it... but... if you want the bike for cruising, the xvs 1900. what about the intruder 1800? I think is having the best look on the market.
  6. thanks, but no thanks... you all are so... unstable )
  7. on an push bike, you don`t need to put your legs down if you are on the seat. the bike is a woman bike (the frame build) and will allow her to stop properly. when you are on the seat, you need to have a good position on the pedals. for you, in this video the seat is down, so, for her will be good or need to rise a bit the seat. also you put the foot wrong on the pedals, in correct position you will need rise a lot more the seat look on this, is easier than trying to read what I write )
  8. you should open a new pinned threat, "the foamy`s corner" so we can avoid this
  9. ohohoh, this is a great news . congratulation
  10. some news? my wife was asking if her bike is ready
  11. 4L are enough, warm your engine for 5 min, wait 10 min and check your oil level... keep your bike in vertical position when you check this. is important to wait those 10 min before checking. hi and welcome about the price you pay, is a fair price and normally I pay over 45 pounds for the oil. also the normal labour price is something like 45 pounds and a service normally take 2 hours (except the first, that one at 600 miles when they just change the oil filter and the oil.
  12. when I move in UK, I also take my mountain bike with me. I was MB addicted... but here the things has changing. no pleasure in riding MB in leeds or near leeds... and nice areas for riding MB`s are to far away, so, I decide to get motorized. I was hoping a bigger speed will keep me on 2 wheels and I was right. I can reach faster some nice areas with a motorbike. I still find MB a lot more funny, but not here.
  13. this is not about her, she make her chose. is about the reaction of this guy because he lost his lev 98 characters in WOW. I never play WOW but I know from other games, if things like this is happening, the admins can get your characters back, how those was before the incident. there is always a database in case of hacking the servers. he broke a computer for practically... nothing. this is why I was thinking is a fake. ...and spending so much time on internet porn is another sci-fi thing )
  14. I always have with me a zippo lighter... those metal lighters with petrol (not just zippo) are very good hand warmers... anyway, if you don`t have one, the engine will help you to warm your hands... not so fast like a lighter but good enough the visor... this is my biggest problem during the winter. so, when the winter is coming, is time for a new pinlock. the alternative is the antifog spray but you can`t use it on a visor that are antifog designated. under 5C the road is very slippery... last winter I block 2 times the front wheel... I can`t tell you how ugly are ) but fortunately I don`t was sleeping and I release in time the front brake. I use a lot the engine break (not just during the winter or in wet condition) gorotex gloves and some very good waterproof boots. maintenance... hmm... can you say again how you do this Noise? )
  15. the first 2 things I learn when I was to take my CBT was those: 1. look where you want to go 2. ride like you are invisible. on the road you can meet a lot of idiots, is your duty to care about you. the rider have no excuse for riding like this. the driver create an accident, the rider make suicide. I can`t understand why he don`t lower the speed when he saw the car tacking position for changing direction... ok, maybe he don`t see the right signal, but you can see the f car tacking position on the road for changing direction. personally I think the punishment for the driver must be over 5 years in a f jail and never allowed to drive again. blind people must not drive a car. the law in UK is so... soft?
  16. if he keep the limit speed, he was for sure alive now and this accident never happening. no need to try avoid, no need more precaution, he just never meet this car... some people use to call this "fate"... in this particular case... anyway, if the situation was happening at 60 m/h he had more time to think and react and he will chose to lean on the right and pass between this car and the other car was coming, probably when he reach this point, the speed will be some like 40m/h and if you are a decent rider you will pass safe between those 2 cars. in this kind of situation in most cases the driver don`t see you so he will not break.
  17. lol guys, i`m also a gamer, I always was a game addicted but freak... this is over any imagination. I can`t believe somebody can react like this. I also saw that few years ago and I was thinking is a fake http://youtu.be/l99nfgols4E
  18. look what you just lost http://www.gumtree.com/p/cars-vans-motorbikes/yamaha-xvs-950-midnightstar-2013/1079486193#photo-content
  19. this is why I never buy games on CD ) just on game consoles like steam, uplay, all downloadable. anyway I really think is a fake this video.
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