Everything posted by twincle
Warren Mandel
computer generated virus type spam
Warren Mandel
actually, just google 'Warren Mandel' - interesting results - same words posted to hundreds of forums??
Warren Mandel
dunno but he'll get the prize for the most forum joined in one day, Steve's DigiCams, blenderartists.org, therevcounter, crackberry and here
Who has got a XJ6 ? What do you think of it ?
That reserve mileage seems to be yamahas best kept secret, thank you for giving me an idea how long it will go for while flashing at me. I once had it start flashing when i first joined a motorway so panicked all the way to the services - at least I know better now
I kid you not,
but I observed a genuine .... Hearse... doing 100+mph on the A3 south this afternoon and later in the ride a brand new still covered in manufacturer stickies Audi R8 doing the 30 mph speed limit - go figure
filter trap problem
your bored ?
Yorkshire Rock & Bike Show 2013
google says : Fri 09th - Sat 10th August 2013 http://www.yorkshirerocknbikeshow.co.uk/index2.php
First ever pillion
nice one, both my stepson and stepdaughter did the same thing to me when they came for a ride, well the step daughter did until i went a bit too quick for her
Drift riding
My apologies if this has been previously posted, but I love this vid:
gear lever ajustment problem
my q' was going to be what boots are you wearing? they may be just too big?
- SMIDSY petition
Getting more confident with filtering.
oh, are you not supposed to go straight to the front every time ? cant say i even thought there was an alternative but I've jumped straight in to the deep end and commute in London where its the law to get to the front and filter at every opportunity as that's what bikes where made for
hi all
Welcome from an ex-beemer driver
Hello All
welcome, gl for the test(s) coming your way: Always good to practise (i did this test about 700 times before i took my theory) : http://www.safedrivingforlife.info/take-official-free-practice-driving-theory-test/motorcycle-practice-theory-tests
What do you do while you're stationary at lights or in traffic?
Why thank you for your kind compliment, we've never even met too
What do you do while you're stationary at lights or in traffic?
after sailing passed all traffic to front of lights, take a sneaky perv peek at local females vicinity, trying not to think the bloke next to me has a better bike, working out my next route away from lights to avoid all cars and hoping to god i haven't put it in neutral and rev like mad but no go on green
Helmet camera advice.
A good camera with remote control, waterproof out of the box and don't forget to buy the separate drift mic if you want decent audio according to a few vlogs I've watched
Helmet camera advice.
read this, ran over to evans web site and put in the promo code CPA15 and I paid £127.46 - nice find, thanks
Anyone seen...
Anyone seen...
lets just say im not very happy!
At least you and yours are okay, personally you should of had a 'conversation' before the police arrived, when they got there you could of pointed out how confused he was and how he got all the bruises from the horrific crash ...
Helmet camera advice.
go pros for the helmet, hmm i never understood why a box on a stick became popular, its not as if the picture is miles better than any other hd camera ?? Drift seem good with some great accessories like remote control but they are bulky looking compared to others like the contour, which i own. I haven't mounted it on my motorbike helmet, just my cycle helmet and found it heavy enough to constantly tug the helmet down on one side and the battery didn't last that long I only want a camera to record for insurance purposes so I will be buying a bullet cam style next and have opted for a roadhawk ride, waterproof, very lightweight, looped 720p hd recording on a 32g card can do over 8 hours of footage (battery life 90mins) and can be hard wired to the bike for infinite recording all for £149. I have been recommended this camera from an long time R1 user who swears by it and its in my budget range too
paint come off?
as expected they wanted nothing to do with it say it looks like someones rubbed it whilst its parked oh well, i didn't really think they'd be good enough to take it on, so now to find a smart repairer ....
paint come off?
So I'm looking at my pride and joy: https://fbcdn-sphotos-g-a.akamaihd.net/hphotos-ak-ash3/936425_10151718055181779_1892542479_n.jpg when i notice a bit of white: https://fbcdn-sphotos-a-a.akamaihd.net/hphotos-ak-frc3/988650_10151718055326779_1640518281_n.jpg https://fbcdn-sphotos-d-a.akamaihd.net/hphotos-ak-frc1/1000178_10151718055426779_1795975707_n.jpg Now there is no abrasion, I've not had any accident - its like its just not been painted - or is it me and it looks like its rubbed off I'm gutted as this bike is brand spanking new, so I get thinking this should not happen so wonder if it could be a warranty repair?? So I'm wandering whether i should go off to Yamaha to see what they say?
Anyone seen...
They could be posting in part of the forum that no one can see, have you tried the workshop? ... I'll get me coat