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Everything posted by twincle

  1. twincle replied to twincle's post in a topic in The Bar
    phew - long day! The woman didnt drive off, but as I ran out of house to make sure she didnt, the german shephard got excited too and went for her as she walked up the path Luckily she didnt bite her, but it did diminsh my high and mighty stance Well i got a text from her insurance company(sheilas) who use a company called Hexagon Motorcycles to do their repairs. At 5.30 this evening they arrived with a loaner bike and have taken mine off for repair. They must be charging well for the servoce as they came from Swindon to get it, and wanted to know if there was any more damage ..... The best part so far is I've not even had to ring my insurance company , lets hope they can carry out a speedy repair, thank you for your support there chaps - cant believe how p133ed i was yesterday. Heres the loaner: https://fbcdn-sphotos-a-a.akamaihd.net/hphotos-ak-ash3/1275047_10151573275307062_729327218_o.jpg
  2. twincle posted a post in a topic in The Bar
    Parked the bike outside the house today after work and a hfskdfhsih hafs ihuf ihoe ieh b1tch reversed i to it and knocked it over Snapped the side stand, scraped the top box, cracked the rear hugger and scratched the r/h fairing I dont want to go through insurance as for the next five years i'll have to answer yes to the question 'have you made a claim even though not your fault' not a happy bunny and am feeling it
  3. twincle replied to wallywant xj6s's post in a topic in General
    I have one on the helmet. It shard wired as I neeed it to run for at least 2 hours a day. The mic is useless at any speed so would need seperate recorder. The pic is ok (720p i think), this is my wife and I on a 40mph road at a junction near miss : https://www.facebook.com/photo.php?v=10151882848076779&set=vb.590781778&type=2&theater for £125 its very lightweight and does what I wanted it for HTH
  4. twincle replied to sievo666's post in a topic in New Members Welcome Area
    Si, i too have a new xj6 and love it
  5. twincle replied to Alexengongong's post in a topic in The Bar
    well done you, great feeling isnt it
  6. I have the diversion f and have fitted a tail tidy, r&g aero style sliders and a 12v cigarette lighter connector to supply usb feeds for camera, iphone etc
  7. twincle replied to Toutsuite's post in a topic in The Bar
    AFAIK a freedom of information request was asked for on how many motorists where issued with a penalty for entering the box, and if i remember correctly there wasn't any at all so TFL are poised to take over the 'policing' of the boxes, if you ask me its going to be just another money spinner
  8. As soon as i notice dust/dirt on the bike it gets a once over with all purpose cleaner. I wax it occasionally and will lube the chain weeklyish. I check tyre presures when i remember and generally do a 'POWER' check each day - for those not aware that's Petrol Oil Water Electrics Rubber.
  9. kristianybr
  10. 123456nelson
  11. Weymouth is pretty this time of year London has lots to see and do too
  12. twincle replied to XJRider93's post in a topic in New Members Welcome Area
  13. charlyfarly
  14. twincle replied to Remelad's post in a topic in New Members Welcome Area
  15. Oliver125
  16. twincle replied to tritowns's post in a topic in New Members Welcome Area
  17. twincle replied to vadiro's post in a topic in New Members Welcome Area
  18. nice bike
  19. twincle replied to Norcot's post in a topic in The Bar
    TBF I don't notice a lot of difference between them, except the gold were too much for use with the wife's comms for some reason so happy with white or silver Also whatever noise i do get I do say to myself 'imagine what damage its doing to your ears without the plugs' so they can only be a good thing
  20. twincle replied to Norcot's post in a topic in The Bar
    How are you getting on with the earplugs AndyA?