Rear end twitches
My xj6 was the same, crapp3ed myself a few times but yamaha put it down to rear tyre worn to wear indicators
guy trys to steal my keys
try here: https://www.facebook.com/photo.php?v=678417502215018&set=vb.540565346000235&type=2&theater
Why triumphs are like that
it made me giggle
Why triumphs are like that
XJ6 - average MPG?
when it gets to one bar, it then starts to flash when it hits reserve - well it does on mine a 2013 model
XJ6 - average MPG?
I let mine go right down, even had it flashing with 20 miles on the reserve odometer
Even better than face cream IMHO
I wonder, if after she's churned a few jumpers out, will the 'monthly' versions be special edition or vintage?
Even better than face cream IMHO
it s the bit where it gets harder to kinit when she's menstruating
Even better than face cream IMHO
DHL this time :(
Probably, but whats not clear there is the biker is filtering past a long queue of slow moving traffic, hence being 'over' - it genuinely was impatience from Mr DHL - but no-one was hjurt so all good in the end
DHL this time :(
Security for my new bike?
- wheeeeee!
- wheeeeee!
- Aw bummer