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Ron Watson

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Everything posted by Ron Watson

  1. Hi Guy's, Got the bike running yesterday although not to well. It didn't want to wind out and starts blubbering at about half throttle. I figured the o-ring on the needle jet setter might be missing or damaged. The o-ring was fine, but turns out somebody stuck a 200 main jet in it. It's supposed to be a 160. I cleaned the carb and put a 160 main jet in it, it runs much better actually has pretty decent power. Now to fix all the little bugs. I'm having a problem with the banjo fitting on the oil tank. Oil seems to be leaking out of the fitting where the hose attaches to the barb coming out of the banjo. Is the barb soldered or brazed to get a seal? Thanks for any help. Ron
  2. Hi Aj, You are right. I took another look at the Yamaha Parts list and didn't realized the parts list shows part numbers for 2 different fenders and rear stays . Prefix 214 is for 19" and 308 is for 21". The 2 front stays whether for the front 19" or 21" have the same part number. 70 DT1C, with 19" front wheel front fender: 214-21510-00-35, rear stay: 214-21512-00-93 73 DT3, with 21" front wheel front fender: 308-21510-00-35, rear stay: 308-21512-00-93 With the prices I see on Ebay for the 73 fender (308), I think I might be better off to return to the original 19" front wheel and use the low mount fender I've already have. The bike would be more original that way too. Thanks for helping me figure this out. Ron
  3. Thanks for the info. My tire is a Dunlop 90/90 x 21 which is equivalent to a 3.00 x 21 but must be a bit oversized. So it appears the fenders are the same but the brackets are different. From the pictures, I have the longer set. I'll try another tire and see how the fender fits. Thanks again, Ron
  4. Hi Guy's I have a 1970 Yamaha 250 Enduro DT1C with a 21" front wheel. My bike originally had a 19" front wheel. I believe the 21" front came stock on the 1973 250/360 bikes with a low mounted front fenders. Does anyone know if the 73 front fender is different from the earlier 68/72 low mounted fender? The Yamaha parts list shows the same part numbers for all bikes using the low mounted fenders from 68 to 73 including 125cc and 175cc bikes. I have an original low mounted front fender, but it doesn't clear my 21" front wheel. Maybe my 3.00 x 21" tire is to large not sure. But the fender also appears to be to short. I'm not believing the part numbers should all be the same. I have a feeing the fender I have belongs on a 125cc / 175cc and the 250/360 fenders are different. Anyone know? Thanks, Ron
  5. Hi guys, thanks for the welcome. The Husky's are a 77 250CR and a 79 390CR. The pic of my son and I was last Nov/2012 getting ready for the Elsinore Gran Prix, made famous by the early 70's motorcycle movie "On any Sunday". The course still uses some of the original course up in the hills around the lake, but only has about 200 yards on the paved city streets now. Back in the 70's we went right through downtown with folks trying to cross the street in front of us. Now we have 6ft fences everywhere and spectators are not allowed anywhere on the course. Insurance reasons most likely.
  6. Hi All, Just found this forum and joined. I live in Southern California. I recently purchased a 1970 Yamaha 250 Enduro DT1C.It's going to take some work to get it going again, but I'm looking forward to the task. I've been riding and racing off road more than 40 years. I got my son started when he was 6 yrs old (he's 30 now). We mostly ride vintage Husqvarna's now, but I also have several other off road bikes. Also, currently restoring a 1969 Yamaha 250 DS6C Scrambler. Thought the DT1C would be nice to have something to putt around town on, without having to drive to the desert first. Look forward to helping when I can and will probably have more than a few questions along the way. Ron