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Everything posted by carlmt

  1. Where are my manners!!!!!! Thank you all for your kind welcomes - i have been measured for the straight-jacket, and the room has been freshly padded.....it would appear the last resident had a whale of a time in here as it needed completely redecorating Still havent managed to run up to Drewp's place to collect the bike - most likely be early June. Fingers crossed that the sun will shine that day eh? CT
  2. carlmt replied to Prichard XT's post in a topic in The Bar
    Sling a tent on the back and get yer ass down to Salisbury Plain (the place where the Army play off-road with feck-orf tanks!!!). Go on a weekend, bowl along any A or B road between Salisbury and Devizes and you will see lines of poles (the wooden variety, not our east european friends) leading off left or right into the wide green yonder. These are the tank crossing points, and the easiest way to get on to the Plain. There are other greenlanes nearby Stonehenge, so you could take in some history while you are at it!!! Words of caution: 1. If you see something that looks like an amunition shell, dont touch it, leave it where it is and play somewhere else. The Plain is covered with them and you will never know if it is a dummy or real. 2. If you see a burnt out tank, dont touch it, leave it where it s and play somewhere else. Chances are nothing will happen but, the reason it is a burnt out tank is because it is used for target practice by tanks which are not burnt out - and you dont want to be around when those buggers start slinging their ordnance about!!! 3. Dont ride in areas where you see red flags flying as that is where the bomb happy tanks drivers (and others) are shooting nine bells out of anything that moves. Other than that - its an absolute hoot around there, and all perfectly legal. Go on - you know you want to!!!! CT
  3. carlmt replied to carlmt's post in a topic in Classics
    Ah.........true.......... Can we get around this by him writing GIFT all over the packaging????? CT
  4. carlmt replied to Grouch's post in a topic in The Bar
    They never teach you USEFUL stuff at bike-school these days do they............. My old man taught me how to ride without using the clutch back in 1980 when I got my first bike at 17 - as a get you home its a no-brainer.........even if you have to detour a few miles to avoid traffic lights/jams/school runs etc. Just means you have a longer 'play' on the bike before getting home!!!! CT
  5. carlmt replied to carlmt's post in a topic in Classics
    Cheers Drew - most helpful!!! I know yours (ours / mine?) doesnt need them, but I was thinking that maybe a set put aside 'just in case' wouldnt go amis if they were cheap enough..... Plus, it would be a shame for him to just dump them.... I will punt him the $75 plus the postage (but not until he has told me the postage first!!!) and see what he says. Thanks for the heads-up on Sito - I will look into that. Are they a faithful copy or just generic? CT
  6. carlmt replied to carlmt's post in a topic in Classics
  7. carlmt posted a post in a topic in Classics
    Hi all, Request here for some info from the knowlegeable here.... I have the chance of obtaining a pair of very decent (not NOS) original silencers and rear mudguard for the XS400 from a chap in the US who has 'flat-tracked' his XS, and no longer wants them. He wants me to make an offer but, to be honest, I have no idea what such items would be worth.... Any ideas folks? Will drop a few photos here soon... Cheers CT
  8. carlmt replied to wild foamy's post in a topic in Yamabyss
    Took a bimble into Gloucester to pick up some odds and sods, and took the long way home via the Cotswolds. Cracking day for a ride - saw dozens of bikes of all descriptions........I must have looked like a nodding dog!!!!!! If weather stays fine tomorrow, then a ride up to visit my folks in the Forest of Dean will probably be on the cards..... Here's hoping!!! CT
  9. Good evening one and all, A little introduction - My name is Carl.........usually known as CT...........nearly 50 years old........and I have made arrangements to become the next custodian of Drewpy's excellent, restored 78 XS400. I have been searching for one of these for a few years now - missed out on a few, and none as good as this one - as my father bought one new (blue) in 1980 when I got my first bike (CB100N) when I turned 17. He bought his from Motorcycle City in Greenford, Middlesex at, I would guess, must be a discount as (I understand it) it was a discontinued model by 1980 (I stand to be corrected). I do have a photo of his bike somewhere - I will dig it out and post it up. Really looking forward to collecting this one........however, here is maybe where you guys and girls can enlighten me..... To date, I have been a Honda owner and, subsequently, have obtained most of my parts for my classic bikes from David Silvers. For the Suzuki, it is Crooks............ But for the Yamaha? Who do we go to for hard to obtain parts? Who has all the old stock squirrelled away? Need to know these things, really must keep Drewpy's bike in top order!!!! Look forward to hearing from you guys when you have the time..... Pip pip.. CT