Everything posted by Taffman92
I'm after some new boots, I bought a pair of Tuzo boots when I first got my bike and although they are waterproof they are falling apart, along with the trousers and jacket I had with them, worst thing I've spent my money on since getting a bike, anyway I fancy a pair of Sidi Adventure boots but don't fancy paying the £320 they want in the shop if I can help it,, Anybody know of any shop's or sites that might be cheaper ?? or any other good boots ?? I must have waterproof boots as I live in wales and all it has done since I bought a bike is rain bloody typical lol.
nice one pay day tomorrow so lets see what my funds will let me get lol
my DEP silencer on my DTR is broke, the weld on the last bracket has broke away and left a hole in the pipe and the weld holding the muffler on to the pipe has given way to so it just rattles around on the pipe, what I want to know is, I have a DEP expansion chamber on the bike, do I have to buy a DEP silencer or will another brand fit straight on like a Big One as I found a cheap one ???
dt 125 r too high
no worries
photo gallery
not sure why but I cant seem to upload any pics, I get , step 1 upload media, and thats it. any ideas??
dt 125 r too high
you can buy a lowering kit for it , looks like this, I think the longer it is the lower the bike sits and the shorter the higher the bike sits and its fitted just below the swing arm
Speedo drive DTR
right, my speedo does not work on my DTR 125, I disconnected it from the drive on the front wheel and spun the exposed end of the cable ( with a drill, got 30mph ,woop!!! ) so that tells me I need a new drive, is there a difrence between a standard DTR drive and a drive off a DTR 125X with exel wheels ? as my bike was made into a supermoto, and is this easy to fit? thanks
any Rideouts in south Wales ?
anybody know of anything ? I am still on L plates so something not to far from the swansea valley's would be good? all this nice weather and I get bored going out on my own
What Bike would you buy if you won the lottery?
got to be a self build for me, but I would like an R6
DT 125RE Value query?
When I was looking for a DT I was seeing the RE go for anywhere between £1500 and £1900 for a 2005 plate,
DTR 125, problems
After Taking off the carb and cleaning out the jets ( one was well clogged up ) the bike kicked over and seems to be ok now haven't taken it for a run because a couple of the screws were well tight and it was a struggle to get them out, the screw for the drain in the bowl is impossible to get out so it will have to stay there lol, so I didn't finish till late and I had to do it in the rain and I got soaked, but I think I must have broke something because the choke won't stay up when I turn it on . I disconnected the speedo cable from the drive on the wheel and put a drill on the end of the cable and the needle moves but the end of the cable where it goes in the drive looks a bit to short so I'm gonna get a new cable first then if it still doesn't work a new drive, so thank you all who gave me advice on this. just a shame I think I broke the choke but I should be ok with holding it up to start the bike lol
Just joined and saying Hi
Hi, mate
DTR 125, problems
Ok, will do, thanks
DTR 125, problems
it does it even when I hold the throttle open at 2500 revvs , just starts to lose life, might try checking the fuel line and carb for blockages and clean the airfilter tomorrow,
DTR 125, problems
today after work on the way home, its starting to die on me again, when I let the revvs go low it just dies, completely the opposite to the over revving and I haven't touched it since tightening the exhaust, it rode fine on the way in to work and started dying after about 5 miles into my ride home, thought I'd try the idle screw but it still does it ,,
DTR 125, problems
well I managed to tighten up the manifold as much as I can one one bolt as the other one is jammed solid and will not budge , no rattling and it didn't die or start to lose power on me like last time, but it's still revving high, when I start it up first it will idle lovely but once I've gone down the road and stop at a junction it starts to idle at 3000 to 35000 revvs ?? I don't think turning the idle screw will fix it as it idles ok on first start up,,
DTR 125, problems
cheers for the replies, hopefully I'll have time tomorrow or Sunday to look into trying to fix these problems, to answer the questions , it is a full DEP system on it and the mileage is just over 15000, but like I said the speedo is not connected so ??? , the PO did say the engine had been rebuilt and it had a new crankshaft and piston fitted , the bike had been taken right back to the frame and every nut, bolt and washer renewed ,
thanks for the welcome
DTR 125, problems
hi, ive had the DTR for about 3 weeks now and there's a couple of little things ive noticed and am not to sure about as Im a carpenter not a mechanic lol, firstly the exhaust manifold, I was riding home one day and noticed a rattling noise coming from the exhaust, when I got home I took a look and noticed where it bolts on to the engine it was loose and moving slightly when the engine is running causing the rattling noise so I tightened it up, however!! when I took it out to see if it fixed the noise ( it did! ) the bike started losing power and just started dying, took it home loosened it back off and it was fine again, but it rattles all the time when im riding, any idea's on this ??? . second thing is the bike once its warmed up will start to revv up on its own up to 3500 revvs and if I lift the choke up it starts to idle lovely, but as soon as the choke is down up the revvs go, gets a little annoying when I'm at a junction and it sounds like I'm holding the throtle open a bit, I havent got a clue with this ?? third problem I've found is that the speedo is not working ( not sure if the PO disconnected it to save milage ), how do I check to see why its not working?? P.S , not sure if this helps but the guy who sold it to me told me its been derestricted, now like I said up top , I'm no mechanic but I'm not a complete idiot with tools, if anybody can help with any of these problems It would be most appreciated, but try and explain in layman's terms lol Thanks, Taffman92
Hi all , My name is Aled I'm from swansea in south wales and I'm 32 years old, I have just done my CBT to get a 125 to get back and forth to work and decided to go for the Yamaha DTR 125 ( I wanted one for years ) is a 2001 dtr 125 engine and frame with 2009 dt125x fairing's, ive had it for 3 weeks now and love it but there are a couple of little problems I have come across that I know nothing about so I decided to find a good forum of people who know their stuff. My baby