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Everything posted by LukeWard

  1. I just checked, my friend hadnt tightened both bolts on the tensioner, one side was out a bit, I'm guessing that's the problem! :') i'm going to tighten them in now and see if that helps! thanks for the reply, though, i wouldn't have thought to look, otherwise!
  2. Hi guys, quick question on behalf of a friend. He has a Chinese bike, which has what seems to be a copy of the YBR 125 engine, we had to srip the engine down to replace a bent valve, because it's a copy and not an actual Yamaha engine, it was pants. The bolt and locking nut had rattled out of the top of the intake valve and got lodged in the exhaust valve. Nightmare! Now that's sorted, the problem is with the timing, we put everything back together, timed the engine lining up the notches in the cam sprocket with the head and the notch on the fltwheel eith the point in the timing viewhole thing (I'm not sure of the actual term for that thing) and turned the engine with a socket wrench. Now, when the enginge has gone through all 4 strokes (We watched the valves) the timing is out again!? by a good 6/7 teeth. The only way to match the marks back up is take off the tensioner and set the timing by hand again. Then, the same thing happens! Any idea what this could be? He just wants to get it running again so he can get rid of the thing! thanks in advance for any help, guys!
  3. Hi guys! I'm Luke, I'm new here and to the road. I was given a '98 xv125 and i love the thing, so i decided to join the forum. I'm a wannabe tinkerer, too. So sorry in advance for the multitude of questions you're probably going to recieve! :')
  4. Whoops.. sorry man, I never think of this stuff! also, getting to Tue other end is tricky, its right under the tank.. I mean, its accessible, just about but not ideal, ill give it a go in the morning, thanks
  5. Anyone?
  6. Hi guys, sorry if this is the wrong place for this, I'm new! :') I was recently given a '98 135 Virago. My father delivered it for a rich kid and he said 'Nope, don't want it, the electrics are knackered' so the kids father ended up giving it to my father. And still paid him for delivery. AND made him a cuppa! Well, turns out, all that was wrong was the fuse had blown. So we changed that and it worked fine. Now, for the questions! Please bear in mind I know very little about bikes, so sorry in advance for my helpfulness! :') But I digress.. The problem is the choke. If I move the lever, the wire doesn't move through the black plastic casing, it just sort of bends. And if I pull it back (towards the left) it doesn't move at all. The bike was idle for a while and my father thinks the choke is just stuck, but I don't want to force anything in case I break something. can anyone tell me what's going on? I can upload pictures tomorrow if that helps, too EDIT: Forget about the indicators, I found what I was looking for! Thanks in advance guys!