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Everything posted by AndrewElvisFan

  1. I've only had the bike a few weeks and ashamed to say I've not had the battery off to see the levels properly. I will check it properly tomorrow lunch time and top up if necessary. Cheers Airhead. If the levels are right, could it be anything else?
  2. They all have that kinda name when they call me telling me about PPI claims!!
  3. Ben, do you notice your indicators go faster when the engine is going faster? Not sure if I need a new relay!
  4. I do it on my 125 when the opportunity allows. After driving a cage for 18 yrs I've always seen it happen and accepted it as an advantage of having 2 wheels! If other road users get arsey it is normally because they are being impatient and envious cos they can't! As long as it is done with due care and attention I don't see anything wrong with it.
  5. Sounds like you got a winner there! Almost as good as my £500 SR!! Perhaps I should get pissed before buying my next bike?
  6. And I've just seen your update! My 3G doesn't always work and wifi is playing up!
  7. The signal relay on my SR125 is under the dash. About 1 inch diameter cylinder approx 1 1/2 inch long with 2 wires going into it. When I've had them go wrong on the car I've had to replace it. Looks like its held in place just by a stiff rubber holder.
  8. Bugger! Always one step behind!
  9. Hope it does run but if not I'd be interested in some spare bits!
  10. I removed the air filter and it made no difference, so thought I'd double check the mixture screw. I had it unscrewed about 1 and 3/4! Re adjusted and now runs like a dream! Saved myself a couple of hours stripping it down!!! I even needed the choke this morning! Plus I don't lose power when I go to re apply throttle. Thanks a lot Airhead and Dirty
  11. I'll let you know how I get on! Thanks muchly
  12. Lol! Just figured it was thicker! When the engine is cold, in gear and clutch in the back wheel still turns. Definitely will take pics - my memory is that poor! I may get chance this afternoon to strip it down but right now I need to take my boys to the park for a game of football. Like you say at least I'll know more about the bike! I'm guessing I'll need to change the clutch gasket? If so will have to get one tomorrow.
  13. Thanks for that. Level is fine on flat ground. I've just dipped into the oil with a clean screwdriver and the oil feels a lot thicker between my fingers than car oil so I'm fairly confident it's the right type! Think its new parts for me
  14. Cheers for that - I'll do that before I take the boys to the park! Can't believe it the best day so far weather wise and I can't even take the bike out!!
  15. It doesn't need choke when it's cold though - even when it's zero outside! I was planning on stripping the carb down today, with the help if an 8 yr old and nearly 3 yr old! I had hoped I wasn't going to need to but after reading a lot of replies to this and others I don't think I've got a lot of choice
  16. Given my obvious lack of experience I can understand why you'd ask that! It's a simple pull to open choke, doesn't stay open, have to hold it out out for a few seconds. I saw someone else on here has the same issues and he was told it can be a common thing after letting it sit for a few minutes like after refuelling.
  17. It is a new cable so good condition. Cable oiler? I've just been using 2 in 1 and letting that drip down inside the casing - is that good enough?
  18. Just a thought, is there an additive (like Redex) I could use which would clean the carb as I ride or is the only sure way to clean it is by stripping it down? Just me and the kids tomorrow so I'd get away with using the kitchen sink!!
  19. I did wonder as it is a perfect hole! Should I be getting exhaust gases coming through it or does that point to an internal issue? Tomorrow I'll remove all the filler from it!!
  20. I've not had chance to have the carb off - 2 young children! I'll try WD tomorrow - should it make a difference? I spray it all down with WD40 each week when I wash it, just never while running.
  21. Cheers Dirty! Think there'll be 2 on there now tho cos I just copy and pasted over!
  22. I think this has also answered my post as I am having the same issue on my SR125! Glad it's normal and pointing at a knackered bike!
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