Everything posted by AndrewElvisFan
Number plate size
Cheers DT think I'll wait til payday to change it then! Hopefully at worse it'll be an advisory/producer if I get pulled.
2 Stroke gathering and YOC camping weekend 2013
On the subject of parking, do I need to take a piece of wood to stand the bike on?
Number plate size
Bugger - my figures are 47x30 in A123 BCD formation Having said that never pulled on a bike in 20 yrs of twist and go and only once in a car doing excessive speed other than when I had an Escort Ghia aged 17! I don't tend to draw attention - always try and ride defensively. I'll google possible fine/penalties.
Number plate size
I had to order a new number plate cos some silly old bugger drove into me while sat in traffic (in his 80's also had a traffic cone under his car!) and cracked mine. In my haste in ordering I've got one which is smaller cos I ticked the wrong bloody box. Does anyone have experience of how hot the law is when it comes to incorrect sizing? Can't really afford another £20 this month - new school uniforms etc etc!
LEDs draining battery?
What about using a solar panel to trickle charge the battery?
2 Stroke gathering and YOC camping weekend 2013
13th for me too. I'll be leaving around 1ish...... eta unknown! Cynic/DT - probably hit Grantham services around 3/4 o'clock if we're still planning on meeting there?
Mr Neat & Mr Tidy
Pressure washer - takes 5 mins, then WD40 over it all!. All shit sticks to that and is so easy to pressure wash off. Tcut the tank and polish the exhaust. Then oil the chain. All in all takes 20 mins, leaving loads of time for polishing my helmet!!!
Mug Shots
Well I'm struggling to log in to Photobucket so I've changed my profile piccy! I'll not be wearing a white jumpsuit for the weekend so thought I'd best put a half decent pic of me up and introduce Sarah my wife, Michael my eldest (8) and James (3). Unfortunately it is only James who gets excited by bikes!
SR125 slow to rev
You've checked it works then??!
Rookie Says Hello!
Oh yeah - hi!
Rookie Says Hello!
There is a Workshop section - if you're on smart phone, you have to go all the way back using General/Home key at top left
SR125 slow to rev
As kia's go... the sportage is one of the better ones. I was stuck behind a '13 plate one yesterday and had to take a second look! FTO - very sexy and with LPG would beat my 2.2 Primera for economy! Top speed? (Obviously on private ground). I had my Primera up to 123 on Sat nav.
SR125 slow to rev
Lol! Didnt know they made bikes!?! Could be running a bit lean as my mpg has got better recently. I'll check it tomorrow. Btw - which Kia is it you have?
SR125 slow to rev
I've put about 3 tanks through with it doing this. Strangely, before the engine is really warm it is absolutely fine.
Hello from herts
Hi! Someone else on here saarf of Yorkshire! I've only been on here a few months but I think you'll find us all relatively friendly as long as you have a sense of humour
SR125 slow to rev
Cheers Drewpy Hadn't thought of the fuel filter. The service is planned for this Sunday so I can check everything then. First real bit of freetime in a couple of months!
SR125 slow to rev
Over the past month I have noticed the initial rev take up to be slow. Also experiencing almost a 'choking' effect when I have closed off the throttle to slow down and then open back up again. I have checked the carb settings and the air filter and all seems ok. Anybody have any ideas? Cheers
Tesco Burgers
And Birds Eye fish cakes have been found to contain sea horse.....
Tesco Burgers
Only just seen this thread so a little post topical but...... TK Max are being investigated now for their leggings - apparently large quantities have been seen with camel toes!
2 Stroke gathering and YOC camping weekend 2013
Lol! Don't think it would fit in the top box! Did you see the Top Gear special with them all on bikes and Hammond with the model ship? I'm not doing that! Might be room for my harmonica though!!
2 Stroke gathering and YOC camping weekend 2013
Ok, fair enough - opinions vary! Only a little one though? At least if I were a big tit I'd be useful! I shall try and redeem myself at Squires! Wonder how much in sponsorship it would cost me?!?
2 Stroke gathering and YOC camping weekend 2013
Now that's just rude! Admittedly I have been known to act in such a way occasionally, but I have never worn a mankini (thongs every now and then) and I have never even sat - and this I think would be the clincher - never even sat in a Kia!
2 Stroke gathering and YOC camping weekend 2013
Lol! Could be, he obviously doesn't want to miss out though - he's down twice!
2 Stroke gathering and YOC camping weekend 2013
Surely I'm not the only one to spot there's only 11 people on the list? Or am I missing something?
Foamys Ponderspace...
For the aforementioned sum I'd even let you wear your mankini at the same time!