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Everything posted by AndrewElvisFan

  1. Happy birthday Steve! Looking forward (I think) to photos of your night out !!
  2. Lol! Business is slow - special YOC discounts!!!
  3. Haha!! A 10 min quickie is only £50!!
  4. Lol! That'll be £80 please!
  5. a BMW driver? No idea - never heard of him lol! Mainly Ferrari's
  6. He was in the same group in the sixties named after some cheeky primates of which a fellow member of the group appeared in Coronation Street as the grandson of Ena Sharples? Don't watch the street but know it was Davey Jones acting first! My wife went to school with Mickeys daughter and I did get his autograph, but it was on a cassette which I no longer have!
  7. I have heard of him. I have an album of their greatest hit! Yes please can I borrow your shovel?!
  8. Hope the weather ain't too bad for you all. Have a great day!
  9. you started it mate ! did you get his autograph give us a look then. No I didn't - but he will be back in if you want it lol
  10. Ok. Seeking a little bit of saving face here - Mickey Dolenze anyone?
  11. I guess I'm the only one who heard if him then??! He was also a racing driver for Ferarri. I sell kitchens/bathrooms/tiles etc not onesies! Erm... Any chance this thread could be locked to avoid further hole digging?? Lol
  12. That's why you don't recognise him - its Dron without the 'e'!
  13. Ok - egg on face now! A couple of years back I had frankie detori's missus in the shop And last year Cane from that farm programme and the fat butcher off the street soap .... Shovel anyone?
  14. Not as well known as I thought then! Google him and I'm sure you may recognise him
  15. Ok so not megastar or anything, but it was Tony Dron! Spent a substantial amount of money and shared some very good stories from his racing days!
  16. Lol! She would be more than happy to have a day with her sis etc but week and a half before payday and Xmas (humbug!) coming up I can't justify even £20 to get there and in! I'm saving up to buy Squires!
  17. You've all got it wrong - has nobody seen Clarkson on a rocket powered bike?!?
  18. One of many reasons I wished I'd got into biking years ago!
  19. You should have said - I'd have collected it on your behalf for you. I'm only an hour away!! (I think the thread was on Foamys ponderings or something like that!)
  20. Think you should be safe - I fessed to molesting a primate while trying to deal in spunky monkey earlier this year!!
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