Everything posted by AndrewElvisFan
~~Daily Feed, post what made you laugh today ~~
Walden Bikers monthly meet
Went along last Tuesday to a local bike meet at what used to be an old cafe - now a personal museum. Had a go on this little beauty: An old Honda Greeves. Just had a downpour so the grass was a little slippery but great fun nonetheless! Wont let me upload any more pics!
Hi how rude !
Welcome aboard!
Welcome aboard are you querying the vin and engine numbers? Have you tried Google?
Andy pandy
Hi and welcome - quite a collection!
Working ok for me cheers Alex!
Freshie From Melbourne
Welcome aboard
Hi from North Yorkshire
Welcome aboard
Newbie on the block
Welcome aboard
XT125 Speedometer
Isn't that just your Yamaha's??
~~Daily Feed, post what made you laugh today ~~
- 57miles....
~~Daily Feed, post what made you laugh today ~~
SR125 Idle/running issues
Oh and just one another thing, as the site seems to be running properly now, if you go over to the New Members section and do a little intro you'll get a lot more help There is a whole load of experience on here and all are very happy to help if you say hi!
SR125 Idle/running issues
Hi and welcome! No expert here, but.... Similar symptoms as mine had not so long ago. If the the carb is 100% clean and put back exactly right and set back to standard then that suggests something else is not quite right. My exhaust was the main culprit recently but even after changing the exhaust I still had issues. You mention new air filter etc but no new battery? It wasn't until I fitted one that mine started running sweet. Is your camchain tightened correctly - could just be the audio on the vid but sounds like something is a little loose or your exhaust isn't quite right. Have you checked the spark plug for colour after running the engine?
Site changed
getting used to the site now but still prefer to use Tapatalk - any sign of it coming back?
~~Daily Feed, post what made you laugh today ~~
HELLO and Question please: Assembly Plant for 1997 SR 125
This is the engine number off my '94 SR if that helps?
HELLO to all Yamaha Owners
Hi and welcome! Thanks for the accolade Blackhat but apart from basic service and general keeping on the road I've not started stripping my donor/project SR yet. I use this great forum and YouTube for help lol! No idea on serial numbers though. Wild foamy did up an older SR but not seen him for a while. Actually quite a few of us in here have either got one or had one recently. Start up a project thread when you get going Linds and I'm sure you'll get as much help as possible. Bear in mind though if you post on a sunny morning you probably won't get a response straight away!! Good luck [emoji2]
Hello Yamahaclub
Hi and welcome back Richard [emoji3]
New member from Cheshire
Hi and welcome Matt [emoji3]
Newbie from Cornwall
Hi and welcome Rick [emoji3]
newboy with a dt175c
Hi and welcome Vinney!
Hi everyone - Im in..!!
Welcome! Some great roads up there to enjoy
Hello from a new member