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Everything posted by AndrewElvisFan

  1. Did I not tell you about my fairy take fantasy????????
  2. Nothing serious I hope Kev? If my dog moulted then a hose and shampoo in the garden is what he'd get as well!
  3. That's not bad - my cava poo is less than half the size!
  4. Easier said than done!! Checked the pressure with a digital sensor - didn't trust the foot pump. I'll do the fork first but still think it'd be an idea to at least check the bearings as well. Fairly sure the previous owner knew as much about maintenance as I did this time last year!
  5. Still not done anything! Had a great day at Felixstowe beach with the family though I checked it when I got home and the notchiness had subsided????? Quick run up the road and could not get it to knock and steering not stiff at all. God knows how! Let the air out of the tyre, knocked it around a bit and now it is seated correctly Tomorrow night I'll get the yolk off and check the balls
  6. Hi and welcome! After only recently getting back into bikes after 22 years I really can vouch that sooner rather than later you'll be after more horses not more chrome! Obviously SWMBO has been told that 125 is all I'll ever need but there will be something un-economically viable come up once I get my full licence!!
  7. Same here - never slap mine. A cattle prod has always been enough
  8. Probably planning his next escape!
  9. Not had chance to even look at it in detail today - 2 young boys to entertain etc.
  10. It's not bottoming out - going 5-10mph at most while going over a dropped curb of about 3/4" . I suspected that as well to start with on the pot hole, but I can't manage to bottom it out by holding front brake and bouncing it down
  11. No I can only get the knock by braking over a bump. The notchy bearings can be felt on full lock when off the ground
  12. The knock wouldn't be the suspension as a second issue?
  13. Garage didn't have the right size balls Got grease though. Not 100% sure, but everything else in above posts checked so time to at least have a look! Not easy with wife at work and kids wanting to do things.
  14. AndrewElvisFan


    Have fun and remember the paracetamol! Mate at work has something similar on this week with 200 beavers......... Giggity
  15. No it's a disc front. Best let the wife know she's on her own for a day lol
  16. Oh poop! All of this - That'll teach me to have a weekend off work Best I go get some grease and balls then. Hopefully the rain will stop soon!
  17. He does look gorgeous when he has a proper cut! He'll be 2 in October and almost answers to his name - 'George'. Named by our youngest who was really into Peppa Pig at the time!
  18. AndrewElvisFan


    I moan at £10 for a trim and often do it myself - grade 1 or 0 all over. Cheap and easy to look after without helmet hair. I tried trimming the dog a couple of months back to save a bit if cash and missed bits here and there and shaved him elsewhere. So here's £35 worth of wash, cut and dry:
  19. When you say a pain to do - in relation to changing a tyre??
  20. I've got about 2-3mm difference at opposite sides across diameter. I'm assuming let the tyre down and knock it around? The knock I had was prior to changing the wheel. I presume the yolk all has to come off to do the bearings? I checked the rim for warping each time I lost skin!
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