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Everything posted by AndrewElvisFan

  1. You can't blame me or ask me to share the blame with you just cos you're more warped than me!!
  2. It will smell of petrol cos unburnt gases in the exhaust fumes. Hold a white piece of card up to the exhaust to confirm what's spitting out. Other than that I think I need to let someone with greater knowledge than me help!!
  3. I get oil in the same place on my SR. On mine it's spraying off the chain. Have you oil anywhere else?
  4. AndrewElvisFan


    How much were they and what colours can you get them in??????
  5. You're right it was Plasticote. 'Hot Paint' Used it at the exhaust start, let the exhaust heat cure it.
  6. Did you use a rust paint first to harden the corrosion?
  7. I used hammerite BBQ paint a few months ago and it's still holding now
  8. More patience than I have - Hence the name of the Rose! He had retired cos of ill health and to care for my mum at the time so it gave him a nice little hobby.
  9. Welcome aboard! (And what they said^^)
  10. Cheers on the box - even the leaves are made from matchsticks!
  11. I've already shaken hands on the bike so they're not doing anything else to it!
  12. Unrelated to the bike, just want to show off my dad's matchstick rose collection box, which I use for loose change.... He made it several years ago to raise money for the Rosie Maternity Hospital in Cambridge
  13. That would be my first guess. The garage has already put a second hand cdi unit and pick up on her and when I saw it yesterday they had started taking the wiring loom out.
  14. There's actually nothing wrong with my current one - the one with 46k miles. It's mainly cosmetic stuff - tear in the seat, damaged indicator stem, chain guard I've cut down so not totally enclosed (broke when the chain snapped), just little bits and pieces that I was going to change long term. I was thinking get the lower mileage running and selling as would probably get more for it. Less rust spots on it. I know I need a new petrol cap as the lock is faulty and apparently the ignition issue is intermittent so I'd need to recreate the fault if I can.
  15. Had about £200 of loose change saved away until a couple of months ago when something came up unexpected! Just had a quick look in the jar and reckon I got about £50
  16. Come pay day I'll be taking delivery of a '94 SR125. Exact same year and model as the one I have but only 22000 miles instead of the 46 on mine. All parts are there and in good nick but it is sold as a non runner as there is an intermittent ignition problem. So starts and runs most of the time lol. Not sure whether to use it as a donor bike or spend time trying to sort it out. The mechanics I use for all my spare parts normally only sells £3k bikes and up - mainly classics - and wants only £100 which is the value of the couple of bits they have changed and what they paid for it. Previous owner couldn't afford to repair it (hourly rate etc) so instead of sticking it on eBay it's been offered to me So now I've just got to decide if I'm going to break it for parts or get her running and sell her to pay towards my test.
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