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Everything posted by AndrewElvisFan

  1. It was a thick ribbed jumper!
  2. Rolling Stones first hit - Come On. Cover of a Chuck Berry Blockbuster - The Sweet Come Tomorrow - Manfred ??? Melting Pot - ??? Mink Never heard of John Leyton
  3. Rolling Stones first hit - Come On. Cover of a Chuck Berry Blockbuster - The Sweet Come Tomorrow - Manfred ??? Melting Pot - ??? Mink Never heard of John Leyton
  4. I came off my old ped at 10mph in snow. Torn ligaments and a scar on my elbow caused by a jumper!
  5. Hell no! I don't even go to the local shop without heavy duty gear on.
  6. Apparently this happened at only 25mph!
  7. https://www.tfl.gov.uk/modes/driving/congestion-charge/discounts-and-exemptions#on-this-page-1 Is this out of date then?
  8. https://www.facebook.com/photo.php?fbid=601567369973509&set=a.601567596640153.1073741829.100003607531246&type=1
  9. Won't do any harm to have them. There is of course the possibility that because they are in an unusual place, it may just draw attention in a 'WTF is that light doing there - shit there's a guy on a bike' sort of way.
  10. https://www.facebook.com/video.php?v=1521657951435073
  11. http://youtu.be/HIEaIf7lMaM 8 seconds for you Las
  12. If you need any pics of any wiring in place, just let me know bud
  13. Did I misunderstand something here? You admitted to being hypnotised by the sight of cyclists schlongs bouncing back and forth, left to right, flopping from side to side......
  14. You have far too much time on your hands to find that - unless you had it saved already just waiting for the opportunity to use it!!
  15. I find around here, the 'professional' cyclists and the older cyclists ride correctly - it's the younger guys and students who think they have a invincibility cloak. The only thing I wish is that if there is only 2 or 3 riding they would not ride side by side and take up the whole road.
  16. Panic over - used web view. Think Meat has it right!
  17. Tapatalk must be having a moment!!
  18. ???? Should there be a video here?
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