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Everything posted by AndrewElvisFan

  1. Cheers Slice! I had too many battle scars on my old leather jacket, just ended on my arse, then couldn't catch anyone up to show my disapproval!! It may only be 125 but I feel so much safer on it as she sits on the road like she's supposed to be there! Adrenaline is still the colour brown, but my Gortex and armour is still in one piece and so is my bike!!
  2. Is there something else I should be doing to raise the rear wheel? The centre stand looks in good condition, so don't think it's that causing both wheels to be on the floor. It's no real issue - I just put a scaffold board on the floor when I need to oil the change! As long as it doesn't point at something else being wrong.
  3. Cheers Tommy! I'm only 10 stone! No wait, that was before I met the wife! Still only 11 and a half! I only thought about adjusting it cos the rear wheel touches the floor when on the centre stand. But if its not necessarydont think I'll worry! How will it alter the handling? I had near miss earlier today and wonder if that make it harder to handle? It does look as though if I alter it it will compress the spring and make it harder? I've also just had another look at it and this will maybe make the rear wheel touch the ground more?
  4. In light traffic, raining lightly so road wet. Keeping good distance from the Fiesta in front. About to pass parked cars, on a road which I drive my Primera on a regular basis, when she suddenly pulls an emergency stop! The reason? There was a Smart car coming the other way in a gap big enough for my car and a bus!!! I had no choice but to pull the brakes hard. As doing so noticed the awful shimmer if a rainbow on the road. My front wheel locked up and started going sideways. This has happened before on my #cough# Piaggio twist and go and so I was expecting to have a get off! Great shitting myself I realised I had managed to keep upright!!! Could not believe my luck. I knew bigger wheels were more stable but I'd have definitely been sliding on my arse had this been a couple of months ago. I can forgive all the eccentricities of my 20 yr old hack bike after this!! Why on earth did I wait so long before getting a proper size bike??! All hail king SR!! And if anyone happens to see a certain 08 black Fiesta driven by a dizzy looking blonde bimbo, without an offside mirror please give her the bird!!!
  5. Cheers jimmy! I'm sure I can bodge something up!!
  6. Hi all. Yes, I know I ought to get myself a manual but... when I put the bike in the centre stand on level ground, the rear wheel is still touching the floor. The suspensions struts look like they can be adjusted to shorten the length. Is this just a question of turning the adjuster, or is there something else I need to be aware of? I would obviously check the chain tension afterwards. The adjuster looks like it is at its lowest setting and by turning it round to the next notch it looks as though it will bring the wheel up. Sorry if this seems like a really dumb question, but after 18 years of twist and go's I've not a huge amount of experience of proper bike maintenance! Cheers
  7. I'm no mechanic, but have you checked the fuel cap is breathing? May explain no high revs if fuel is vacuumed? Like I said, I'm no mechanic and I'm probably talking out my arse!
  8. Preloads 2nd for me - obviously just been for a ride and now enjoying a pint!!
  9. I've never been a huge fan of Star Wars but then again, Vaders wife wasn't in the original! Probably would? Hell yeah!
  10. Damn and blast! I was in a cage for most of the weekend! Spent some quality sunshine hours with my 2 boys and the missus so not all bad. There will be some more sunny days I'm sure just to ride!
  11. Did you remove the tube before charging? Also I could be wrong but I think you need to remove the plugs to let it breath. Going back to the issue with no power, check the engine stop switch and wiring to that. Mine was a little corroded and not making connection all the time.
  12. Cool! You don't need the dash light when it's not dark!!! When I first picked mine up, in the snow at about 11 at night I could have done with seeing what speed I was doing. But I had my wife following me in case of any unwanted police attention! She was able to flash if I went too quick. Didn't happen though as I was on 60 mph roads!!
  13. There should be a metal washer?? Never mind! I just took my bulb into Halforda and said "one of these please". Pity you're not closer - sounds like we're having similar issues. We could have worked them through at the same time.
  14. The blue and black wire is to the dash light. That's the one I needed to change! The two nuts eithe side need to be removed. There are rubber washers on the bolt so be sure to watch where they fall! Once they are off the while dash will lift off the ignition barrel. This will make it easier to get the bulb out! I'm sure I pulled the bulb out with the rubber grommet.
  15. Lol! Another bonus then. Think I'll change my relay just for that. I take it its quite loud then? I would have more respect for cyclists if they (trying not to generalise) had any clue about road safety. To be honest I don't normally take mine over 55 but I have had the speedo showing about 65. A 125 piston isn't designed for that sort of speed and I need this bike to last a while! A previous owner has managed to break the front fixing of one of my side panels, but so far it hasn't caused me any issues. The only resolve for me is to get a new/second hand one. But in the big scheme of things I can live with this for now!
  16. I fou d it easier to disconnect the headlight from the 2 wire connectors to get it right out the way. I had to superglue the black surround and glass back into place! You may even be able to pull the rubber grommet thing out after removing the headlight and casing. Although this may prove awkward to get the new one back in. My turn to sound like a pro now! I only removed mine last week.
  17. Hi. I've also got an SR125. Lovely bike - obviously not the quickest but real easy to ride! Love it.
  18. Congrats! Got to get mine sorted somehow - looks like next summer before I can afford it all though
  19. Ps - there is a workshop forum on here, which I have found to get more responses!
  20. Won't fail cos of it. You need to remove the headlight which will then give you access to get the main dash off. Do not remove the glass or attempt to remove the top of the dash as this is not designed to be removed - as I found out! There are 2 small nuts which hold the dash in place, either side. I hope you have small fingers!! You can then get to the bulbs, which are held in place by rubber grommets. They are just push in type bulbs.
  21. Cheers airhead. I'll take note on my way to work. Think i can just about guess 2000 rpm. I may be just obsessing trying to find things wrong that don't actually exist!
  22. I appreciate any help Ben! I've levelled up the water and still a slight change in tempo. Guess I'll have to live with it!
  23. Although not all at exact same level, they are all between min and max. I couldn't too up however cos my youngest saw the water and decided to wash my back wheel with it!! I did notice that the negative terminal was not tight at all. Wonder if this may fix the issue? Soon see tomorrow. I'll be topping up the battery tomorrow anyway so they all come up to max. Just need to get more water!
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