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Everything posted by AndrewElvisFan

  1. Ink

    AndrewElvisFan replied to Mallory1's post in a topic in Yamabyss
    I did of course make sure that the needles were sterile!!! Only had the one covered because I had it done in dark colours and it just didnt look right! Don't know the song - not into peddling smut!!
  2. Ink

    AndrewElvisFan replied to Mallory1's post in a topic in Yamabyss
    All are where they can be covered when I wear a shirt and tie
  3. Ink

    AndrewElvisFan replied to Mallory1's post in a topic in Yamabyss
    I got 4. First happy with, adapted from out a book, 2nd covered by 4th, 3rd own design but done by someone in his back room and needs touching up but the needles were hitting my chest so left as is and my 4th was done freehand by really awesome guy and really happy with. Even though I think he'd just had a line!!!
  4. Completely unrelated, but as a Beemer rider, do you nod, wave or ignore????!
  5. Voltage was fine around 13.8 ish. I'll check the terminals in the casing. I know there has been water in there previously. Fingers crossed this it! Cheers
  6. I did think about HID but the cost of replacing the lens etc when my eldest will need a new school uniform in a couple of months is not viable!!
  7. Hi! Also new to 'proper' biking. You'll find they're all pretty helpful on here and most have a great sense of humour!
  8. Good assumption, but no I meant there is water at the right levels!! I don't have a metre for that, however I am always using a 12v socket which i bodged into a constant live (I thought id followed the ignition wire but obviously not)to charge my phone with the engine off and had no problems! I'm sure there's a metre at work, so I'll check that tomorrow.
  9. I'm struggling on this one! Only had the bike since March and already I've put 2 new bulbs in (I always run with dipped even in daytime). I've checked earth points I can find - removed and wire brushed etc. battery level is fine. I have noticed that when riding, the brightness does alter slightly. I can't find a logical reason why it keeps blowing. Could it be a less than perfectly flat road? I avoid pot holes but some roads are less than smooth! I'm not sure exactly when it blows as it has happened when in daylight, and I only notice it when I stop behind a car. Any suggestions would be greatly appreciated. The dash does have a small crack in it, but I did seal this and dry the inside thoroughly.
  10. AndrewElvisFan replied to clarke's post in a topic in The Bar
    Done! Sachs - there is something on the petition for outside of UK, just need to make up a reason!
  11. AndrewElvisFan replied to wild foamy's post in a topic in Yamabyss
    So I can't say why are Hondas like clitoris's Cos every c**t's got one
  12. Again, no particular order Bat out of hell Promised Land Bohemian Rhapsody American Trilogy Cocaine Blues Shit - is that 5 already???! Why only 5 - I have over 300 songs on my phone!
  13. 4 frigging hours - that's how long! 10 minutes to adjust the chain and check the tension along its whole cycle, the rest of the time drilling the bolt holding the stabilising bar out because the bastard thing sheared off and was rusted into the main casing! And now the wife has gone out to work so I have little ones to look after. No ride for me then! Bet it pisses down tomorrow!
  14. AndrewElvisFan replied to wild foamy's post in a topic in Yamabyss
    Did you hear about the ex prostitute who got the sack from the sperm bank for drinking on the job? She then got a job at the butchers when a guy said "a pound a fillet" "a pound you fucking don't!" she says.
  15. AndrewElvisFan replied to wild foamy's post in a topic in Yamabyss
    Just started a new business - home colonic irrigation kits. Hope it takes off before we get a hose pipe ban!
  16. AndrewElvisFan replied to wild foamy's post in a topic in Yamabyss
    Eve is washing her sloppy minge in the river after a session with Adam, God shouts down "Eve! I did not want the fish smelling like that!"
  17. AndrewElvisFan replied to sentiant's post in a topic in The Bar
    Unless its a chavvy teenager I nod at everything on 2 wheels with an engine - even when when in a car!!
  18. AndrewElvisFan replied to sentiant's post in a topic in The Bar
    I never got a nod in 6 years of riding my 50cc twist and go. The first time out on my SR (cold, wet and loving every minute) I passed at least 6 proper bikers and they all nodded. I got home and told the wife about all my new friends!!
  19. And then it's normally the same arseholes who stay at 40 through villages and children's (mine) play park areas!
  20. AndrewElvisFan replied to AndrewElvisFan's post in a topic in The Bar
    Lol! Same here. Not very deep and meaningful after seeing some!
  21. AndrewElvisFan replied to AndrewElvisFan's post in a topic in The Bar
    I think after reading about your run of luck, I'd be a bit of a miserable bastard too!
  22. AndrewElvisFan replied to kearnsy123's post in a topic in The Bar
    Should I be worried that my SR is like that going down the gears (but not up)?
  23. AndrewElvisFan replied to wild foamy's post in a topic in Yamabyss
    The laundrette in the monastery - is that where the monks get rid of their dirty habits?
  24. AndrewElvisFan replied to wild foamy's post in a topic in Yamabyss
    What do you call a camel with an extra hump? Humphrey