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Everything posted by AndrewElvisFan

  1. Don't always have to be on a lead - depends where you are - https://www.gov.uk/control-dog-public/dog-control-orders But you must always clean up after your dog.
  2. For £1bn I'd lick whatever you want!!
  3. So I had me a little day trip to London zoo yesterday and got thrown out for befriending a monkey.......
  4. Great news! Really are mans best friend - even if my little pup has gone through 4 pairs if slippers, 6 shoes and 2 rugs in the last 8 months!! Still love him to bits!
  5. Of course! Don't know why I didn't think of that. Cheers DT!
  6. Hi all Call me lazy but I don't want/have time or spare cash to reupholster my seat! I have noticed a half inch split in line with the moulded stitch lines. Does anybody have any tips to repair it? It's right where I sit so I know silicone type products won't be strong enough. Cheers
  7. Lol! Is that YOC/friend prices???? Any chance of tick?
  8. Ps - wtf is spunky monkey and how much is it?!?
  9. That could explain a lot. How much spunky monkey would you consider too much? Before you feel the need to comment, just as you forget where you're going with that comment or..... Shoot - what was I saying?!?
  10. And perhaps more importantly, how many contributors to this thread would actually pass a random pee test??! Except Foamy of course as he probably has to do one regularly, unlike sponging lazy oafs who find it easier to claim benefits than to get a job!
  11. I think the real question is this - What came first - the mind bending drugs or the mind bending threads?!!
  12. Just had a look at my 94 SR and there are 2 tubes one on the right at the top, venting under the bike and a more flexible rubber one coming from under the carb. Again venting straight down behind the engine.
  13. You see - never too old to learn new shit!
  14. Lol! Take your bike gloves off first and don't use a set of mole grips and hammer!
  15. If its just a keyboard you can carefully prise each key off and then give it all a good clean. Probably got dust etc inside the key itself. Take a pic of the keyboard first though unless you're a secretary!
  16. Only just seen this thread - no idea what I'd do - I don't have another cold one in the fridge. Have a warm one I guess
  17. So we're descended from chimps then? I guess you don't work at Tesco's??
  18. Lol - had to try and redeem myself after proving my lack of knowledge regarding the theorem surround speed of light!
  19. No. There is a switch which turns it off as you close the door!!!!
  20. Please accept my humble apologies for my ignorance. I have no excuse. Give my regards to Hans and his hairy mate!
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