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Everything posted by AndrewElvisFan

  1. Haha! Hey - I am the proud owner a white Elvis jumpsuit onesie!! I can take ridicule
  2. I've seen as well - I assumed that they would be as bad as using in earphones? I've seen the ones that look as though they stick inside the lid and resemble full headphones. Would you mind asking him if it blocks out much external noise? Cheers
  3. Definitely! Took me ages to free it up properly and I got bloody cold. For £7 I'll be getting one - beats the time I spent pissing around with it. Glad I took a second look at my 'free' cable.
  4. Being on a bike and enjoying twists and turns helps me forget: A roof when it's wet Heating when it's cold Air con when it's hot Bumpers 4 wheels when it's raining Vulnerability pretty much all the time What I really miss is not having a little music. I don't believe the use of earphones is safe as it completely removes a vital sense that keeps you safe. So I've been looking on eBay at small fm/mp3 type radios with a couple of small speakers. Nothing too loud just something to listen to at a sensible volume while I'm enjoying a ride. (Bearing in mind 50-60mph is my limit). Anybody's thoughts?
  5. Yes mate - sorted it dinner time today with a good load of oil using blue tac as a funnel. By the time I finished work it had all soaked through. I managed to get a load in last night from the opposite end and forcing the cable in and out. The outer casing has some light damage and had started rusting, mixing with old oil. Thick rust and oil came out eventually in lumps! Looked just like the mother in laws gravy.
  6. Well I'm not quite sure what's happening now - going to work this morning and when I release the clutch, the bike moves off really smoothly, the clutch doesn't appear to slip and there is no secondary engagement of gears! The clutch lever is adjusted back to almost minimum and the push lever returns to the exact point it should do! Now to get a new speedo gear thing as the old bearings are shot! Can't wait to see an accurate reading on my dial instead trying to find the average! Mine is an '94 model - anyone know when it changed? I've got a feeling it was late '80's and then around '02?
  7. I had a Honda City Express when I was 16. It was just like a fat bird - great fun to ride until my mates found out!
  8. Hi Qball. Got to be careful - almost gave a bit too much away there! What bike(s) do you have or had?
  9. I had no problems at squires!! (Had stalling issues going and speedo issues coming back and clutch issues when I got back but no problems there!!)
  10. Believe it or not, I've just finished picking up bits of plasticine up off the floor and was thinking just that!! Am I old before my time? Now, where did I leave my slippers......
  11. URL=http://s769.photobucket.com/user/Andrew_Campbell-Sturgess/media/photo_zpsce324e5b.jpg.html] "Only a fool breaks the 2 second rule" I prefer "Only a c*** hits the car in front"!
  12. I've just spent an hour thinking (whilst trying to tease wd40 and 3 in 1 down the cable) how I could make something like that! Thanks again. Can't test the clutch til tomorrow properly cos wife's at work and little un's should be in bed but I'll keep you updated!
  13. Why they all said - a lot of good prices on flea bay. If you decide not to fix it I know someone who'd be interested in spares!!
  14. So I got both ends disconnected and guess what? The push lever moved and although there is movement in the cable, it is not sliding in and out as smoothly as it should. Just got in from work so I'll soak it in oil this evening and report back! Think I've saved some time, effort and money here! Cheers Airhead
  15. Cheers mate! Welcome Joe - I'm probably not the best one to ask! Stick your query in the workshop area mate and I'm sure someone may be able to help!
  16. Cheers mate. Some great tips there - I was going to take pics at each step as well to be sure!
  17. Lol! maybe I shouldn't have used the word def whilst so tired!! I'm not going to get a chance to do anything inside the engine til Sunday cos of work so a quick ten minutes won't hurt! I'll whip it off tomorrow lunch when I can bring it under cover and let you know how I get on!
  18. I will try disconnecting both ends just in case - just as soon as this precipitation ceases!
  19. Will do Tommy - last time I had an engine in bits was about 18 years ago!
  20. Will do Tommy - last time I had an engine in bits was about 18 years ago!
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